Sivut kuvina


sxprefiing of fome words for phrases of
ancient usage, in terins more tuitable to
the language of the present times, and
the clearer explanation of fome other
words and phrases, that were either of
doubtful fignification, of other wife li
able to misconstruction: Or thirdly, for
amore perfect rendring of fuch porti
ons of holy Scriptures as are inferted
into the Liturgy which, in the Epi-
tlesand Gospels especially, and in fun
dry other places, are now ordered to

be read according to

the lait Translati

on: and that it was thought conveni
ent that fome Prayers and Thanksgi
vings fitted to special occafions should
be added in their due places; parti
cularly for those at Sea, together with
anOffice for the Baptifm of fuch as are
of riper years; which, although not to

when the former Book Was

compiled, yet by the growth of Anabap
tifm through the licentiousness of the
date times crept in amongit us, is now
Become neceffary, and may be always
nfeful for the Baptizing of Natives in


plantations, and


the Faith. If any man, who shall defire a more particular account of the leveal: Alterations in any part of the Liturgy, shall take the pains to compare the present Book with the formers we doubt not but the reason of the change may eafile appear.



And having thus endeavoured to difcharge our duties in this weighty Affairs as in the fight of God, and to approve our fincerity therein (fo far as lay in us) to the confciences of all men though we know it impoffible (in variety of apperhenfions, humours, and interests, as are in the world) to please ait, nor can expect that men of factious, peevish and perverse spirits should be fatisfied with any thing that can be done in this kind by any other than themselves: Yet we have good hopes that what is here presented, and hath been by the Convocations of both Provinces with great diligence exa mined and approved, will be also well accepted and approved by all fobers peaceable, and truly confcientious fons

others converted to of the Church of England.

Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

Here was never any thing by the
of man fo wen devised, or fo



fure ettablished, which, in nuance of time, hath not been corrupted: As, among other things, it anay pleinly appear pear by the Common Prayers in the Church, commonly call eed Divine Service. The firft original and


if Fa a man ma would fearch

would have fuch language spoken to the people in the Church, as they might underitand,

by hearing


have profit and fame, The Service in this Church of England thess many years hath been read in Latio to the people, which they underitand not, fo that they have heard with their ears only, and their heart, spirit and mind have

Now of late time a the whole

our by the ancient Fathers, he that find,
that the fame was not ordained but of
good purpose, and for a great ad
vencement of godliness. For they fo
ordered the matter, that all
Bible, or the greatelt part thereof)
Ghould be read over once every year;
intending hereby, that the Clergy,
pecially fuch as were Minilters
Congregation, should (by often read-
ing, and meditation in Gods word) be


in the

Hitred up to godliness then felves, and
exhort others by whole.

be more able to
Join Doctrine, and to confute them that
were adverfaries to the Truth; and fur
ther, that the people (by daily hearing
of holy Scripture read in the Church)
might continually profit
mors in the knowledge of God, and be

more and

e inflamed with the love of


few of them have

not been edified thereby. And furthermore, notwithftanding that the ancient Fathers have divided the Plains into seven portions, whereof every ons was called a Nocturn: been daily faid, and the rest utterly omitted. Moreover, the number and hardness of the Rules called the Pie, and the m manifold changings of the Service, was the caufe, that to turn the Book only was to hard and intricate a matter, that many times there was more buhines to find out what should be read, than to read it when it wasfound out. These inconveniencies therefore confidered, here is Set forth fuch an Order whereby the fame shall be redreifed.And for a readiness in this matter, here is drawn out a Kalendar for that purpore, which is plain and safie to be underItood, wherein (fo much as may be) the reading of holy Scripture is fo fet forth, that all things shall be done in order, without breaking one piece from another. For this cause be cut off Anthems,

the more

true Religion.
But these many years

paffed, this godly

and derent Order of the ancient Fathers hath been fo altered, broken and neglected, by planting in uncertain Stories,

and Legends, with multitude of Re-Refponds, Invitatories, and fuch like

sponds, Verfes, vain Repetitions, Commemorations and Synodals; that commonly wh when any Book of the Bible was begun, after three or four Chapters were read out, and the reit were unread. And

