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NAPOLEON, &C.-The Senate, after hay..
ing heard the Orators of the Council of
State, has decreed, and we ordain as fol


-The 9th Title of the Senatus Consul- made a long Report on the Projet of the tum therefore supposes that the Empresses, Organic Senatus Consultum, (which will if the Emperor should authorize it, have be given to-morrow,- -The Senate unanithe right of being consecrated, crowned, mously voted the Projet. and proclaimed, are capable, so to say, of exercising the Regency. In this august solemnity, Gentlemen, you will find intermixed the strength of remembrance, the grandeur of interests, the force of attention, the extent of hopes, even to the possibility of misfortune, and to providing against regrets. From this moment the double adoption of the nation by the sovereign, and of the sovereign by the nation, will be consecrated by whatever is most holy in religion, august in human power, and the most consoling Providence, and if possible to render this source of profound reflection and touching emotions still more fruitful. The last title of the Senatus Consultum promises the nation to see, as in other epochas of the monarchy, the hereditary Prince King of Rome, anointed and crowned under the auspices of his august Father, take beforehand the holy engagements which he is called to fulfil towards him and the state, and become thus more especially entitled to the love and devotion of the French.- As I have said enough, Gentlemen, in this short exposé to make you appreciate, in all its extent, the importance of this Senatus Consultum, a fresh monument of the constant solicitude of the Emperor for the duration of his institutions, the security of his subjects, the glory of his dynasty.This is the manner, Gentlemen, in which it is proper to reply to mad projects-anarchial hopes-I almost said, to the murderous wishes of our enemies. The People and the Governments which they attempt to deceive, will acknowledge their error, in seeing on the one side, battalions, squadrons, already arrived, or ready to march wherever the safety or glory of the Empire calls them; and on the other, wise prudence guarding the future against improbable misfortunes, and still more strengthening a Government already secured by the affection of all, and defended by the interests of all.

Extract from the Registers of the Conservative Senate, Friday, Feb. 5.

The Conservative Senate assembled to the number of Members prescribed by Art. 90 of the Act of the Constitution of the 13th Dec. 1799;-Having seen the projet of the Organic Senatus Consultum drawn up in the form prescribed by Art. 57 of the Act of Constitution of the 4th of August, 1802;After having heard on the mo tives of the said projet the Orators of the Council of State, and the Report of the Special Commission appointed in the Sitting of the 2d of this month. The adoption having been deliberated, to the number of voices prescribed by Art. 56 of the Act of the Constitution of the 4th August, 1802, decrees:

The Projet of the Organic Senatus Consultum was sent to a Special Commission, and the Senate adjourned to Friday the 5th


Sitting of Friday, Feb. 5. The Senate met at two o'clock, under the presidency of his Highness the Prince ArchChancellor of the Empire.Count Pastoret, in the name of the Special Commission appointed in the Sitting of the 2d,


Of the Regency.

Art. 1. The case occurring, in which the Emperor ascends the throne a minor, with out his Father having disposed of the Regency of the Empire, the Empress Mother unites of right to the guardianship of her Son the Regency of the Empire.-2. The Empress Regent cannot marry a second time.-3. In case of the failure of the Empress, the Regency, if the Emperor has not otherwise disposed of it, appertains to the first Prince of the Blood, and in defaultof him, to one of the other French Princes, in the order of succession to the Crown.

-4. Should there not be any Prince of the Blood capable of exercising the Regency, it passes of right to the first of the Princes Grand Dignitaries of the Empire in function at the moment of the decease of the Emperor, to one in default of the other, in the following order, viz. The first, the Archchancellor of the Empire; the second, the Arch-chancellor of State; the third, the Grand Elector; the fourth, the Constable; the fifth, the Arch-treasurer; the sixth, the Grand Admiral.-5. A French Prince, seated on a foreign Royal throne, at the moment of the Emperor's decease, is incapable of exercising the Regency.6. The Emperor not appointing Vice Grand Dignitaries, except when the Titulars are

