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other conclusion. The Ministers well few of them have votes: and yet this know the horrible state into which the is too much, it seems! I verily believe, country has been plunged: they well however, that this is the point upon know that every body is anxiously look- which every-thing will turn. If this ing for relief from this state; they know be the case; if a compromise be made, equally well that all but the borough-by sacrificing the working people still mongers and the cormorants of various farther, then how will those look who descriptions are looking to the passing have been voting unlimited confidence of the Reform Bill as the means of rein the Ministry for my part, I do not lief. They well know that their silence confide in them for any thing that is as to the intended bill has excited the good. Their conduct in the affair of strongest suspicions with regard to their Mr and Mrs, DEACLE would have conintentions; they see themselves daily firmed me in my suspicions of them, if sinking in public estimation, in conse- I had not entertained those suspicions quence of the rumours arising out of before. My opinion is, as I delivered it this state of uncertainty. They must at Epsom, that the Parliament will be be the most unfeeling creatures that further prorogued, from time to time, ever breathed, not to wish for relief from until January, if not until February, and this degraded situation; and therefore, if not until March; nor should I at all if they do not wish for a speedy meet-wonder if the Whigs never brought in ing of the Parliament, it is impossible to the Reform Bill again. I have made believe that they mean to propose the many predictions, but never one with same bill again, or any-thing like it, or more confidence than I do this relative that they think that they shall be able to the prorogation of the Parliament, to carry the bill, or any-thing that they One reason for putting off the meeting intend to propose. To this conclusion of the Parliament is, that the Ministry every man must come, who concurs in know not what to do: they know not belief with Mr. PLACE: I concur in that which to be most afraid of, the people belief; and, therefore, to this conclu- or the boroughmongers; but of the sion I come; namely, that they do not two, I dare say they fear the former intend to propose the same bill again; most. and that they do not expect to be able to carry such a bill if they were to propose it.

In the meanwhile, however, the great source of discontent goes working on. My readers will see that the second My belief is, indeed, that they intend, resolution of the metropolitan council by some means or other, to diminish the says that the "increasing stagnation of number of voters in the great towns. !" trade, occasioned by the rejection of believe that this is their main object: 1" the Reform Bill, renders it more than believe that they have correspondences, ever necessary to support the Ministers with Manchester particularly, upon the" in carrying the bill by which they are subject: and I believe that the working" pledged to stand or fall." They have people will be attempted to be sacrificed lost the bill; and they have broken as a compromise with the borough- their pledge; and it appears to me a mongers. In the bill, as it now stands, most monstrous absurdity in the people they have done every-thing that could to pledge themselves to support them possibly be done, to give a right of any longer, unless they will tell the voting nominally to ten-pound house- people what they are about to do. It is holders, and to withhold it in reality. a prodigious mistake to think that the By the tortuous provisions of the bill, cause of reform derives any benefit five-sixths of the real bona-fide ten- from Lord GREY's remaining in power. poand householders will not have a right On the contrary, his remaining in power, to give a vote. The conditions or qua- and drawling the thing along, in this lifications are so many, and so craftily manner, is the very thing that the bocontrived, that the working-people, pay- roughmongers ought to wish, and which, ing ten-pound rent, will comparatively dare say, they do wish. He is a very

good collector of taxes for them; and will shake the whole fabric to atoms; why should they wish to turn him out. unless some man with energy and hoHe shows no disposition to abolish tithes nesty necessary to the task, should step or abolish taxes; and it is these to forward and rescue the throne and all which the boroughmongers are attached. the real institutions of the country from If they could be assured that a reformed total destruction. Our statesmen are Parliament would leave the pension- so engaged in high matters, that nolist, the sinecures, the grants, the re-thing short of a castle, a Bishop's tired allowances, the dead-weight, the Palace, a Custom-house, or an Excisemilitary and naval academies, the stand-office in flames, seems to be worthy of ing army, the taxes and the tithes, their attention. When I have inserted untouched; if they could be assured of the report of the proceedings abovethis, they would not hesitate a moment mentioned in the Metropolitan Council, in agreeing to the Reform Bill; and, I will insert, from the newspapers, intherefore, as long as Lord GREY shows telligence relative to other sort of fires, not the smallest disposition to touch any which intelligence I shall introduce by of these; as long as he looks upon these a letter to my prosecutor, Sir Tuomas "institutions of the country" as sacred DENMAN, and which letter I give him and inviolable, so long will the bo- free leave to take to Nottingham, as a roughmongers gladly suffer him to re- testimonial, when he shall next offer main in power. himself as a member for that fine and high-spirited town.

