Sivut kuvina


The general boundary line between the lands of the United States and of the said Indian tribes shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the Missouri river opposite to the mouth of the Gasconade river; thence in a direct course so as to strike the river Jeffreon at the distance of thirty miles from its mouth and down the said Jeffreon to the Mississippi, thence up the Mississippi to the mouth of the Ouisconsing river and up the same to a point which shall be thirty-six miles in a direct line from the mouth of the said river, thence by a direct line to the point where the Fox river (a branch of the Illinois) leaves the small lake called Sakaegan, thence down the Fox river to the Illinois river, and down the same to the Mississippi. And the said tribes, for and in consideration of the friendship and protection of the United States which is now extended to them, of the goods (to the value of two thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents) which are now delivered, and of the annuity herein- ' after stipulated to be paid, do hereby cede and relinquish forever to the United States, all the lands in. cluded within the above described boundary.



the Indian

In consideration of the cession and relinquish- Goods to be ment of land made in the preceding article, the delivered to United States will deliver to the said tribes at the tribes at St. town of St. Louis, or some other convenient place Louis every on the Mississippi yearly, and every year, goods sui- year. ted to the circumstances of the Indians, of the value of one thousand dollars (six hundred of which are intended for the Sacs, and four hundred for the Foxes) reckoning that value at the first cost of the goods in the city or place in the United States where they shall be procured. And if the said tribes shall hereafter, at an annual delivery of the goods aforesaid, desire that a part of their annuity should be furnished in domestic animals, implements of husbandry and other utensils convenient for them, or in compensation to useful artificers who may reside

Indians to be secured in

sions, &c.

with or near them, and be employed for their benefit, the same shall at the subsequent annual delivery be furnished accordingly.


The United States will never interrupt the said tribes in the possession of the lands which they their posses rightfully claim, but will, on the contrary, protect them in the quiet enjoyment of the same against their own citizens and against all other white persons who may intrude upon them. And the said tribes do hereby engage that they will never sell their lands or any part thereof to any sovereign power, nor to the citizens of the United States.

Peace to be made between the Sacs and

Foxes and


In order to evince the sincerity of their friendship and affection for the United States and a respectful deference for their advice by an act which will not only be acceptable to them but to the common Father the Great and of all the nations of the earth-the said tribes do little Osages, hereby solemnly, promise and agree that they will put diation and an end to the bloody war which has heretofore raged under the di- between their tribes and those of the Great and Litrection of the the Osages. And for the purpose of burying the

thro' the me

U. S.

Cession of

land for the of a military


post at or near the mouth of the Ouisconsing river.

tomahawk and renewing the friendly intercourse between themselves and the Osages, a meeting of their respective chiefs shall take place, at which, under the direction of the above named commissioner or the agent of Indians residing at St. Louis, an adjustment of all their differences shall be made and peace established upon a firm and lasting basis.


As it is probable that the government of the United States will establish a military post at or near the mouth of the Ouisconsing river and as the land on the lower side of the river may not be suitable for that purpose, the said tribes hereby agree that a fort be built either on the upper side of the Quis consing or on the right bank of the Mississippi, as


dian country

the one or the other may be found most convenient, Traders or o-
and a tract of land not exceeding two miles square thers travel-
shall be given for that purpose. And the said tribes ling thro' In-
do further agree, that they will at all times allow to to go unmol-
traders and other persons travelling through their ested in their
country, under the authority of the United States, a persons, and
free from any
free and safe passage for themselves and their pro- toll or exac-
perty of every description. And that for such pas- tion.
sage they shall at no time and on no account whate-
ver be subject to any toll or exaction.

No. 6.


Articles of a Treaty agreed upon between the
United States of America, by their commis-
sioners Return J. Meigs and Daniel Smith, Tellico, 25th
appointed to hold conferences with the Chero
kee Indians, for the purpose of arranging
certain interesting matters with the said Che-
rokees, of the one part, and the undersign-
ed chiefs and head men of the said nation,
of the other part.



The Cherokees quit-claim and cede to the United States, all the land which they have heretofore Cession from claimed, lying to the north of the following bounda the Cherory line beginning at the mouth of Duck river, running thence up the main stream of the same to the junction of the fork, at the head of which fort Nash Boundaries. stood, with the main south fork; thence a direct course to a point on the Tennessee river bank, opposite the mouth of Hiwassee river. If the line from Hiwassce should leave out Field's Settlement, it is to be marked round his improvement, and then continued the straight course; thence up the middle of the Tennessee river, (but leaving all the islands to the Cherokees,) to the mouth of Clinch riv


Sum of mo ney to be


er; thence up the Clinch river to the former boundary line agreed upon with the said Cherokees, reserving at the same time, to the use of the Cherokees, a small tract lying at and below the mouth of Clinch river; from the mouth extending thence down the Tennessee river, from the mouth of Clinch to a notable rock on the north bank of the Tennessee, in view from South West Point; thence a course at right angles with the river, to the Cumberland road; thence eastwardly along the same, to the bank of Clinch river, so as to secure the ferry landing to the Cherokees up to the first hill, and down the same to the mouth thereof, together with two other sections of one square mile each, one of which is at the foot of Cumberland mountain, at and near the place where the turnpike gate now stands; the other on the north bank of the Tennessee river, where the Cherokee Talootiske now lives. And whereas, from the present cession made by the Cherokees, and other circumstances, the site of the garrisons at South West Point and Tellico are become not the most convenient and suitable places for the accommodation of the said Indians, it may become expedient to remove the said garrisons and factory to some more suitable place: three other square miles are reserved for the particular disposal of the United States on the north bank of the Tennessee, opposite to and below the mouth of Hiwassee.


In consideration of the above cession and relin

paid immedi- quishment, the United States agree to pay immedi ately in mer- ately, three thousand dollars in valuable merchandise, chandise and and eleven thousand dollars within ninety days after an annuity the ratification of this treaty; and also an annuity of three thousand dollars, the commencement of which to be paid in is this day. But so much of the said eleven thou machines for sand dollars, as the said Cherokees may agree to acagriculture cept in useful articles of, and machines for, agricul and manufacture and manufactures, shall be paid in those articles, at their option.

Part thereof



use of certain


Roads pre

The citizens of the United States shall have the The citizens free and unmolested use and enjoyment of the two of the U. S. following described roads, in addition to those to have the which are at present established through their coun. try; one to proceed from some convenient place near the head of Stone's river; and fall into the Georgia road at a suitable place towards the south- scribed. ern frontier of the Cherokees. The other to proceed from the neighborhood of Franklin, or Big Harpath, and, crossing the Tennessee at or near the Muscle Shoals, to pursue the nearest and best way to the settlements on the Tombigbee. These roads shall be viewed and marked out by men appointed on each side for that purpose, in order that they may be directed the nearest and best ways, and the time of doing the business, the Cherokees shall be duly notified.

Articles of a Treaty between the United States

America, by their commissioners, Return Tellico, 27th J. Meigs and Daniel Smith, who are ap- Oct. 1895. pointed to hold conferences with the Cherokees, for the purpose of arranging certain interesting matters with the said Indians, of the one part, and the undersigned chiefs, and head men of the Cherokees, of the other part.


And whereas the mail of the United States, is or Cherokees dered to be carried from Knoxville to New-Orleans, grant the free through the Cherokee, Creek and Choctaw coun- use of a road tries; the Cherokees agree that the citizens of the thro' their United States, shall have, so far as it goes, through country for their country, the free and unmolested use, of a of the mail. road leading from Tellico to Tombigbee, to be laid out by viewers, appointed on both sides, who shall

the carriage

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