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invisible creation of angels and seraphs, from the footstool of God, to the throne of God himself, we ask, what are the blessings that flow from this single volume, let the question be answered by the pen of the evangelist, the harp of the prophet, and the records of the book of life.

Such is the best of classics the world has ever admired; such, the noblest that man has ever adopted as a guide.



If, on this day, after the lapse of two centuries, one of the fathers of New-England, released from the sleep of death, could reappear on earth, what would be his emotions of joy and wonder! In lieu of a wilderness, here and there interspersed with solitary cabins, where life was scarcely worth the danger of preserving it, he would behold joyful harvests, a population crowded even to satiety-villages, towns, cities, states, swarming with industrious inhabitants, hills graced with temples of devotion, and vallies vocal with the early lessons of virtue. Casting his eye on the ocean, which he passed in fear and trembling, he would see it covered with enterprising fleets returning with the whale as their captive, and the wealth of the Indies for their cargo. He would behold the little colony which he planted, grown into gigantic stature, and forming an honorable part of a glorious confederacy, the pride of the earth and the favorite of heaven.

He would witness with exultation the general prevalence of correct principles of government and virtuous habits of action. How gladly would he gaze upon the long stream of light and renown from Harvard's classic fount, and the kindred springs of Yale, of Providence, of Dartmouth and of Brunswick. Would you fill his bosom with honest pride, tell him of Franklin, who made thunder sweet music, and the lightning innocent fireworks of Adams, the venerable sage reserved by heaven, himself a blessing, to witness its blessing on our nation-of Ames, whose tongue became, and has become an angel'sof Perry,

"Blest by his God with one illustrious day,
A blaze of glory, ere he passed away."

And tell him, pilgrim of Plymouth, these are thy descendants. Show him the stately structures, the splendid benevolence, the masculine intellect, and the sweet hospitality of the me tropolis of New-England. Show him that immortal vessel, whose name is synonymous with triumph, and each of her masts a sceptre. Show him the glorious fruits of his humble enterprise, and ask him if this, all this be not an atonement for his sufferings, a recompense for his toils, a blessing on his efforts, and a heart-expanding triumph for the pilgrim adven


And if he be proud of his offspring, well may they boast of their parentage.


Sir,-As a military commander, General Jackson assuredly deserves to be ranked with the most eminent. In decision of character, in resoluteness and perseverance in action, in ardor of spirit and force of volition, he has probably few superiors. But survey the list of heroes, who crowned themselves with laurels during the last war, and ask yourselves if some of them too did not perform splendid achievements, worthy of legislative commemoration.

Sir, where is Croghan, the chivalrous Croghan? At an age, when it can scarcely be supposed that his mind was imbued in the elementary principles of military knowledge, he performed a series of splendid actions, the sublimity of which partakes more of romance than military history. Where is the lamented Lawrence, who grappled with his foe till humanity wept and tore down the flag-and, when in the agonies of death, he wrapped himself up in his country's flag, and convulsively articulated the energetic words, "don't give up the ship."

"The light which led him on,
Was light from Heaven."

Sir, the most triumphant death, is that of the martyr; the most awful, that of the martyred patriot; the most splendid, that of the hero in the moment of victory; and if the Phæton and horses of fire had been destined for Lawrence's translation, he could scarcely have departed in a brighter blaze of glory.

Where, sir, are the names of the highminded, magnanimous Perry, the gallant Decatur, the stern and inflexible Porter, Brown, Scott, Ripley, and Harrison? Poetry may attempt to delineate their actions-the chisel of Praxitiles may essay itthe republican historian may record the dry details of their various achievements, but the intense interest, the deep passion, and the high patriotism which prompted these warriors to acts of daring and bravery, and wrapped their country in one universal blaze of glory, can never be fairly impressed. Genius is unequal to the task.


Gentlemen, we are at the point of a century from the birth of Washington; and what a century it has been! During its course, the human mind has seemed to proceed with a sort of geometric velocity, accomplishing, for human intelligence, and human freedom, more than had been done in fives or tens of centuries preceding. Washington stands at the commencement of a new era, as well as at the head of the new world. A century from the birth of Washington has changed the world. The country of Washington has been the theatre on which a great part of that change has been wrought; and Washington himself a principal agent by which it has been accomplished. His age and his country are equally full of wonders! and of both he is the chief.