called to foreign thrones, the Vice Grand the Constitution, retains the Regency till Dignitaries exercise the rights of the Titu- the majority of the Emperor.The lar, whose places they supply, even in what French Prince who is prevented by any regards the entrance into the Council of cause whatever from exercising the Regency Regency.7. The Titular Princes of the at the moment of the Emperor's decease, Grand Dignitaries of the Empire, who, ac- cannot, that impediment ceasing, take on cording to Article 51 of the Act of the Con-him the exercise of the Regency. stitution of the 18th May, 1804, were deprived of the exercise of their functions at the moment of the decease of the Emperor, cannot resume, their functions till they are recalled by the Regent.8, To be capable of exercising the Regency, a French Prince must be of the age of 21 years complete. All the Acts of the Regency are in the name of the minor Emperor.



Of the Council of Regency.

I.-Of the Formation of the Council

of Regency.

19. The Council of the Regency is composed of the first Prince of the Blood, of the Princes of the Blood, uncles of the Emperor, of the Princes Grand Dignitaries of the Empire.-20. If there is no Prince," uncle to the Emperor, the nearest kinsman of the Emperor, in the order of succession, has entrance to the Council of Regency. 10. The Emperor disposes of the Re- -21. The Emperor, either by letters or gency, either by an act of his will, accord-by will, adds to the Council of Regency ing to the forms established by the statute the names of such members as he judges of the 30th March, 1806, or by letters pa-proper.- -22. None of the Members of

Of the manner in which the Emperor disposes of the Regency.



the Council of Regency can be removed from his functions by the Empress Regent, gent, or the Regent, preside in the Council or the Regent.-23. The Empress Re

Sect. 2.-Of the Deliberations of the Council of Regency.

Of the extent of the power of the Regency, and of its duration. 11. Until the majority of the Emperor,of Regency, or delegate, to preside in their the Empress Regent, or the Prince Regent, place, one of the French Princes, or one of will exercise for the minor Emperor all the the Princes Grand Dignitaries. Imperial power.-12. Their functions commence at the moment of the decease of 24. The Council of Regency deliberates the Emperor.-13. The Empress Regent appoints to the Grand Dignities and great necessarily by the absolute majority of Offices of the Empire, and of the Crown, voices.-1. On the marriage of the Emwhich are or become vacant during the Re-peror.-2. On the declarations of war, and on the signing of treaties of alliance; andgency.-14. The Empress Regent, or Regent, may appoint or dismiss all the Mi-3. On every alienation or disposition to nisters without exception, and may raise form new dotations of immoveable property, citizens to the rank of Senators conformably composing the extraordinary domain of the to Art. 57 to the Act of the Constitution of Crown.-4. On the question whether the the 18th of May, 1804.-15. If the mi-Regent nominates to one or more of the nor Emperor dies, leaving a brother heir Grand Dignitaries of the Empire, vacant to the throne, the Regency of the Empress, during the minority?-25. The Council or of the Prince Regent, continues without of Regency shall exercise the functions of any new formality.- -16. The Regency the Privy Council, as well in matters of of the Empress ceases, if the order of inhe-grace and favour as in the drawing up ritance calls to the throne a Prince who is natus Consultum. not her son. It is provided, in this case, for the exercise of the Regency conformably to Art. 4.-17. If the minor Emperor dies, leaving the Crown to a minor Emperor of another branch, the Prince Regent shall retain the exercise of the Regency till the majority of the new Emperor. 18. The French Prince, or the Prince Grand Dignitary, who exercises the Regency from defect of age, or other impediment, in the Prince called before him to the Regency, by


-26. In case of dis

agreement, the voice of the Empress or of the Regent shall give the preponderance. If the Presidency is exercised by delega tion, the Empress Regent or the Regent shall decide.-27. On all other affairs referred to its examination, the Council of Regency shall have only a consultative voice.

-28. The Minister Secretary of State shall hold the pen at the sittings of the Council of Regency, and he shall draw up the proces verbal of its deliberations.