in this fort, the Book Advent, and

gun in

of Ifaiab was be

the Book of


in Septuagefima; but they were only be
gun and never read through: After like
fort were other Books of holy Scripture
used. And moreover, whereas St. Paul

things as did break the continual course
of the reading of the Scripture.
Yet, because there here is no remedy, but
that of neseffity there mult be fome
Rules; therefore certain Rules are here
fet forts; which, as they are few in
number, fo they ars plain and easie to
beunderstood. So that here you have an
Order for Fraver, and for the reading
of the holy Scripture, much agreeable
to the mind and Parpole of the old

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order be not contrary to any thing contained in this Book. And if the Bishop of the Diocese be in doubt, then he may fend for the resolution thereof to the Archbishop.

Fathers, and a great deal more profit shall alway refort to the Bishop of the
able and commodions, than that which Diocess, who by his discretion that
of late was ufed. It is more profitable, take order for the quiering and ap-
because hers are left sut many things, peating of the same, so that the fas
whereof fome are untrue, fome uncer-
tain, fome rain and fuperftitious; and
nothing is g is ordained to be read, but the
very pure Word of God, the holy Scri
ptures, or that which is agreeable to
the fame; and that in fuch a Language
and Order as is moit eafie and plain for
the understanding bork of the readers
and hearers. It is also more commodi-
ous, both for the shortness thereof,
and for the plainness of the Order,
and for that the Rules thereof be few
and eafie.

And whereas heretofore there hath been great diverfity in saying and finging in Churches within this Realm, fome following Salisbury Ufe, fome Hereford Ufe, and forme the Use of Han. gors fome of York, forme of Lincoln, now from henceforth all the whole Realm shall have but one. Ufe.

e so

And forafmuch as nothing can be fo Plainly fet forth, but doubts may arife in the use and practice of the fame; to appease all fuch diverfity (if any arife) and for the refolution of all doubts concerning the manner how to anderHand, do, and execute the things contained in this Book; the parties that fo doubt, or diverily take any thing,

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Of Ceremonies, Why some are
F such Ceremonies as be used in
the Church, and have had their
beginning by the inftitution of
man, fome at the firit were of
godly intent and purpose davised, and
yet at length turned to vanity and fu-
perftition Sose entred into the Church
by undiscreet Devotion, and such a a Zeal
as was without knowledge and for
because they were winked at in the be
ginning, they grew daily to more and
mors Abuses, not only for their unpro-
fitableness, but alfo because be they have

much blinded the people, and obfcured
the Glory of God, which are worthy to
be put away, and clean rejected: Other
there be, which although they have been
devised by by man, yet it is thought good
to referve them ftit as well for a decent
Order in the Church (for the which
they were firft devised (as because they
pertain to edification, whereunto an
things done in the Church (as the A-
rotle teacheth) ought to be referred,
And although the keeping or omit
ting of a Ceremony, in it self confi.
dered, is but a small thing; yet the
wilful and contemptuous tranfgreffi n
and breaking of a come on Order and
Difcipline, is no small offence before
God. Let all things be done among you,

"Hough it be appointed, That all things thall be read and fung in the Church in the English Tongue, to the end that the Congregation may be thereby edified, yet it is not meant, but that when men say Morning and Evening Prayer privately, they may fay the lame in any language that they themtalves do understand.

And ad Priefts and Deacons are to fav daily the Morning and Evening Prayer, either privately or openly, not being let by fickness, or fome other urgent caufe.

And the Curate that miniftreth in every Parish-Church of Chapel, being at home and not being otherwise rea fonably hindred, shall say the fame in the Parish-Church or Chapel where he miniftreth, and shall cause & Bell to be tolled thereanto a convenient awe be. fore ha begin, that the people may come to hear Gods Word, and to pray with him.

abolished, and some retained. minds of men are so diverse, that fome think it a great matter of Confeience to depart from a piece of the leait of the ir Ceremonies, they be fo addicted to their old custom; and again on the other fide, fome be so new-fangled, that they would innovate all things, and fo despise the old, that nothing can like them, but that is new: it was thought expedient not fo much to have respect how to please, and fatisfie either of these parties, as how to please God, and profit them both. And vet left any man should be offended, whom good reaton might satisfie, here be certain causes readred, why some of the accustomed Ceremonies be put away, and fome retained and kept itill.


