Sivut kuvina

15. The Director of Works may, after ten days' notice Live fences to to the occupier of the land, or to the owner thereof if it is be trimmed. unoccupied, or without notice in case no owner or occupier is found in or within one day's journey from the town where it is situated, cause any tree or live fence to be cropped of superfluous branches or of branches which interfere with the traffic along any street, and may recover the expense of doing so as provided by section 12.


16.-(1.) It shall not be lawful without the permission Open space

not to be

of the Governor to erect any house, building, wall or fence built on, &c., upon, or to fence or enclose or permanently obstruct or without cultivate or turn to any private use, any open space or any permission. part thereof, whether it is private property or not, and

whether it is so declared or not.


Works that

(2.) The certificate of the Director of Works that any Certificate of land within a town is an open space shall be conclusive Director of evidence of the fact therein stated in any legal proceedings land is an without proof of the signature, unless the Court sees reason open space to to doubt its genuineness.

be conclusive.

Council may

17.-(1.) The Governor in Council may at any time Governor in direct that any unoccupied land around or adjacent to any declare open town shall be declared an open space; and after the publi- spaces adjacation of such direction in the Gazette all the provisions of cent to towns. section 16 shall apply to such land.*

of section 16

(2.) The provisions of section 16 shall apply to the Application lands declared as open spaces on the 24th of March, 1890, to open spaces as notified in the Gazette for March, 1890.

already declared.

18. Any person offending against any of the provisions Removal of of section 16 shall, on being required so to do by the building Director of Works, remove any such erection, fence or erected, &c. obstruction as aforesaid, and, so far as may be, put such open space in the same condition in which it was before the offence was committed; and shall commence to execute the required work within seven days after such requirement, and shall complete it as speedily as the nature of the work admits; otherwise the Director of Works may


* Open spaces declared at Axim. See Appendix, p. 1156. Open space declared at Cape Coast. See Appendix, p. 1157. Open spaces declared at Kwitta. See Appendix, p. 1158.

Naming of


Numbering of houses.

Owner and occupier to

execute the work and recover the expense of so doing as provided by section 12.


19. The Director of Works may name any street, and for the purpose of notifying the name may fix a post, board, plate or other thing in any street or to or against any building, wall or fence, or may paint or write the name on any building, wall or fence.

20. The Director of Works may cause the houses and buildings in any town to be numbered, and may cause the numbers to be painted, printed or written on any door, building, post, wall or fence, or may fix to any door, building, post, wall or fence any board, plate or other thing for the purpose of notifying the numbers.

21. The owner and occupier of every house or building keep numbers which has been numbered as aforesaid shall at their own

visible and legible.

Penalty for damaging

expense keep the numbers exposed to public view, and shall not allow them to become obliterated or illegible. Every person contravening this section shall be liable to a fine of five shillings, and to a further fine of one shilling for each day during which the offence continues after conviction.

22. Whoever wilfully throws down or damages any post, name-boards, board, plate or other thing fixed by the Director of Works


Demolition or
unroofing of
building to
spread of

under the powers hereby given to him, or wilfully obliterates or attempts to obliterate, partially or wholly, any letter or figure painted or written under the powers hereby given, shall be liable to a fine of ten shillings.


23. (1.) If any house or building catches or is on fire, any officer of constabulary of rank not lower than native officer, or any sergeant or superior officer of police, or any District Commissioner or Director of Works may, with the purpose of staying the spreading of the fire, order that any near or adjacent houses or premises to which the fire is likely to communicate shall be demolished, or the roofs thereof broken down, or the thatch or other inflammable

roofing pulled or broken from the roofs, or other suitable means used; but no order for the demolition of any house or premises, or for breaking down the roof, or pulling the roofing material therefrom, shall be given, unless the officer is present at the fire, and satisfied to the best of his judgment, upon personal view, that such order appears necessary for staving the progress of the fire.

(2.) Such orders may be carried out by any person; and Execution whoever obstructs in any manner the execution of any such of orders; order shall be liable to a fine of ten pounds.

penalty on obstruction:


(3.) No occupier, owner, or other person interested in any No compenhouse or premises demolished or unroofed, or from which sation to the roofing material shall have been pulled as aforesaid, shall be entitled on account thereof to any compensation.