Of the Guard of the minor Emperor. 29. The Guard of the minor Emperor, the superintendence of his Household, and the care of his education, shall be confided to his Mother.-30. In default of a Mother, or of a Prince designated by the deceased Emperor, the care of the Emperor is confided by the Council of Regency to one of the Princes titulated the Grand Dignities of the Empire.-31. This choice shall be made by a scrutiny, and carried by❘ an absolute majority of voices; in case of being equal, the Regent shall decide.


shall take, within three months after the
decease of the Emperor, the following oath,
in the same manner, and before the persons
appointed to receive the oath of the Em-
press:-I swear fidelity to the Emperor;
I swear to conform myself to the Acts of
the Constitution, and to observe the dispo-
sitions made by the Emperor concerning
the exercise of the Regency, and faithfully
to return to the Emperor, on his coming to
age of majority, the power confided to me.
I swear to maintain the integrity of the ter-
ritory of the Empire; to respect, and cause
to be respected, the equality of rights, the
civil liberty, the irrevocability of the sale
of National effects, not to raise any impost,
nor establish any tax, but for the use of the
State, and conformable with the fundamen-
tal laws of the Monarchy; to maintain the
institution of the Legion of Honour, and to
govern with a sole view to the interest,
welfare, and glory of the French People.

-36. The Prince Arch-Chancellor, assisted by the Minister Secretary of State, shall form à proces verbal of this oath. The Act shall be signed by the Empress or the Regent, by the Princes, the Grand Dignitaries, the Ministers, and the great Officers of the Empire.


of the Administration of the Imperial Domains, and of the Disposition of the Revenue in case of a Minority and Regency.

On the Oath to be taken by the Empress Regent, and that of the Prince Regent, for the exercise of the Regency. Section I.-Of the Empress Regent's Oath. 32. If the Empress Regent has not taken the oath during the Emperor's life-time, for the exercise of the Regency, she shall take it within three months next following the Emperor's decease. 33. The oath shall be taken by the minor Emperor, seated on his throne, assisted by the Prince Arch-Chancellor of the Empire, the French Princes, the Council of Regency, the Cabinet Ministers, the great Officers of the Empire and the Crown, the Ministers of State, and the Grand Eagles of the Legion of Honour, in presence of the Senate and of the Council of State.-34. The oath to be taken by the Empress is conceived in these terms:-I swear fidelity to the Emperor; I swear to conform myself to the Acts of the Constitution, and to observe the dispositions made by the Emperor, my Consort, for the exercise of the Regency, not to consult in employing my authority, aught else than my love and devotion for my Son and for France, and faithfully to return to the Emperor on his coming of age the powers confided to me. I swear to maintain the integrity of the territory of the Empire; to respect, and cause to be respected, the Laws of the Concordat, and the Liberty of 39. When the decease of the Emperor Religious Worship; to respect, and cause shall take place, the Prince Arch Chanto be respected, equality of Rights, Civil cellor of the Empire, or in default of him, Liberty; and the irrevocability of the Sales the first in rank of the Grand Dignitaries, of the National Effects; not to raise any shall cause seals to be put on the chests of Imposts, nor establish any Tax, but for the treasure of the Private Domains, by the Seuse of the State, and according to the fun-cretary of State to the Imperial Family, in damental Laws of the Monarchy, to main- presence of the Grand Judges, of the Chantain the Institution of the Legion of Honour, cellor of the Senate, and the Intendant Geand to govern with the sole view of the in-neral of the Private Domains.-40. It terest, welfare, and glory of the French People.

Sec. 1. Of the Regent's Oath.
35. The Prince called to the Regency

Section 1.-Of the Crown Funds. 37. During the Regency, the administration of the Crown Funds shall continue according to the rules established. The use to which the revenues are to be employed is fixed in the usual forms, under the authority of the Empress Regent, or of the Regent.38. The expense of their house-keeping, and their personal expenses, shall form part of the Crown Budget.