But, the "increasing stagnation of trade" of which the Metropolitan Coun cil speak in their second resolution, will steadily go on, in spite of every thing A meeting of the Council took place at the that can be done, whether by Whig or Crown and Anchor Tavern yesterday evening, by Tory. Doubtless the rejection of Mr. Churchill having heen voted to the chair. the Reform Bill may have added some- and seconded, that Previous to our entering, it had been moved "The laws relating to Pothing to the stagnation; but the great litical Unions (inserted in the Chronicle of cause was PEEL'S BILL, with which, by yesterday) should be adopted and printed,” the by, these amiable Whigs have never and on our entering, Mr. Rogers was debating reproached him, recollecting, probably, their propriety. Mr. Wakefield said, that bethat they themselves, with Solomon he had the sanction of Mr. Austin and Mr. sides being prepared by the Sub-committee, GRENVILLE and enlightend HORNER at Kelly as to their legality and validity-gentletheir head, were the very first movers men whose professional abilities no one would in the series of projects which finally attempt (without the expense of risking his -ended in that destructive bill. It is that not sought, he said, to know what laws had own character) to deny or depreciate. It was bill, however, not accompanied by other not been contravened by the regulations or remeasures, which is producing the stag-solutions of the Political Unions, but that they nation of trade; and this stagnation will had acted in contradiction or opposition to go on providing fuel for the flame which Mr. WAKEFIELD again begged leave to preWELLINGTON Kindled in 1830, and which sent himself to the meeting, and trusted he has been nursed and kept alive by the should have their attention, while he hoped shilly-shally Whigs and their paltering they would not consider him too intrusive, considering he had been appointed the rewith parliamentary reform. For my porter or spokesman of the Sub-committee, or part, I give it as my decided opinion, Committtee of Management. He held in his that, after another year of paltering, haud four resolutions, which had been prethere will be real confidence in no man pared by the Business Committee, aud enin power; that ruin will become so trusted to him to propose. These resolutions I shall now, he said, beg leave to read :widely spread as to make nineteentwentieths of the people of property pretty nearly without property; that the tax and the tithe-receivers will have grasped nearly every-thing, and that the nation, by one convulsive movement,


"Resolved, 1. That all true reformers ought to rally round the throne, at the present crisis, and support the King in his attempt to wrest the liberties of the people from the boroughmongers' grasp.


2. Tuat, the increasing stagnation of trade, and the nearly-exhausted patience of

the nation, occasioned by the rejection of the Chronicle of to-day), the reason assigned was Reform Bill, convince this Council that it is considered a simple declaration, not a legal more than ever imperative to support his Maopinion. jesty's Ministers in effecting the great measure The Rev. Mr. Fox cordially concurred in by which they have pledged themselves to stand the spirit of the resolutions now proposed for or fall. the sanction of the Committee, and that the "3. That if the arts of a faction should tri-objection which Mr. Rogers had made to the umph over a patriot Kiug and his present Mi- 3d resolution was valid, aud might be obvianistry, this Council will not listen to any illuted by a few grammatical transpositions of the sory promises of reform that a Tory or any other Ministry may proffer to a disappointed people.

44. That if the enemies of the people should succeed in producing anarchy and confusion, this Council will devise means by which the members of the Union may effectually protect their own lives and properties, and establish the liberties of the country."

Having read the resolutions, Mr. Wakefield moved that they be adopted by the Council. This being seconded,


words. "Illusory promises of Reform " (as it originally stood) might be altered to "promises of illusory reform; for the promise of reform might not delude, yet the reform itself might certainly be illusory. Again, the phrase "Tory Ministry" (as in the original resolution) he would alter to "Tory or any other Ministry."

After some sensible observations concerning the opinion Mr. Rogers referred to as being considered in the light of legal opinion, or a simple declaration of a public political body, Mr. ROGERS took the opportunity of re- without regard to the professions of the marking on two or three expressions used in persons composing that body, from' Mr. the laws relating to the National Political Murphy, Mr. Wakefield, Mr. Wainford, and Unions. It was there said, that" during the Mr. Powel, it was unanimously agreed, that administration of Lord Castlereagh, the li- with the emendations proposed by Mr. Fox, berties of the people-which had been very the resolutions should de adopted. much abridged during the administration of [Mr. WAKEFIELD hoped that these resoluMr. Pitt-were thought to be still too great; tions would disabuse the public mind concernand it was concluded, that the more the ining the stigmas endeavoured to be cast upon telligence and consequent good conduct of the the Political Unions-that they endeavoured people increased, the greater was the neces to coerce public opinion by animal or numerisity to destroy their rights and liberties; and cal power, rather than by moral force. They that an act was therefore passed with this in-would put this society in particular, right in tention, subjecting all political societies to the penalties of the Act 39th Geo. IlI." Now the increase of intelligence, and consequent good conduct of the people, he thought a very extraordinary reason for affording the necessity of destroying their rights and liberties, and that therefore a special act should be passed to entrench and confine them, and sub-themselves as compatriots under their banners, ject them to additional penalties. Again (said Mr. Rogers) I must object to the third resolution now read, which says, that this Council will not listen to any promises of illusory reform which a Tory Ministry may proffer to the people. Now I am willing to receive good political or moral reform in any shape from any source. I would not bind myself to any meu or Ministry. Measures, not men, is, or should be our motto.

