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establish in South

doctrine of the inherent right of every people to cast off their sovereign, to cast off their rulers of every description, and to choose new rulers for themselves, whenever they please.


people of this country were anxi-in order to ous to assist the South Americans America the in obtaining their independence; that many of the officers and soldiers who had served in the late wars were anxious to enlist into the service of Mexico, Columbia and Peru and Buenos Ayres, I shall now insert the articles which had then declared them to which I have alluded; and when selves indépendent, Pray bear in I have inserted them, I shall have mind that at this time our Govern- to offer to you some further rement, so far from being ready to marks. There were two articles, acknowledge the independence of which,however, I shall insert as one. the South American States, pass- I have numbered the paragraphs, ed what was called a FOREIGN from one to eleven, inclusive. The ENLISTMENT BILL; that is first article consisted of the first to say, a law to prevent the people six paragraphs: the last of the last of this country, at their own pri- five paragraphs. The first was vate expense, and at the hazard published on Friday, the 7th of of their own lives, to assist the November: the last on Monday, people of South America against the 10th of November. I beg that very Ferdinand, which this you to read the whole of the eleven Courier newspaper now holds up paragraphs attentively through. I as such a contemptible tyrant. insert them word for word, and This Foreign Enlistment Bill was character for character, as I find applauded to the skies by these them. You will perceive that the vile wretches of the Courier news- matter has been touched upon by paper; it was applauded as a the French papers, and you will piece of justice, of wisdom; as a be particular in bearing in mind, thing necessary to uphold monar-that the wretches who edite the chical governments and all the COURIER would never have dared principles of loyalty and religion: to put these paragraphs into their and yet, as you will now see, this very newspaper is endeavouring to prepare us for going to war, if necessary; to expend, if neces- and then, when you have read the sary, more hundreds of millions, following articles, you will want

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paper unless they had had AUTHORITY for so doing. You will bear in mind all these things;

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surrender of the States of South

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the new. This is the second time,
within half a century, that America
has taken so commanding a station.
North America, towards the latter
end of the last century -- South
America, at the commencement of
this. The effect wil
will be, or rather
has been, the same
me in both cases.
They have each thrown off their de-
pendence upon

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the Parent States. America to France and Spain; that is, in other words, a complete fulfilment of the prophetic speech To some it may appear to be the abandonment of those States, and of MONTEZUMA, That the hour of retribution would come; whilst suffering them to be taken and be others will see in it only the narecolonised by France and Spain, tural effect of causes the necessary result of the development of or, an explicit, a decided, a prac- the elements of which the colonies tical and most signal acknowledg-were composed-the growth of the


seeds which were sown in them. The child, become a man, separates from his parents, establishes neither be coerced nor controlled. an independent power, and can The ties that bind him to them are those of amity and affection there is reciprocation of kindnesses and good offices; but the link of obe dience and subordination is broken for ever. This is the situation of South America. Spain dannot reduce her to subjection if she would, and a well understood policy would prevent her from attempting it if

she could.

ment, on the part of our King, and o of the House of Commons called the representatives of the people; this grand acknowledgment from all these parties of the great prin riple of the right of sovereignty; the great principle of the Sove reignty of the People Seven hundred millions do we owe, because it pleased our Government and the Parliament to fight to extinguish 2. The question, then, of the this very principle. And are they independence of South America now going to call upon us to spend seems to be settled. It cannot be your money and shed our blood for prevented it has already been effected. But we read yesterday, the purpose of establishing this in the French Papers, of some arprinciple? However, I am antici- maments fitting out at Cadiz, to carry succours to Lima. Succours pating here: let us, before we for what? Subjugation? Ridiculous! If, however, we are, in this proceed, further, hear the prosti-measure, to see the evidence of a tuted slave of corruption the hope to reduce the Colonies again to dependence upon the Mother PARCOURIERE get ah Country, the necessity of more immediate decision on the part of this country becomes stronger. It should appear as if some attempt had been made to weaken our policy, or at least to render it subservient to the policy of other Powers.

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gog. The affairs of Europe may be od almost said to be, at present, suToubordinate in importance, to those

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of the Colonies-and the old world
to be an object of less interest than