Section 2,-Of the Private Domains.

shall be proceeded with according to the orders of the Family Council, to take inventories of the funds and articles of moveables, by the Secretary of State to the Im

perial Family, assisted by the persons no-
minated in the preceding article.41.
The Council of the Family will attend to
the execution of the dispositions of the Se-
natus Consultum of the 30th Jan. 1810,
concerning the Partition of the Effects of
the Private Domains. The funds belong-
ing to the Emperor, after this partition,
shall be thrown by the Treasurer of the
Private Domains into the Imperial Trea-
sury, under the care of the Family Coun-
cil, and placed in the most beneficial man-
ner. 42. The produce of the same shall
be successively added to the principal, and
the whole remain in reserve until the Em-
peror become of age. 43. Account
shall be rendered of all these operations by
the Family Council to the Empress Re-
gent, or Regent, who will give the defini-
tive authorization for placing them out.
Sec. 3. Of the Extraordinary Domains.

the commencement of a minority, without its having been foreseen by the Emperor previous to his decease, the powers of the Ministers shall be prorogued till the Regent's arrival, as is before mentioned in Article 48.

Sec. 3.-In cases not foreseen.

51. If in the absence of the Emperor, major or minor, or in the absence of the Regent, the Government being in the hands of the Council of Ministers, presided over by a Grand Dignitary, there should be presented, for resolving any questions not decided by the present Act, the said Council of Government, performing the functions of a Privy Council, shall put in form the projet of the Senatus Consultum, and cause to be presented to the Senate by two of its Members.


Of the Anointing and Coronation of the

44. The Empress Regent, or the Prince Regent, shall dispose of, if they judge con- 52. The Empress Mother of the Heredivenient, all the funds of 50,000 franks in-tary Prince, King of Rome, may be anointterest and upwards which have been made ed and crowned. -53. This prerogative before the minority, without having been shall be accorded to the Empress by letters disposed of, or caused to be returned to the patent, published in the customary forms, Extraordinary Domains of the Crown dur- and which shall be besides addressed to the ing the Regency.45. The other funds Senate, and entered in their registers. remain in reserve until the Emperor comes 54. The coronation shall take place in the of age. 46. The Administration of the Basilique of Notre Dame, or in any other Extraordinary Domains shall continue, ac- church desiguated in the letters patent. cording to the established rules, as is said before, concerning the Domains of the Crown. 47. The funds which may be found in the Treasury of the Extraordinary Domains, at the time of the Emperor's decease, shall be thrown into the Treasury of the State, and there remain till the Emperor comes of age.


In case of the Emperor or Regent's Absence. Sec. 1.-In case of the Emperor's Absence. 48. If, at the moment of the Emperor's decease, his successor is out of the territory of the Empire, the powers of the Ministers shall be prorogued until that the Emperor is arrived in the territory of the Empire. The first in rank of the great Dignitaries shall preside in the Council which governs the State, under the form of a Council of Government. The deliberations there shall

be taken by an absolute majority of votes; the President having a casting vote in case of being equal.49. All the Acts shall be made in the Emperor's name, but he shall not commence exercising the Imperial power until he is within the territory of the Empire.

Sec. 4.-In case of the Regent's Absence.

50. In case of the Regent's Absence at


of the Anointing and Coronation of the

Prince, Imperial King of Rome.

55. The Imperial Prince, King of Rome, may in his quality as Heir to the Empire, be anointed and crowned in the Emperor's life-time.- -56. This ceremony cannot take place but by virtue of letters patent, in the same form as those relative to the coro

nation of the Empress.--57. After anointing and coronation of the Prince Imperial regulations, Imperial statutes, decrees, and King of Rome, the Senatus Consultum laws, all other acts emitted by the Emperor, or made in his name, shall bear, besides the indication of the year of his reign, the year of the coronation of the Prince Imperial King of Rome. 58. The present organized Senatus Consultum shall be transmitted by a Message to his Majesty the Emperor and King.