Some are put away, because the great excess and multitude of them hath fo increased in these latter days, that the burden of them was intolerable; whereof Saint Auguftincin his time complained that they were grown to fuch a number, that the eitate of Chriltian people was in worse cafe concerning that at ter, than were the Jews. And he counfelled that fuch yoke and burden should be taken away as time would farve qui etiy to do it But what would Saint Angustine have ave faid, if he had seen the remonies of late days ufed among usو whereunto the multitude used in bis time was not to be compared? This ous


faith Saint Paul, in a Seemly and due or der The appointment of the which Order pertaineth not to private men, therefore no man ought to take in hand, excessive multitude of Ceremonies was or prefume to appoint or alter any fo great and many of them fo dark, that publick of common Order in Chrifts/they did more confound and darken,

Chutch, except he be lawfully called and authorized there unto.

And whereas in this our time, the

than declare and fet forth Chrifts benefits unto us. And befides this, Chrifts Gospel is not a Ceremonial Law (as much ing and Evening Prayer fo as the most part thereof will be tead every year ofice, as in the Kalendar is spointed.

The Order bow the Pfalter, &c. is appointed to be read.

to a

be e

much of Mofes Law was) but it is a Re- quity, if they win declare themselves Rgion to terve God, not in ondage of to be more ftudious of Unity and Conthe figure or shadow, but in the freedom cord, than of Innovations and Newof the Spirit; being content only with fangleness, which (as much as may be thofe Ceremonies, which do ferve decent Order and godly Difcipline, and fuch as be apt to stis up the dull mind of man to the te nembrance of his duty to God, by fome notable and special figui fication, whereby the might be dified. Furthermore, the moit weighty cause of the abolishment of certain Ceremonies was, That they were fo fat the superftitious Blinders Part the bu of the rude and unlearned, and partly by the unfatiable avarice of such as fought more their own fucre, than the Glory of God, that the abuses could not well be taken away, the thing remaining Bill.


with true fetting forth of Chritts Re-
ligion 1) is alway to be eschewed. Fur-
thermore, such shall have no juft caufe
with the Ceremonies referved to be
offended. For as those be taken away
which were moft abused, and did bur-
den mens Confciences without any
Cause, so the other that remain, are
retained for a Difcipline and Order,
which (upon jätt Causes
be al-
tered and changed, and therefore cre
not to be esteemed equal with Gods
Law. And moreover, they be neither
dark nor dumb Ceremonies, but are to
fet forth, that everyman may under-
stand what they do man, and to what
use they do ferve. So that it is not like
that they in time to come should be a
buted as other have bean. And in thele
our doings we condemn no other Na-
tions, nor prescribe any thing but to
our own People only for we think it
convenient that every Country should
use such Ceremonies as
belt to the ferting forth of Gods Ho-
nour and Glory, and to the reducing
of the people to a molt perfect and
godly living, withont Error or Super-
stition; and that they thould put a-
way other things. which from time to
time they perceive to be most abused,
as in mens Ordioanses it often
chaneeth diverily in divers Cosa-

But now as concerning those, Persons Which peradventure will beoffended, for that fome of the old Cere nonies are retained itilt: If they confider that with ont some Ceremonies it is not poffible to keep any Order, or quiet Difcipline in the Church, they then easily perceive juft caufo to reform their judgments. And if they think much that any of the old do remain, and would rather have ad devised anew: hen fuch men grant ing forme Ceremonies convenient to had, furely where the old may be well afed, there they cannot reasonably reprove the old only for their age, with out bewraving of their own folly For in fuch a cafe the? ought rather to have reverence unto them for their Anti- tries.

