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hands of the angel that stands before the golden altar-when they and we shall seek and find access through one Mediator, by one Spirit, unto the Father?

Thou who art omniscient in counsel and mighty in deed, whose righteousness is as the great mountains, and whose judgment is everlasting; in Thy presence we now appear to give thanks unto Thee for the great, glorious, and repeated victories which Thou hast achieved for the army of our gracious Sovereign Queen, and her Allies. The stronghold of the enemy Thou hast reduced to a heap of stones, his mighty fortress to ruins, and the crown of his pride, which caused terror all around him, hast Thou rendered a spoil of nations! What shall, what can we offer to Thee, O Lord, for all the wonderful works Thou hast wrought for us? Thy condescending kindness alone encourages us to approach Thy presence with our grateful thanks, and to acknowledge that from Thee alone we derive everything, and to Thee alone belong victory and triumph. When Thy judgments come upon earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness and will understand, so that they will not listen to overbearing projects to remove the boundaries of people, to cut off nations, and to cast down their hardly-earned treasures.

Into Thy hands, O Lord, we confide the precious lives of the warriors of our Army and Navy; in the hour of peril deliver and rescue them from all evil. May Thy right hand protect them, when they fight for the righteous cause, for justice and truth. May they still continue to achieve victories in the midst of the land, by Thy Divine aid. Be unto them a rock and fortress on the day of battle; and do Thou, O Mighty One, render it a day of honour, so that their praise may resound and the Isles declare their glory.

Be, O Lord, with our valiant Allies: support, strengthen, and shield them. Grant that with our nation they may have united purposes, one wish, one desire, and one anxiety in the great covenant of peace.

Hasten the days when the sword shall return to its scabbard, and destroy and hurt no more; when the earth shall be at rest, and the nations dwell in the habitations of peace, and in quiet resting-places; the days when they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the


Fountain of all blessings! as Thou hast crowned the year with Thy goodness and opened Thy paternal hand to satisfy every soul, so deign to continue Thy mercy upon our land-the delightful land of our homes and affections-let not Thy kindness depart nor Thy covenant be removed. Bestow on her life and mercy, prosperity and tranquility everinore. Grant also Thy people Israel to rejoice and to exult in Thy help and salvation, O Thou our King and Redeemer! Amen.

Column for the Young.

CONVERSIONS AMONG JEWISH CHILDREN IN FORMER DAYS. "The children crying in the Temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David."-Matt. xxi. 15. "Laft up thy hands toward Him for the life of thy young children."--Lam, ii. 19.

(From the Friend of Israel.)

WHO has not read the simple and touching story of The Jew and his Daughter ?' A dying child, who had got some glimpses of Immanuel's countenance, led her aged father to seek Him, and to find Him; and was blest thus to lead him to the Rock of Ages only a few minutes ere she herself took flight for glory. But other accounts are not less instructive.

In 1757, a most useful minister, Mr. Risdon Daracctt, of Wellington, in Somersetshire, thus writes to Dr. Gillies, of Glasgow:-You have surely heard of Gthe Jew. He is a person of immense fortune. What think you of the grace of God coming into his family? His youngest daughter is, it seems, a real convert to vital Christianity; and, by her letters, has had some happy influence on her sister, who is

married to a nobleman. Mr. G. has a son, about twelve years old, on whom he bestows a great deal of learning. One day the child said to him, "I thank you, papa, for giving me such an education; but I'll be a minister, and preach the dear Lord Jesus Christ, my sister's Saviour?" Upon the death of a favourite servant in the house, this young person came down in the morning with this question to the servants: 'Is he dead?" They told him that he was. "Now," said he, "I charge you that none of you tell papa or mamma of it. I'll tell them myself, and I have a particular reason for it." So he went into the room where Mr. and Mrs. G. were, and, with the greatest solemnity, addressed them as follows: "Your favourite servant is dead-he is gone to appear before God's awful tribunal;

and there you, papa, and you, mamma, must stand too; and if you are not found in Christ you must be eternally miserable for all your money!" And then he with


Thus writes Mr. Daracott. But there is a narrative of three Jewish children in Prussia, which deserves to be well known. It shows so evidently that Divine grace is strong, stronger than earth, stronger than hell. It shows us young souls overcoming the world, because 'greater is He that was in them, than he that is in the world.'


About the year 1717, in Berlin, the capital of Prussia, there lived a Jew, named Isaac Veits. He had three little girls. Jewish children play like other children, and will so do even in the happy days when the glory returns to Jerusalem. (Zech. viii. 5.) It happened that these three little girls, playing in the street, got acquainted with the children of a Christian, who lived in a garret above them. This Christian was truly what he professed; he and his wife had been born again, and

washed in the blood of Jesus, and they delighted to bring others to the Saviour whom they had found. Accordingly, when the Jewish girls used to come up stairs with their playmates, they were kindly invited to come in, and were even present at the family worship of this Christian family, and listened to their hymns of praise. At this time, the age of the eldest girl, whose name was Sprintz, was twelve; her two sisters were named Guttel and Esther, the one being ten, and the other only eight years old.