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The demi- official journal mal of the French Government talked, the other day, of some general deliberation upon the affairs of South America-some Congress of the European Powers-in which Spain should be the first consulted. But Spain begins at once, under foreign influence, to evince her disposition by an armament which can have. only for its object the regaining her power over the American Colonies. She does not then choose to submit her cause to arbitration. Are we then to wait for the decision of any Congress? 2993. Let us not be deceived. None of the Powers of the Continent desire the independence of South America. They may pretend that they do not desire it, be-mote it--we could not prevent it. cause it tends to the spread and encouragement of revolutionary principles. But the real cause is, that it must lead to the enlarging to their former obedience? Are the sphere of commercial intercourse, and therefore may, and we to wait till they have pointed must, be most beneficial to Great out the path we ought to pursue; Britain. The Journal des Debats or, are we to act from ourselves said the other day. And how alone? No doubt, whatever policy Tocan it be supposed that England we adopt will be censured our i would decide at once a question misrepresented. A sufficient proof calumniated our objects bles of this importance when the bi formal admission to the rank of of this we have seen in the present ai* powers of five or six new States, we have not given satisfaction to between France and Spain: "containing seventeen millions of on" inhabitants, will be an event either party, All hesitating policy, of which will considerably change all half-measures, are beneath the dignity of this great nation. shifting, truckling, trimming policy. der, but is utterly unworthy such suit States of the second ora country as Great Britain. No man can applaud more

4. Congress or not this at least is evident, that Great Britain cannot send a Minister to any assembly in Europe that shall pretend to settle the fate of South America. We know there is a very short and satisfactory argument that might woodie Tovog sit of inble

we do sending Consuls and Commissioners to the South American States: it is the first step-a step for which we see the Continental Powers were not prepared. They wished to make us subservient to the delays, the turns, and windings of Congress deliberations. have not waited to take upon us their trammels. But they wish to have it s have it supposed that we have not

toy si exol by looplo-ne od of

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conflict in favour of the side he which it carries its weight. It bears no resemblance to the case of our American To colonies, France and Spain interfered the conflict is decided the issue is arrest for a moment the marchao rived and Spain is not more di- and exercise of their independence W vided by the seas from her ancient nay, might remain totally inac- lliw possessions, than she is by dif- tive and supine; yet, because she doua Perence of their respective institu- refused to acknowledge them as ob tions nor has she more sovereign-free States, we are to refuse all ineq ty over them than we France, though we conhad over tercourse, all political relations to with them whatever! Why, doesn bear the empty title of her King. not every one see the utter abralidw The question has been well put by surdity and childishness of such 129d Wond Jeum 8m 180

and political relations with blo other nations-Spain would not be able to take any step, to do any noo act, calculated to resume her for- gai mer authority over the States, or sini

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reasoning, if reasoning it can be American States have achieved



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their emancipation achieved it by their own efforts without foreign aid, 'foreign councils, or foreign encouragement. We, who, of all rations, could rendered

10. But we are told of a Congress of European Powers to settle the fate of the American Colonies. We should like to see what sort of them the most poesistance, a preamble such a Congress would did not, through our Government, draw up to their even a wish in their fa "Whereas, a certain tract of coun-vour. They fought the fight, they. try, some thousands of miles dis-gained, the victory without us. "tant from Europe, containing Their independence is established * about 470,000 square leagues, the tide cannot be rolled back. "and a population of seventeen The American States are free sove"millions, has determined that it reign States with which any nation "will be governed by its own in-is at liberty to treat, without afford"stitutions, and will no longer ing any just grounds of offence or "continue in dependence, (which complaint to any other Powers 66 they do not want, and which is


11. We have

{ !、f! other Powers Sof

injurious to their best interests) Commissioners sent Consuls and

66 upon a nation containing twenty-
"five thousand square leagues, may, and probably will, do the
“and ten millions of inhabitants; same. We call this step a de facto
"We, the Powers of Europe, are acknowledgment of the Sove
"assembled in Congress to devise reignty of the American States-
and we
"the best means of putting an end
may expect further,

to so unsatisfactory a situation of higher diplomuto cat

either be sent


or that some one of the Commissioners has, or will have, the power of taking upon himself that character, as soon as the different Consuls have made their reports upon the situat tion and feelings of the States to which they have been respectively


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"affairs, and of concluding "arrangement that shall be more ore "congenial to the policy, &c. "&c."!!! Congress may deliberate and re-deliberate, pass protocol upon protocol, multiply conference upon conference, but what would the seventeen millions on the other side of the Atlantic say? Or what means would the Congress possess of enforcing their edicts? To frame resolutions which you have no means of executing, or, to use an old proverb, to show your teeth when you cannot bite," is, in private concerns, hot a very wise proceed- presents itself for remark? Why, ing; but, in public matters, in the intercourse between nations, not certainly, the impossibility that only idle but positively dangerous. the crawling reptiles who own this We think the Continental Powers

Supposing you now to have read, with suitable attention, these articles from this villanous news.on paper, what is the first thing

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will pause before they hold any paper and who conduct it should b such Congress; but whether they have inserted passages like...!

do ors

party we shall neither be a these unless they had been wellaoit

it, nor send a Minister


1370 yt

it. We shall leave the the Conti-assured that the insertion of them, nental Powers to act as they like, would be pleasing to corruption. best for our own interests. The In short, that made godesup out man must know

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