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as they thall think

The Order bow the Psalter is appointed to be read. THE Pfalter shall read be through long to be read at one time; it is so orout every Month, ic is dered, that at one time thall not be be read appointed, both for Morning and above four or five of the faid Portions. Evening Prayer. But in February And at the end of every Plain, and of every fuch part of the CXIX Pfalm,


it haft be read only to the Twanty eighth
of twenty ninth day of the Month. hall be repeated this Hymn.

And whereas Fanuary, March, May,
July, August, October, and December have
One and thirty day aniece: It is Order

ed, that the fame Pfalms be read

the lai day of the faid Months, which were read the day before: So that the Pfalter may begin again the first day of the next Month eofuing.

And whereas the CXIX Pfalm is di vided into XXII. Portions, and is over


Glory be to the Farber, and to the Son z
and to the Holy Ghot
As it was in be beginning, is now, and
ever shall be : world without end. Amens
Nore, That the Pfalter followeth the
Divifion of the the rews,atnd the Tranf-
letion of the great Englia Bible, fec
forth and ufed in the time of King
Henry the Eighth and Edward the Sixth.

The Order bow the rest of the baly Scripture is appointed to be read.
HE Old Testament is appoint
ed for the first Leffons at

shall be read for the Leffons both at Morn- Morning and Evening Prayer; except only the Moveable Fealts, which ate not in the Kalendar, and the Immoveable, where there is a blank left in the Column of Leffons; the proper Leflone for all which days are to be found in the Table of proper Leifons.

The New Testament is appointed for the fecond Leffons at Morning and Evening Prayer, and shall be read over orderly every year thrice, besides the Epiltles and Gospels; Except the Apocalyps, out of which there are only cercain proper Leffons appointed upon

divers Fe Featts.

And to know what Leffons had be read every day, look for the day of the Month in the Kalendar following, and there ye skal find the Chapters that

And note, That whenfoever proper Plaims or Leffons are appointed; then the Pisims and Leffons of ordinary conrfe appointed in the Pfalter and Kalendar (if they be different) shall be omirted for that time.


alfo, That the e Collect, Epiltle and Gospel appointed for the Sunday, shall ferve all the Week afrer, where it is not in this Book otherwise ordered. TABLES

TA BL ES and RULES, for the Moveable and

Immoveable Feafts,

ther with the days of Fafting Abstinence bleaf Toge Rules to know when the Moveable Feasts and A Ible of the Vigils, Fasts and Days of

Moly-days begin.


(on which

the reft depend)

Abstinence to be observed

The Evens or Vigils before the Nabithe T vity of our Lord. Before the Purification of the Blesled Virgin Mary. Be. fore the Annunciation of the Blefed Virgin. Before Eatter-day. Before Af

is always the Ατλ full Moon, which happens next after the one and twentieth day of March. And if the full Moon happens upon a

Sunday, Rafter-day is the Sunday after. cenfion-day. Before Pentecoft. Before
Advent-Sunday is always the nearest S. Matthias. Before S John Baptift. Be-
Sunday to the
whether before or after.

to the of S. Andrew,






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A Table of all the Feasts that are to be obServed in the Church of England through the Year.

fore S. Peter. Before S. James.Before S. Bartholomew.BeforeS. Matthew.Before S. Simon andS. Jude. Before S. Andrew. Before S. Thomas. Before All Al Saints. Note, That if any of these Featt-days fall upon a Munday, then the Vigil or Faft-day shall be kept upon the Saturday, and not upon the Sunday next hefore it.

Days of Fasting or Abstinence. 1.He fourty days of Lent. The Emberdayat the the four seasons, being the Wednesday, Friday. and Saturday after the first Sunday in Lent. The Feast of Pentecoft. SeptemIII. The three Rogation days, being Paul. Of the Purification of the blessed Virgin. Of S. Matthias the Apofile. hed the Munday, Tuesday, and WednelOf day before Holy Thuriday, or the Af the Annunciation of the bleffed Virgin. cenfion of our Lord. Of S. Mark the Evangelift. Of S. Philip and Jacob the Apostles. Of the Afcenfion of our Lord Jesus Chrift. Of S. Barnajon except Christmas-day. bas. Of the Nativity of S. John Baptist. Certain Solemn days for which particular Of S. Peter the Apostle. OfS. James the Services are appointed.