24. The Governor may provide a public slaughter-house, Provision of or a public market, or both, for any town. Any such pro- slaughterd vision shall be notified in the Gazette.*


or measured.

25. Any person selling or offering for sale in any public Things sold market already provided or hereafter to be provided any in mark thing which according to general usage is sold by weight required to or measure shall, if required by the buyer or intending be weighed buyer, cause it to be weighed or measured by the market clerk (if any); and any such person who shall refuse to cause such thing to be so weighed or measured shall be liable to a fine of ten shillings.


26.-(1.) With regard to public slaughter-houses or Rules may markets already provided or hereafter to be provided, or be made for with regard to any one or more of such houses or markets, houses and the Governor in Council may from time to time make and, markets. when made, revoke or alter rules for all or any of the following purposes † :

(a) Regulating the use thereof, and the charges for the
use thereof or of any stall therein;

(b) Keeping the same clean and free from nuisances or
obstructions therein or in the approaches thereto;

* Appointment of public market at Winneba. See Appendix, р. 1154. † Rules for slaughter-houses. See Appendix, p. 1152,

Accra market rules. See Appendix, p. 1153.

Penalty for breach of rules.

Definition of nuisances.

(c) Fixing the days and hours for the opening of the


(d) Regulating the butchers, carriers and labourers and others resorting to or employed about the same; (e) Preventing and detecting the use of unjust weights, scales, balances or measures;

(f) Preventing cruelty therein.

(2.) Whoever wilfully breaks or disregards any such rule, or wilfully obstructs the execution thereof, shall be liable to a fine of forty shillings, and to a further fine of ten shillings for each day that any such breach or offence is continued after conviction therefor; and any unjust weights, scales, balances or measures used or found in any slaughter-house or market may be seized by any health officer or peace officer or market clerk and may be forfeited by order of the District Commissioner.


27. For the purposes of this Ordinance the following are nuisances liable to be dealt with in the manner herein provided:

1. Any street, house or premises in such a state as to be a nuisance or injurious to health;

2. Any pool, ditch, gutter, watercourse, privy, urinal, cesspool, drain, or ashpit so foul or in such a state as to be a nuisance or injurious to health; 3. Any animal so kept as to be a nuisance or injurious to health;

4. Any accumulation or deposit which is a nuisance or injurious to health;

5. Any work, manufactory, trade or business, injurious to the health of the neighbours, or dangerous, or so conducted as to be dangerous or injurious to health;

6. Any growth of weeds, prickly pear, long grass, or wild bush of any sort;

7. Any hole or excavation, well, pond or quarry, in or near any street, which in the opinion of the Director of Works is or is likely to become dangerous to the safety of the public;

8. Any well, pond or tank, the water of which is so tainted with impurities or otherwise unwhole

some as to be injurious to the health of persons
using it;

9. Any house or part of a house so overcrowded as to
be dangerous or injurious to the health of the
inmates; and

10. Swine.

But, so far as regards swine, the provisions of
this part of this Ordinance as to nuisances,
unless their application is extended or varied
by any Order or Orders made under section 3,
shall apply only to the towns and within the
limits named and fixed in the Proclamations

with regard to the keeping of swine published
in the Gazettes for November 1888 and No-
vember 1889.*


28. It shall be the duty of every inspector of nuisances Duty of to make from time to time inspection of his district, with inspector of a view to ascertain what nuisances exist calling for abatement under this Ordinance, and to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance.

29. Information of any nuisance may be given by Information any person aggrieved thereby, or by any constable.

of nuisances.


30.-(1.) Whenever any inspector of nuisances or health Notice to officer or Director of Works receives information of, or nuisance. otherwise has reason to suppose the existence of any nuisance, he shall personally, or by some messenger authorized by him, visit the premises where such supposed nuisance exists, and shall serve a notice on the person by whose act, default or sufferance the nuisance arises or continues, or the occupier or owner of the premises, requiring him to abate the same.

(2.) If the person on whom the notice is served makes on nondefault in complying with any of the requisitions thereof compliance within the time specified by the notice, or within five days to Court. if the time was not specified, or fails to satisfy the inspector of nuisances or health officer or Director of Works that he has used all due diligence to carry out the requisitions, or if the nuisance, although abated since the date of the notice,


* Berraku added, 2nd January, 1895. Gazettes for 1895, p. 1.

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