Sivut kuvina

on which each respective claim is founded; and also a transcript of their decisions against claimants, with a like statement of the evidence, and the reason of such rejection.

Patent to issue when the claim

is confirmed.

Revisal of re

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of the General Land-Office, upon the receipt of such transcript of their decisions, shall issue a patent to such claimant so confirmed in his title by the said commissioners; and where any such claims have been rejected, the said Commissioner, upon application of the proper person, shall have jections. power to revise such decision of the said board, and may, if in his opinion the evidence warrants it, reverse such decision, and issue a patent therefor to such claimant: Provided, That this right to revise shall not extend to those claims rejected, where the same lands have been confirmed by the said board to some other claimant: And provided further, That the Patents to be patents so issued shall only be a relinquishment of the title of the United only a relinquish States, and shall not be considered or construed into an abridgment of the ment of title. rights of third persons.


mitted to commissioners.

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That immediately after the passage Certain books, of this act, the Commissioner of the General Land-Office shall give &c. to be transdirections to the register and receiver of the land-offices at Indianapolis forthwith to transfer to the land-offices at Vincennes the books, documents, maps, plats, surveys, and all other papers and writings deposited in the land-offices at Indianapolis by the register and receiver of the land-offices at Vincennes, and which originally were deposited in the land-offices at Vincennes, and were transferred from said offices to the land-offices at Indianapolis, under the provisions of the act "for abolishing land-offices under certain circumstances, and for other purposes," approved June the twelfth, eighteen hundred and forty; and the said land offices at Vincennes are hereby reestablished and reorganized, as fully and effectually for the transaction of business and the sales of the public lands within tablished. said Vincennes land district, as if said land-offices had not been abolished by the provisions of the act last aforesaid.

1840, ch. 36. Vol. v. p. 384. Land-offices at

Vincennes re-es

SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the commissioner, appointed Pay of comunder this act by the President, shall receive as a full compensation for missioner. his services, a salary at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum, payable quarterly out of the treasury; and the register and receiver shall Pay of register receive such compensation for their services under this act as may be just and proper, in the discretion of the Commissioner of the General Land-Office.

and receiver.

Rules and reg

SEC. 10. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the "Commissioner of the General Land-Office, to prescribe such rules and ulations to be regulations as may be necessary to give full effect to the provisions of this


APPROVED, August 18, 1856.



Feb. 27, 1856, No. 1.] A Resolution for the Appointment of Regents to fill the Vacancies in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the vacancies in the Geo. E. Badger and C. C. Felton Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, of the class "other appointed re- than members of Congress," occasioned by the resignation of Rufus gents of the Smithsonian In-Choate, and the death of John McPherson Berrien, be filled by the appointment of George E. Badger, of North Carolina, and Cornelius C. Felton, of Massachusetts.


APPROVED, February 27, 1856.

Feb. 27, 1856. [No. 2.] A Resolution to supply a Deficiency in the Appropriations for Printing for the second Session of the thirty-third Congress.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Appropriation for printing and States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the paper for 34th Treasury be and he is hereby authorized and required to apply so much Congress may be applied to that of as may be necessary of the appropriations for the printing and paper of the thirty-fourth Congress to the deficiencies for the same purposes, ordered at the second session of the thirty-third Congress. APPROVED, February 27, 1856.

the 33d.
Ante, p. 11.

March 13, 1856. [No. 3.] A Resolution providing for the final Adjustment of certain Cases of Appeal from Decisions made by the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Office Department.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Mode of decid-States of America in Congress assembled, That in every case of account ing appeals from decision of First or claim not finally adjusted, upon which the present First Comptroller Comptroller of the Treasury, as Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Office Departwhen he was ment may have decided, which may have been thereafter reexamined by


1836, ch. 270,

§ 8.
Vol. v. p. 81.

an auditor in said office on new testimony and decided by him on such testimony, and from whose decision an appeal has been taken to the present First Comptroller of the Treasury, it shall be the duty of the Second Comptroller of the Treasury and the Commissioner of Customs finally to adjust the same, and in case of disagreement between the said Second Comptroller and Commissioner of Customs, the decision of the AttorneyGeneral shall be as final as the decision of the First Comptroller would be, if he had acted under the eighth section of the Act of July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, concerning the organization of the Post-Office Department.

APPROVED, March 13, 1856.