If the prediction of the poet, uttered a few years before his birth, be true; if indeed it be designed by Providence that the grandest exhibition of human character and human affairs shall be made on this theatre of the western world; if it be true that,

"The four first acts already past,
A fifth shall close the drama with the day;
Time's noblest offspring is the last;"

how could this imposing, swelling, final scene, be appropriately opened, how could its intense interest be adequately sustained, but by the introduction of just such a character as our Washington? Washington had attained his manhood when that spark of liberty was struck out in his own country, which has since kindled into a flame, and shot its beams over the earth. In the flow of a century from his birth, the world has changed in science, in arts, in the extent of commerce, in the improvement of navigation, and in all that relates to the civilization of man. But it is the spirit of human freedom, the new elevation of individual man, in his moral, social, and political character, leading the whole long train of other improvements, which has most remarkably distinguished the era. Society, in this century, has not made its progress, like Chinese skill, by a greater acuteness of ingenuity in trifles; it has not merely lashed itself to an increased speed round the old circles of thought and action; but it has assumed a new character; it has raised itself from beneath governments to a participation in governments; it has mixed moral and political objects with the daily pursuits of individual men; and, with a freedom and strength before altogether unknown, it has applied to these objects the whole power of the human understanding. It has been the era, in short, when the social principle has triumphed over the feudal principle; when society has maintained its rights against military power, and established, on foundations never hereafter to be shaken, its competency to govern itself.

12. SCOTLAND.-Flagg.

Scotland! There is magic in the sound. Statesmenscholars-divines-heroes and poets-do you want exemplars worthy of study and imitation? Where will you find them brighter than in Scotland? Where can you find them purer than in Scotland? Here no Solon, indulging imagination, has pictured the perfectibility of man. No Lycurgus, viewing him through the medium of human frailty alone, has left for his government an iron code graven on eternal adamant. No Plato, dreaming in the luxurious gardens of the Academy, has fancied what he should be, and bequeathed a republic of love. But sages, knowing their weakness, have appealed to his understanding, cherished his virtues, and chastised his vices.

Friends of learning! would you do homage at the shrine of literature? Would you visit her clearest founts?-Go to Scotland. Are you philosophers, seeking to explore the hidden mysteries of mind?-Bend to the genius of Stewart! Student, merchant, or mechanic, do you seek usefulness? - Consult the pages of Black and of Adam Smith. Grave barrister! would you know the law the true, the sole expression of the people's will? There stands the mighty Mansfield!

Servants of Him, whose name is above every other name, and not to be mentioned-recur to days that are past; to days that can never be blotted from the history of the church. Visit the mountains of Scotland; contemplate the stern Cameronian, the rigid covenanter, the enduring puritan. Follow them to their burrows beneath the earth; to their dark, bleak caverns in the rocks. See them hunted like beasts of prey. See them emaciated, worn with disease, clung with famine-yet laboring with supernatural zeal in feeding the hungry with that bread which gives life forevermore. Go view them, and when you preach faith, hope, charity, fortitude and long-suffering-forget them not; the meek, the bold, the patient, gallant Puritans of Scotland.

Land of the mountain, the torrent and dale! - Do we look for high examples of noble daring? Where shall we find them brighter than in Scotland? From the "bonny highland heither" of her lofty summits, to the modest lily of the vale, not a flower but has blushed with patriot blood. From the proud foaming crest of Solway, to the calm polished breast of Loch Katrine, not a river or lake but has swelled with the life-tide of freemen! Would you witness greatness?-Contemplate a Wallace and a Bruce. They fought not for honors, for party, for conquest.-'"Twas for their country and their country's good; religion, liberty and law. Would you ask for chivalry?-that high and delicate sense of honor, which deems a stain upon one's country as individual disgrace; that moral courage which measures danger, and meets it against known odds; that patriot valor, which would rather repose on a death-bed of laurels than flourish in wealth and power under the night shade of despotism?-Citizen soldier! turn to Lochiel; "proud bird of the mountain!" Though pierced with the usurper's arrow, his plumage still shines through the cloud of oppression, lighting to honor all who nobly dare to "do or die."

Where then can we better look for all that is worthy of honest ambition, than to Scotland ?


He was born to be great. Whoever was second, Hamilton must be first. To his stupendous and versatile mind no investigation was difficult-no subject presented which he did not illuminate. Superiority in some particular, belongs to thou sands. Pre-eminence, in whatever he chose to undertake, was the prerogative of Hamilton. No fixed criterion could be ap. plied to his talents. Often has their display been supposed to have reached the limit of human effort; and the judgment stood firm till set aside by himself. When a cause of new magnitude required new exertions, he rose, he towered, he soared; surpassing himself as he surpassed others. Then was nature tributary to his eloquence! Then was felt his despotism over the heart! Touching, at his pleasure, every string of pity or terror, of indignation or grief, he melted, he soothed, he roused,

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