Mr. PLACE contended that the opinion given of the increase of mental and moral character, as objected to by Mr. Rogers, was not the opiDion legally given of the professional men who formed part of the Sub committee, but that was the opinion expressed in Parliament during the discussion of the Act alluded to; because, as it was then asserted, that the people had got increased intelligence-that is, political knowledge, discretion, or (if preferred) esnning, whereby they could evade any Act which had previously passed; the intelligence had been presumed, and the Act accordingly passed. But in the laws relating to the Po fitical Unions (which he acknowledged he had been instrumental in getting inserted in the

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public opinion, and rectify the mistaken views in which it had been endeavoured to be placed before the public eye. It wished to act from reason rather than compulsion-it wished to induce and invite all classes, of every deuomination and rank, having moral influence and integrity, to join their standard, and enlist

so as to form a congregated body, so compact and condensed by intelligent union, that they would be unassailable alike either by friends or foes-that they would afford no grounds of cavilling to the sophist, and no basis of hesitation to any class of persons seeking political power as the basis of moral influence and proper elevation of rank in society to join their Union. The Committee felt it their duty to declare that the basis of their Union was political concord, as well as determination to obtain the ends for which their Unions had ostensibly been established. He then moved that the resolutions formerly sanctioned should be printed.

Mr. MURPHY very ably contended for the same, and was liappy to second the motion on the present opportunity, from the peculiar necessity now afforded by the wavering aspects of the political world. The prejudice against these Unions existed unwarrantably, because unreasonably. The Unious should persevere determinately, through evil report as well as good. The mass of the people should not trust to any extraneous or adventitious power: they should act co-ordinately and united-trust to

their own personal exertions, if they hoped the beneficial events of their contest should be personal: They wanted a Government good and cheap; and be trusted that the union of all classes, without any invidious distinction, would eventually produce the results anxiously sought; would have the effect of removing every prejudice from the timid and misledthat since no objection could be legally or reasonably adduced against the existence of political associations like their Unions-aud that all friends of order and good government would shortly be found enumerated in their society, and embodied together for the welfare of all. Political Unions should be established on a broad, if intended to be on a permanent, basis: they should embrace all, and be uo respecters of persons. He trusted that other Branch Unions would extensively be formed in town and country, and combined with the parent stock as the brauches of a tree with its trunk.

A desultory conversation then took place concerning the propriety of preparing an address to the public, founded on those resolutions, in which


expected or longed for a long day. He did not waut to add address to address, or to declaration, or resolution, unnecessarily, but thought it indispensable that they should be vigilant and active; and that however they might hope for the best, they should be provided against the worst.

Mr. BOWYER seemed anxious that an address should be prepared from the resolutions, and printed in the most convenient form, for the benefit of the working classes; and be thought that though the resolutions lately approved and adopted, were sufficiently distinct and accurate, aud capable of being understood by mauy, if not most of the people, he could not but consider the form of au address would be more popular, and read by the body of the working classes at large.

Mr. ROGERS again could not but consider the propriety of husbanding their resources; after, what Mr Place had informed them, there was no necessity for a flaming declaration, expressing, perhaps, without reason, unlimited confidence in any men or Ministry. They were pledged to measures, and they should measure them accordingly, and gradually adopt measures as circumstances compelled.