April 5, 1856. [No. 4.] Joint Resolution for enlarging the Custom-House, Post-Office, and Court-House at Buffalo, New York.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Extension of States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the public buildings Treasury be and he is hereby authorized to extend the building now in

at Buffalo.


process of construction at Buffalo, for a custom-house, post-office, courtrooms, &c. not exceeding twenty-five feet in length, and erect proper vaults therein, if in his discretion the public interest requires the same: Provided, That such extension can be completed at an expense not exceeding thirty-three thousand dollars, including ten per cent. for contin

gencies, which sum, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money remaining in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: And provided further, That no money shall be paid under this joint resolution until the Secretary of the Treasury shall contract for the completion of said building so extended, at a cost within the sum heretofore and hereby appropriated.

APPROVED, April 5, 1856.

[No. 5.] Joint Resolution relating to the Public Lands appertaining to the Springfield and April 23, 1856. Harper's Ferry Armories, and the North Carolina Arsenal.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be Exchange of and he is hereby authorized, to exchange and convey the unoccupied field, Mass. lands and appurtenances belonging to the United States, known as the Lower Water shops, at the Springfield Armory, in the State of Massachusetts, for such other lands contiguous to the lands attached to said Armory upon the hill at Springfield, as he may deem necessary and proper for the improvement and convenience of said Armory, or in his discretion to sell the said tract known as the lower workshops and appurtenances, and to invest the proceeds of the same, or such part thereof as may be required, in the purchase of such lots or lands contiguous to the said Armory on the hill, as he may deem suitable and proper. For this purpose, he is hereby authorized to convey the title of the United States to the lands and appurtenances hereby authorized to be sold and conveyed, and to receive from individuals or corporate proprietors, deeds and titles to the lands so exchanged, sold or purchased.


SEC. 2. And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of War be and Proceeds of sale he is hereby authorized to apply so much of the proceeds of the recent of land at Harsale of land and lots at Harper's Ferry, as he may deem advisable, to the be applied per's Ferry may purchase of such other lots at that place, as he may deem necessary to the purchase other safety and convenience of the public buildings belonging to the United land. States, and that he apply the residue of the proceeds of said sales to the improvement of the property retained by the United States.

Sale of land at


of proceeds.

SEC. 3. And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of War be also authorized to make sale of such portion of the site of the United States Fayetteville. arsenal at Fayetteville, North Carolina, as in his judgment is not required for public purposes, and apply the proceeds of such sale, or so much as may be necessary, to the purchase of such additional land for the use of said arsenal, as he may deem necessary. He is for this purpose, authorized to convey the title of the United States for the lands which he may sell, to the purchaser, and to receive proper deeds and titles for the lands which may be purchased by him, as aforesaid. APPROVED, April 23, 1856.

[No. 7.] Joint Resolution for enlarging the Custom-House, Post-Office and Court-House, at

Cleveland, Ohio.

May 9, 1856.

at Cleveland.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Extension of ury be and he is hereby authorized to cause the building provided by law public buildings to be constructed at Cleveland, in the State of Ohio, for a custom-house, post-office, and court-house, to be increased in length over the plan heretofore adopted for that purpose, not to exceed twenty-five feet, and to modify and enlarge said plan so as to adapt the same to such increased length, if, in the opinion of the Secretary, the public convenience shall require such modification: Provided, That such extension and modification can be accomplished at an expense not exceeding thirty thousand dollars, and a sum not exceeding ten per cent. on the said last-mentioned sum for superintendence and contingencies; which sums, or so much thereof as



shall be necessary, are hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: And provided further, That no money shall be paid under this joint resolution until the Secretary of the Treasury shall contract for the completion of said so extended building at a cost within the sums heretofore and hereby appropriated therefor. APPROVED, May 9, 1856.

May 12, 1856. [No. 8.] Joint Resolution relating to the Appropriation for the Improvement of the Harbor at Sheboygan, Wisconsin.


1852, ch. 104. Vol. x. p. 58.


Whereas, by act of Congress entitled "An act making appropriations for the improvement of certain harbors and rivers," approved August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, the sum of ten thousand dollars was appropriated for the improvement of the harbor of Sheboygan, Wisconsin; and whereas, the city and county of Sheboygan have from time to time made appropriations for the improvement of said harbor to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, to be expended by commissioners appointed by said State; and whereas it is desirable that said appropriations should be expended under one direction, therefore

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Improvement States of America in Congress assembled, That after the Secretary of Sheboygan War shall have settled and paid all just charges existing against the said appropriation of ten thousand dollars, the balance thereof, together with all tools, implements, materials, and other property whatsoever, belonging to the United States and used in improving the said harbor, shall be transferred and turned over by the said Secretary of War to the commissioners for the improvement of the said harbor, appointed by the State of Wisconsin; Provided, That the said commissioners shall first give satisfactory security to the Secretary of War for the faithful expenditure of the money in the improvement of the said harbor.