One day they all spoke to the good soldier's wife, telling her that they wished to be Christians. It seems the Holy Ghost, who leads into all the truth, had been teaching them singly, showing them their need of a Saviour, renewing their wills, and persuading and enabling them to receive Jesus as their own Saviour. Nothing would satisfy them but that the soldier's wife should take them to see and speak with Mr. Kahman, the Lutheran minister of St. Mary's Church, in Berlin. She did as they desired, leaving them to talk with the minister alone. And now the fire which God had kindled began to burst forth. (To be concluded in our next No.)

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WE thankfully invite attention to the note just circulated by the Ladies' Committee of the Norwich Auxiliary:-"The present position of the BRITISH JEWS' SOCIETY calls for renewed and increased effort on its behalf, from all the friends of Israel. In order to help the present low state of its funds, it is purposed to have a SALE OF NEEDLEWORK, &c., in January next; and we earnestly plead for your kind co-operation in the work. Contributions of Drawings, Books, Useful and Fancy Work, will be thankfully received, on or before the 12th of January, 1856, by the following ladies-Miss Oxley, Drayton Lodge; Mrs. W. Jarrold, Newmarket Road; Mrs. W. Hall, Ipswich Road; Mrs. James Newbegin, Unthank's Road; Miss Alexander, St. George's; Mrs. Wheeler, Golden Dog Lane; Miss Paul, Bracondale; Mrs. Hill, St. Stephen's Square; Mrs. Beales, Newmarket Road; Miss Gill, Town Close; Miss Hall, Magdalen Street; Mrs. Bleakley, St. Andrew's. Articles sent to No. 1, Crescent Place, will be carefully forwarded.

The MONTHLY MEETING of Jewish and Gentile Christians, for Prayer and Scriptural Conference, will be held at the Office, No. 1, Crescent Place, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 21st, at Seven o'clock.-The Meeting is open to all Friends of Israel.

We regret that want of room compels us again to postpone the List of Meetings till our next. ERRATUM. In the list from FALMOUTH towards the Special Fund, inserted in our last Number, for "Mr. Foyster," read By Mr. Foyster."

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London: Published by JOHN SNOW, 35, Paternoster Row.

Printed by Charles Frederick Adams, of 23, Middle Street, Cloth Fair, City, and William Gee, of 48, Seward Street St. Luke, at their Printing Office, 23, Middle Street, Cloth Fair, City.



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THE apostle weeps over the despisers of the cross: he must necessarily regard it as by no means a matter of indifference how a man's faith and love are affected with reference to the crucified Saviour. If he had known of any other help and safety, except in the blood of Jesus, certainly he would not have wept over those who made no account of it; but in his tears the depth of his undoubted conviction is reflected, more than in any words he could use, that, out of the fellowship with Christ crucified, there is no salvation for the children of Adam. Feel, therefore, how these tears of the apostle over the enemies of the cross fall so infinitely heavier into the balances of truth than all the opposition and gainsaying of the latter, who never seriously strove to be reconciled to God, nor have endeavoured, in the sweat of their brow, to keep His law.

The tears of Paul, next to those which the Son of God once shed over unbelieving Jerusalem, are the strongest and most powerful witness for the fact that there is no possible way of deliverance for mankind on the whole, as well as individually, except that of unreserved resignation of the heart to the Man of sorrows on the tree of the cross. He that is offended at this way, and shuts his ears against the advice to enter upon it, is inevitably lost, whatever path he may else select. He "shall not see life," for he rejects it. He is "condemned already," because "he does not believe on the name of the Son of God."......

Paul wept. Certainly in his tears we see the most striking proof that he really and in full earnest believes that whosoever turns his back on the Redeemer is inevitably lost.

We often indeed hear the enemies of the cross upbraided, reviled, and assaulted at a great expense of voice and noise; but this affords no certainty whether the zealots really believe that he, who does not bow to the banner of the cross, is hastening irremediably to eternal perdition.


I think that if they actually saw the people against whom they speak walking on the edge of the abyss, their voice would undergo a change, their trumpet would emit softer tones, and their eyes would at times be filled with tears. The apostle beholds the enemies of the cross in that situation, and does not revile and rage against them, but weeps. This is the true sorrow, which the Christian religion alone produces, and which is, at the same time, a strong proof of its divine nature. The sorrow of the world, on the contrary, is the opposite of this, and only a production of mere egotism,—a secret grief and vexation that they cannot accomplish their self-seeking plans, nor place themselves on the thrones of the earth. The true Christian, forgetting himself, bedews his path with silent tears, over a world which possibly knows him not, and with which he is allied by nothing human, but which he sees walking in the path of error, and threatened with the danger of everlasting destruction, and at this his heart melts within him in sorrow and compassionate grief. Some may think him a fool, but in the eyes of God, as well as in the eyes of those who have not lost all feeling for that which is divinely true and beautiful, and who are still able to judge spiritually, he is not so.

