Vol. CXII OCTOBER, 1920 No. 667 7 BY REV. HENRY Ε. Ο'KEEFFE, Of the Paulist Fathers "Father O'Keeffe discusses a number of topics of great practical We heartily recommend "A clever and interesting volume, full of up-to-date suggestions and "Practical issues expressed in an unhackneyed way "All of them are well worth while, being thoughtful, suggestive, and practical." -Ave Maria. 54 Sermons Attractively Bound in Cloth NEW BOOK THOUGHTS and MEMORIES BY THE SAME AUTHOR A group of religious essays calculated to suggest thought and evoke memories. In twenty-two short talks on varied topics Father O'Keeffe links past and present in a wide knowledge of men and things. In format the book is a companion to Sermons in Miniature. Ready for sale November 1st THE PAULIST PRESS 120 WEST 60TH STREET NEW YORK CITY Published monthly by the Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle of the State of New York (Paulist Fathers). Entered as second class matter July 8, 1879, at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 9, 1918. THE The entire contents of every issue of THE CATHOLIC WORLD are protected by copyright. Quotations and extracts, of reasonable length, from its pages are permitted when proper credit is given. But reprinting the articles, either entire or in substance, even where credit is given, is a violation of the law of copyright, and renders the party guilty of it liable to prosecution. PUBLISHED BY THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE IN (The Paulist Fathers.) New York: THE OFFICE OF THE CATHOLIC WORLD, 120-122 West 60th Street. Price, 40 Cents-$4.00 Per Year DEALERS SUPPLIED BY THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. N.B. The postage on "The Catholic WORLD" to Great Britain and Ireland, France, Belgium, and Italy is 5 cents per copy. Copyright in United States, Great Britain, and Ireland. Entered as second class matter July 8, 1879, at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, |