LI Sundays in the Year. The CircumA con of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Of the Epiphany. Of the Converfion of $. ber 14. December 13

Of S. Matthew Apostle. Of S. poftle ofs.Bartholomew the Apostle. chael and all Angels. Of S. Luke the Evangelift. Of s. Simon and S. Jude the Apofties. Ofall Saints. Of S. Andrew the At ottle. Of S. Thomas the Apostle. Of the Nativity of our Lord. Of S. Stephen the Martyr. Of s. John the Evangelift. Of the holy Innocents.

Munday and Tuesday in Eafter-week.

IV. All the Fridays in the year,


Fifth day of November, being the day of the Papifts Conspiracy. II. The Thirtieth day of January, being the day of the Martyrdom of King Charles the firft.

III. The Nine and twentieth day of May, being the day of the Reftora tion of the King and Royal Family. IV. The First day of August, being the day on which His Majetty began

Munday and Tuesday in Whitsun-week. His Happy Reign.

Proper LESSONS to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer on the

Sundays and other Holy days throughout the Year.

4f Lefans proper for Sundays.


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Prov. 20.

Apoc. 22. Wif. r.

Rom. 2.

(v. 12. Deut. 10, Colof. 2.

(fa. 60. Luk. (.23.

Ifa. 49.

(ν. 12.

Joh. 2 ro

Wifd. 6. Acts 26.


Wif. 12. Ecclus 1.




Ifa. 9. to Luk. 2. to (ν. 15. Prov. 28. Acts 6. v. 8. & 6.7. to v. 30 Ecclef. 5. Aрос. 1. (. 18.

Gen. 17.

Wifi. c. Αct. 22. (to v. 22.

Wifd. 9.

Even-Song Prov. 21.


(to .17. Tit.3.v.4. (to v. 9. Ecclef. 4 Αct. 7. v. 30. to vi

Exclef. 6.

2 Leffon.

(ข. 18. I Sam.19. Th...

Acts 14.

Eccl. 15.

Eeel. 21.

16.tov.30 Nu.FI.. Cor. 14 (to v.26.

Deut. 30
Joh. 4
(to v. 14

Eccl. 12.
Αθ. 15.

(to v. 36.

Mal. 4.

Mat. 14.

(to v. 13. Eccl. 19.

Acts 4.

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Tuesd, in

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S. Barnab.

I Leffon. Eccl.10.

2 Letion.

S. Job. B.

1 Leffon,

Mal. 3.

2 Leffon.

Matth. 3.

5. Peter.


Acts 3

S. Fames.

S. Barth.

S. Mattb.



[blocks in formation]

Lessons proper for


8. Andrew

Hof. 14.

Daniel 9. Jer. 31.

Ifa. 13.

6. Thomas

the Ap.

Nativity of Christ. Lesson. 2 Leffon. $. Steven. Leffon. z Leflon.

8. Fobn.

Leffon. 2 Lesson. Innor. dag.

Cireumcikon. Leffon. 2 Leffon. Epipbang. Leffon. 2 Leffon. Converfion of S. Paul.


Leffon. Furificati on of the

V. Mary. S. Matthias Annuncia. of our L. Wednes. bef. Lust. Leffon.

a Leflon. Thursday bef.Eaft. Leffon.

& Leffon.

6. Friday.

Ecclus 2.

dof. 13.
Joh. II.


John 13.


Leffon. Ge. 22. to

2 fellom. Fohn 18.

1 Per. 2.

S. Michael.

2 Leffon.

Acts ia.


Pl 19,45,85.

Leffon. Gen. 3.2.

S. Luke.

S. Simond

8. Jude.

All Saints.

(to v. 20. Eccl. 5.


Leffon. Wif. 3. to

Leffon. He.11.ver.

33. & cap.
12. tov..

Proper Pfalms on certain days.




Pf. 6,32, 38.

Good Friday.

Pf. 22,40,54.



Pf. 2.17. 111.

Pr. 8, 15, 21.

Pl.48, 68.

24, 47, 108.

104. 148


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