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Booksellers and Publishers



"Allow me to say that your After Inventory Catalog seems to me to be one of the best ever issued in the United States. Your stock is sound and large, and if the intelligent book-buyers do not support you, there is no hope for the finest of the business, that is in the best books."

The above is an unsolicited comment

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This Catalog comprises books on Art, History, Biography, Travel and General Literature.


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Why not look into this and try a few? Catalogs and lists sent on request.

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"Must Find
Find a Place in Every Important
Library in the Union."-Literary Digest.


Dear Mr. Rines:

Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 4, 1914..

I have gone carefully through the first nine volumes of the German Classics, and am anxious to express

to you a satisfaction which surpasses by far my best expecta-
I should
tions. Some of the translations are masterpieces.
give the laurel to Hagedorn's rendering of the "Prince of
Homburg." Throughout the newer translations made for the
German Classics seemed to me superior to many of the standard

But my greater surprise was at the additional features, the introductions and the pictures. Both types of supplements in such luxurious works are too frequently perfunctory and worthless. But here some of the introductions are models of concise characterization, and others open most interesting,. wide perspectives. Every stray reader will enjoy them, and even the scholar can learn from them. Moreover the illustrations, far from being the conventional, superfluous interpretations of the text, are really artistic renderings of the various periods of German literature. If I think of those pictures which begin with the fourth volume, they ought to be valued as a beautiful history of modern German painting, which the reader hardly expects to find between the pages of a literary work.

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[blocks in formation]

Count Helmuth von Moltke Ferdinand Lassalle

Friedrich Spielhagen

Theodor Storm

Wilhelm Raabe

Gustav Freytag

Theodor Fontane

Paul Heyse

Joseph Victor von Scheffel

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Heinrich Seidel

Gottfried Keller

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer

Carl Spitteler

Joseph Victor Widmann
Arthur Schopenhauer

Richard Wagner

Friedrich Nietzsche

Emperor William II
Adolf Wilbrandt
Ludwig Anzengruber
Peter Rosegger
Karl Schönherr

Ernst von Wildenbruch

Hermann Sudermaan

Gustav Frenssen

Ludwig Fulda

Hugo von Hofmannsthal

Wilhelm von Polenz

Gerhart Hauptmann

Rochus Freiherr von Liliencron
Richard Dehmel

Börries Freiherr von Münchhausen
Rainer Maria Rilke

Helene Böhlau Ludwig Thoma
Stefan George
Isolde Kurz
Jacob Wassermann

Hermann Hesse Thomas Mann

Rudolf Hans Bartsch

Clara Viebig

Ricarda Huch

Arthur Schnitzler

Max Halbe

Ernst Hardt

Herbert Eulenberg

Frank Wedekind

[merged small][graphic]

The Victor Portable Stereopticon

is the perfected lantern slide projector for general library use. Extremely simple, easily carried from room to room, always ready for use. The Victor Electric Arc attaches direct to the lamp socket on any current. Anyone may handle it without any experience. Send for descriptive booklet and list of Viopticon slides that sell for ten cents each! Every VICTOR sold on its own merit. Try one before purchasing.

(The Animatograph, the simplified and perfected projector for standard
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all parts of the

Requests for Quotations Receive Prompt Attention

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NEW YORK CITY Union Square, North

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