The Presidents and Secretaries.

The Count de BEAUMONT.
Count de LAPPAUNT.

(Seen and Sealed) The Chancellor of the



"Gentlemen, Deputies from the Departments to the Legislative Body.

We do hereby command and ordain that the Emperor delivered the following these presents, furnished with the Seal of speech: the State, inserted in the Bulletin of the Laws, shall be addressed to the Courts, Tribunals, and other Administrative Authorities, for the purpose of being inserted in their Registers, to be observed and caused to be observed by them; and our Grand Judge, Minister of Justice, is charged with superintending the publication of the same. Given at our Palace of the Thuilleries, the 5th Feb. 1813,



Count DARU.

By order of the Emperor,
The Minister Secretary of State,
Seen by us, the Arch-Chancellor of the
Empire, (Signed) GAMBACERES

"The war again lighted in the North of Europe offered a favourable opportunity to the projects of the English upon the Peninsula. They have made great efforts. All their hopes have been deceived. Their army was wrecked before the citadel of Burgos, and obliged, after having suffered great losses, to evacuate the Spanish territory.I myself entered Russia. The French arms were constantly victorious, in the fields of Ostrowno, Polotsk, Mohilow, Smolensk, Moscow, Malairadslavitz. The Russian armies could not stand before our armies, Moscow fell into our power!· Whilst the barriers of Russia were forced, and the impotency of her arms acknowParis, February 14. ledged, a swarm of Tartars turned their To-day, Sunday the 14th of February, parracidal hands against the finest proHis Majesty the Emperor and King de- vinces of that vast empire, which they had parted at one o'clock from the Palace of the been called to defend. -They in a few Thuilleries, in grand state, to proceed to weeks, notwithstanding the tears and dethe Palace of the Legislative Body. Sal- spair of the unfortunate Muscovites, burned voes of artillery announced the departure of more than four thousand of their finest vilHis Majesty from the Thuilleries, and his lages-more than fifty of their finest towns; arrival at the Legislative Body.[Here thus gratifying their ancient hatred, under follows the route the procession took.]— the pretext of retarding our march, by The President of the Legislative Body and surrounding us with a desert. We tri25 deputies received His Majesty at the umphed over all these obstacles! Even bottom of the staircase, and conducted him the fire of Moscow, by which in four days to the apartment prepared to receive him. they annihilated the fruits of the labours The Deputation from the Senate and and cares of four generations, changed in Council of State having taken their places, no respect the prosperous state of my afand Her Majesty the Empress being seated fairs.But the excessive and premature on the throne, in front of the Emperor's rigour of the winter brought down a heavy throne, accompanied by Her Majesty the calamity on my army; in a few nights I Queen Hortense, and surrounded by the saw every thing change! I experienced Officers of her Household, the Diplomatic great losses! They would have broken Corps occupied a Tribune to the right. my heart, if, under such circumstances, I The Emperor, after having rested himself could have been accessible to any other in his apartment, went to the hall of the sentiments than those of the interest, the Legislative Corps, preceded by his suite. glory, and the future prosperity of my On the entry of His Majesty all the Depu- people.On seeing the evils which ties arose. His Majesty seated himself pressed upon us, the joy of England: was upon his throne, the Princes, Grand Dig-great-her hopes had no bounds; she of nitaries, &c. having taken their places according to their rank. The Emperor being seated, the Grand Master of the Geremonies took His Majesty's orders for opening the Sitting.The Prince ViceGrand Elector, demanded His Majesty's permission to present to him the Members of the Legislative Corps lately elected, and allow them to take the oath.One of the Officers called over the names, and the oath was taken.This being finished,

fered our finest provinces as the reward of treason-she made as the conditions of peace the dismemberment of this vast empire: it was, under other terms, to proclaim perpetual war.The energy of my people under these great circumstances; their attachment to the integrity of the empire; the love which they have shewn me, have dissipated all these chimeras, and brought back our enemies to a more just consideration of things.The misfor

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