“Mr. ROGERS considered it more prudent to wait for some time, and content themselves with the resolutions aloue; that they might shortly have reasous-from the rumoured changes in the Ministry anticipated by some, and apprehended by more-for founding a different address, if not on different principles, at least supported by different arguments; he saw no necessity (he said) for embarrassing WHAT I am now going to communithemselves with resolutions on declarations, cate will do more good in one single day, and addresses on resolutions; affairs might than Lord BROUGHAM and Vaux's books shortly assume a new aspect from the expected will ever do till the very last moment meeting of Parliament-a new character and that a sheet of them shall be kept out of tone might be given to passing events as well as principles or opinions and determination; the hands of the trunk-maker, or preand even should not the change anticipated in served by accident from still less honourthe popular representation or apprehended in able uses. To a very considerable part the Ministry take place, there was prudence of grown-up men, the complaint which in the delay, and not accumulating too many is called RUPTURE is but too well addresses and resolutions; and plastering the walls with placards to give the mean or mali- known; and the frequency of the exhi cious the pleasure of throwing their mud over bition of TRUSSES in the shop-winour works, or defacing our publications. One dows proves to us not only the extent pill at a time is enough-pills or medicine in any form should be administered successively, of the prevalence of the complaint, but not simultaneously. also the importance attached to its cure. Mr. PLACE was afraid Mr. Rogers, with The complaint is purely mechanical; it others, was too sanguine in anticipating the consists of the dislocation, or displacing, expected meeting of Parliament soon; and of a part of the human frame; and though such a circumstance "was a consummation devoutly to be wished," he was afraid that he could miserably undeceive all with regard to that point; for he had heard, from sources whose intelligence or veracity he could not doubt, that the time for the meeting of Parliament was not fixed or determined that the Ministers intended to hold a meeting this week, for the purpose of resolving upon or appointing the time when the Parliament would again be convoked; but he was sorry to say, he had every reason to believe or be as sured that the Ministers ardently and anxiously

purely mechanical is the remedy. The remedy, and the sole remedy, consists of a TRUSS, as it is called, to keep constantly in its place the part displaced. There are a great variety of trusses, some better than others; that is, more effectual and less inconvenient; and, to great numbers of persons, it is of great importance to know which sort is the best; and I, being in a situation to com

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municate that knowledge to my readers, deal of pain. I have found it painful know it to be my bounden duty to (and it is a nasty, gnawing, villanous do it. pain!) to stand for an hour or two at a Twenty-two years ago, I, being out a time; and this sometimes annoyed me shooting, jumped from a bank, full ten exceedingly during my lecturing expefeet high, into the field below, and ditions. thereby produced, by the violence of the When I expected the WHIG-TRIAL shock, something that gave me very to come on, in May last, (Oh! the great pain, but of the nature of which manifold blessings of that trial!), the I knew nothing. I came to London only thing that gave me uneasiness was, and applied to the late Mr. CHEVALIER, the fear that I should not be able to the surgeon, who directed me to get a stand for three or four hours, to lay the truss, which I did. And here I gladly lash on well upon Denman and his masstop to acknowledge the only good I, ters, I having at that time one of my and, I believe, any other human crea- periodical coughs. In order to get rid ture, ever received at the hands of Old of this fear, which harassed me conDaddy Burdett. Having told him tinually, I resolved, about a week before what had brought me to town, "Well," the expected trial, to go to Bolt-court, said he, "when you have put a truss and never to quit it again, till I had "on, never leave it off on the belief found out some one to furnish me with "that you no longer want it ; a pre-a truss which should be efficient for its cept which he made effectual by relating purpose, even in these seasons of to me the cause of the sudden and pre- coughing. As I was going I amused mature death of Francis, Duke of Bed-myself in reading Mr. CARPENTER'S ford, who, thinking his rupture gone for POLITICAL LETTER, for the publication ever, threw the truss aside; but, in play-of which the WHIGS have him now in ing at Fives, a sudden twist of his body the King's Bench, and from which brought on the complaint again, and, they did not think (forgetful, kind sending for a surgeon to London, in-souls!) of releasing him at the coronastead of calling in him of the village, tion, as all crown debtors were at the a mortification took place, and he former coronation. In this paper I read slept with his fathers in a few hours. the advertisement of Mr. COLES, Many times, especially in hot weather, Truss-maker, of Charing Cross; and I have, by this advice, and especially as I had tried seven or eight before, I by the illustration, of Daddy Burdett, at once sent for Mr. COLES; and the been prevented from risking the fate of the Duke of Bedford!

result has been that my complaint is as completely removed as if I had never known of any-thing of the kind; and could I have forgotten the precept of the venerable DADDY BURDETT, and more especially the fate of the Duke of Bedford, I should have thrown away the truss months ago. Oh! how rejoiced was I when I felt that I should

My complaint has been of very little conséquence to me, except at particular ames. I have ridden on horseback, and done every-thing that I should have done, if nothing at all had ailed me. But coughing is very untoward in such a case; and I have at times, especially in November and April, a constitutional be able to stand at my case for the hours and hereditary cough, which I have had in every year that I can remember of my life, and which is always more violent and of longer duration in London than any where else. It is not a cough of the lungs, but merely of the throat; but it Causesa violent shaking of the whole of the body, and at these times I have always, I should have mentioned this matter until May last, experienced considerable before, but my April cough was nearly inconvenience, and occasionally a great gone before Mr. Coles had done the

that I destined for the belabouring of the Whigs! I could not (if I had had a cough), without the aid of Mr. Coles, have given them the four hours and a half, which were worth more to them (if they turn them to good account) than all the rest of their lives.

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