What an interesting spectacle does the apostle present, in his prison at Rome, bitterly weeping over the fate of those who hate him, but for whom he nevertheless so deeply feels, that though he may forget his own sufferings, he cannot cease to lament over those who refuse to hear the gracious voice of Him who says, "Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest!" Oh, what a recommendatory epistle for the Christian religion is this man in chains, embracing an unknown and even hostile world with the arms of compassionate love! and what a powerful proof of the wonder-working influence of the doctrine of the cross!-From "Christ and His People," by Dr. Krummacher.

And this Roman prisoner was a Jew, and it was for the salvation of Jews that his heart's desire and prayer to God were poured forth. Let us sit down and learn thus to weep, and thus to pray, where he caught the divine emotion; and thus, under the influence of sentiments such as we have quoted above, go forth on our mission to the unbelieving and the perishing Jews of our day.

Notice of Books.

Procrastination; or, the Vicar's Daughter: a Tale. Third Edition. London: Snow.

We were not much prepossessed in favour of this book on reading the first few pages, which seemed somewhat commonplace; but a further perusal, until we had gone through the entire volume, removed our unfavourable impressions. A deep solemn interest was excited as we followed the writer in the gradual development of the evils of procrastination, until the denouement pointed the moral in a manner the most affecting. To young people the volume will prove deeply interesting and instructive, and a better or more useful present, at this or any time of the year, could not be placed in their hands.

How to Succeed in Life: a Guide to the Young. By the Rev. J. B. LEster. London: Snow.

We might repeat the closing sentence of the notice of the last-named

work, as expressive of our estimate of this. The little book consists of short pithy chapters on "Life, School Study, Languages, Talent, Difficulties, Reading, Composition, Temptation, Manners, Friendship, Home, Business, Christianity, Sabbath, and Religion." They are intended to be read separately, as will be evident, seeing the subjects, which are here copied as they appear in order in the work, have no very apparent nexus. Each essay is complete in itself, and in language plain, terse, and forcible conveys truth of vital importance which every youth would do well to learn.

We have much pleasure in noticing the publication of the Autobiography of a Fugitive Negro. By SAMUEL RINGWOLD WARD. Snow, 35, Paternoster Row. A book well adapted to sustain the interest awakened by Mrs. Stowe's invaluable work, and to diffuse among all classes healthful and useful views of slavery, and of what the liberated slave may be, and do. We hope to bestow a larger space on the contents of this work in our next number.

Missionary Intelligence.



WAR may bring in its train salvation and the Gospel of peace. We rejoice to know that the agents of kindred institutions have met with a cordial reception on the part of Jews whom the fortune of war, or rather the hand of Providence, has brought to our shores as prisoners.

One of our own Missionaries has visited the Jews in a section of the Foreign Legion, for a time in barracks on our coast. He thus writes:

I can arrive at no other conclusion than that an all-wise and benignant Providence has led me hither. I have found a field of labour small and novel in its kind, yet full of hope. Perhaps numbers of the sons of Abraham will have reason to bless God, through time and eternity, for this my visit; and it is not at all improbable that some may carry the message of peace and salvation, which they have received here, into far-distant and benighted lands. I found between 25 and 30 Israelites serving in the Foreign Legion,all of whom heard me gladly, and received my message with joyfulness; only one instance I found where the word preached proved an offence and a stumbling-block, and the individual turned away from it. Having formed an acquaintance with nearly all the officers of the regiment, I was allowed to go in and out whenever I chose. An Hungarian officer, and I believe a good man, made use on one occasion of the following words: "Our regiment will of certainty prosper, because we have so many of the sons of Israel in our midst!" This gave me no small degree of confidence in my work, and I was enabled

to speak the word with boldness. Most of the Israelites are young men of refined manners and bright intellects; several have passed through universities, and taken degrees, but, through meddling too much with politics, they were made exiles, and finally enlisted in the English service. They are now trained for the field of battle, and by next spring they will leave for the Crimea. The motives for urging upon them the necessity of a personal and immediate interest in the Saviour, were therefore most important and weighty. They listened with a deep earnestness to my instruction, and their joy and gratitude in many instances were unbounded, in hearing those truths preached to them in their native tongue. They thankfully accepted tracts and Bibles, and evinced a deep interest and pleasure in reading them; so that I have reason to believe that my visit to them will, through God's grace and Spirit, prove a blessing to many.

I likewise turned my attention to the resident Jews, and many of those who had received my visits on former occasions were pleased and thankful to see me again.

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