May 14, 1856.

APPROVED, May 12, 1856.

[No. 9.] Joint Resolution for the Statistics of the Coastwise Commerce to be included hereafter in the Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury on Commerce and Navigation. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the coast wise com- Treasury in his annual reports on commerce and navigation hereafter to merce to be an- be made to Congress, cause to be stated the kinds, quantities, and value of nually reported. the merchandize entered and cleared coastwise into and from the collection



districts of the United States, and the said Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to make all rules and orders necessary to carry into effect the object of this resolution.

APPROVED, May 14, 1856.

May 15, 1856. [No. 10.] Joint Resolution for enlarging the Custom-House, Post-Office, and Court-House at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Extension of States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the public buildings at Milwaukee. Treasury be and he is hereby authorized to extend the building now in process of construction at Milwaukee, for a custom-house, post-office, courtrooms, &c., not exceeding twenty-five feet in length, and erect proper vaults therein, if, in his discretion, the public interest requires the same: Provided, That such extension can be completed at an expense not exceeding thirty-three thousand dollars, including the ten per cent. for contingencies, which sum, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money remaining in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; And provided further, That no money shall be paid under this joint resolution until the Secretary of the Treasury shall contract for the completion of said building so extended at a cost within the sum heretofore and hereby appropriated.

APPROVED, May 15, 1856.

[No.14.] A Resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to modify the Plan of Aug. 1, 1856. the Custom-House at Ellsworth, Maine.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States

house at Ells

of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury Modification of be and hereby is authorized to modify the plan of the custom-house in plan of customprocess of construction at Ellsworth, Maine, provided the increased ex- worth, Me. pense by so doing, shall not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars. And said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury for that purpose: Provided, That none of the money hereby appropriated, shall be used until the Secretary of the Treasury has contracted for the completion of the said work for the sums hereby and heretofore appropriated.

APPROVED, August 1, 1856.

[No. 17.] Joint Resolution extending the Time for the Creditors of Texas to present their Aug. 18, 1856.


Extension of

Texas claims.

1855, ch. 129. Vol. x. p. 617.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That as agreeably to the provisions of the fourth section of the act of twenty-eighth February, eighteen time to present hundred and fifty-five, "to provide for the payment of such creditors of the late republic of Texas as are comprehended in the act of Congress of September nine, eighteen hundred and fifty," notice by public advertisement was duly given for the space of ninety days, by the Secretary of the Treasury, of the time at which payments of the amount appropriated by the fifth section of said act would be made pro rata, on any bond, certificate, or evidence of debt of said State, which should be presented at the Treasury Department thirty days preceding the thirteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, the limit of said notice; and as it is represented by the said Secretary of the Treasury, that of said bonds, certificates, and evidences of debt, which have been recognized by the State of Texas, the same, equal to the sum of three hundred and eighty-nine thousand six hundred and ninety-three dollars and seven cents were not presented to the Treasury Department prior to the said thirteenth of June; Therefore, in order to do full justice to the holders of said debt, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to pay to the holders of any of the said bonds, certificates, or evidences of debt not presented before the thirteenth day of June last, who, may present and prove the same at the Treasury Department between the thirteenth day of June last and the first day of January next, and execute the proper releases to the United States and the State of Texas, their pro rata share of the said seven millions seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and after payment thereof, the said Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and required to distribute and pay the residue of the said seven millions seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars then remaining in the treasury, pro rata amongst all the said holders, who may have proved their claims and executed the proper releases on or before the first day of January next. APPROVED, August 18, 1856.

Repealed. Post, p. 252.

[No. 18.] Joint Resolution giving an increased Compensation to all Laborers in the Employ- Aug. 18, 1856. ment of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Government in the City of Washington.

Messengers in departments and bureaus, their

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That instead of the compensation now allowed by law, there shall be one principal messenger in each of the offices of the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Interior, War, pay. and Navy, Postmaster-General, and Attorney-General, at an annual sal- Post, pp. 242, ary of nine hundred dollars, and one principal messenger in each of the Bureaus of the several Executive Departments, at an annual salary of

VOL. XI. PUB.-19


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