Sivut kuvina

that from the moment the Pelasgoi found themselves sufficiently capable of aggression, we for the first time hear of war in Greece; we find them flying forth of the lands wherein they had originally lighted, and perching on the places of Thessaly then in the transitory occupation of the Og-eag-eis.

Cast your mind back on the history of the earth, from the earliest time till those of which we are speaking, though you may recall accounts of war and devastation, was not the contention between diverse races of the human kind, not kindred nations, a fact that invariably proves their being distinct people. The Egyptians warred with the Scythians, Ethiopians, Lybians, &c. The Assyrians invaded the Scythians, circumstances that shew their diversity. Chedorlaomer chief of Elam invaded a part of the land of Canaan, it is true; but we are in total ignorance of the cause, it seems as if his motive was to regain titular supremacy, as chief of the ancient Scythian race, be it what it may the aggression was productive of no permament enmity. The first people in the register of time who confederated, arms in their hands, premeditated evil in their hearts, to molest a kindred people, were the children of Israel; but they had been 215 years in bondage in a strange land, and slavery vitiates the soul, corrupts the mind, and changes as it were the essential qualities of man; they had for a long season felt themselves deserted, and forgotten by the world, save their taskmasters, in whose practices towards them they only recognized the ways of man. Every hand was against them, therefore did they raise their arms against the world; and whilst they adopted some of the manners, customs, and religion of their tyrants, they abandoned divers of their own ancient usages, and struck, out a system of religion and policy, unlike every thing that had ever prevailed, for the sole purpose of keeping themselves distinct from all the people of the earth; besides, the relation between them and the nations of Canaan was hundreds of ages removed. In the very early stage of society you will find no mention of pure Scythians warring with their kind. Had the Pelasgoi been of the stock of Og-eag-eis they would not have warred with them, in the inveterate manner they are reported

to have done, had both proceeded together in the progress towards refinement, till they had arrived at a stage far more advanced than either were at the era of the arrival of the Pelasgoi in Greece; and in further corroboration of the distinction between the Ellenes and Pelasgoi, permit me to adduce the evidence of Anacharsis, the true Scythian philosopher, who was qualified even in the age he lived to form an accurate judgment of the manners, customs, and language, of all the tribes of Scythian origin from the the Euxine to the extreme south of Greece, all the districts of which he had traversed; and his evidence is, "all the Ellenes observe the Scythian manners and customs!!" Why particularize the tribe of the Ellenes! surely it will not be said that the Pelasgoi were too insignificant to be added also,

It is to be remarked that there is no diversity of opinion amongst the ancients with respect to the distinction of Doric or Lacedemonian, or Ionic and Athenian; but please to recollect these were comparatively modern appellations; for though Herodotus at one time says, the Dorians were the original and principal people of Peloponnesus, yet he and Thucydides mark the era of the Dorians settlement in that Peninsula, placed by both not more than fourscore years after the Trojan war, which ill accords with remote antiquity, and early origin.

Having laid before you all the notices of any value on the subject of the origin of those Scythian tribes that colonized the districts of Europe, from the Euxine to the Rhotian Alps, and Panonia west, and to the extremity of Greece south, between the Ister and Bosphorus, Propontis, &c., I feel myself warranted to deliver for very truth,

That the chief of the Scythian race, who conducted the first colony into Thrace, was Iaban, called by the Hebrews Javan, the son of Iafoth, the son of Ardfear, who is Noah, the last supreme chief of the most ancient Scythian empire; that he took his departure from Armenia, in the second year of his brother Og, with a colony which had the name of Og-eag-eis.

That they entered Europe by the way of the Bosphorus, and had roved after the manner of their race, as far south as the

country of Eleusis, north of Attica, and the northern parts of Peloponnesus, when a colony of Scythians also, originally from the land of Canaan, immediately from Egypt, landed in the southern extremity of the land, which they occupied, and whereon they instantly commenced to build towns, from which circumstance that part of the country got the name of Pelasce, and this tribe that of Pelasgoi, of which tribe the Spartans and Athenians were the most celebrated people.

That a body of the Og-eag-eis had proceeded on the shore of the Egean sea, as far south as Eleusis, to a district which they called Ogygea, at the time of the arrival of the Pelasgoi, in the extreme south, which tribe of the Og-eag-eis assumed the specific name of Ellenes.

And that the connexion between these two Scythian nations of the Og-eag-ean Ellenes and the Canaanite Pelasgoi, is not

more near.

That Cadmus, the Phoenician, led a colony of Sydonian Scythians to the district of Ogygea, which the Ellenes yielded to them, and which from them was called Cadmeia, afterwards Boeotia, and these are the Achaioi.

That Danaus, the brother of Sesostris, led a colony of Egyptians to Greece. These are the Danaoi.

That the Hebrews designated the Aborignes of all these regions first colonized by their Javan, by the name of Gentiles, which Gentiles I consider to be the people called Helots, who retired to Arcadia, and to Messenia, in a southern, and to the land of the Iapydes in a western direction, where they are called Celtæ.

And as to the names of Pelasgia and Ellas, though there is no reason why that of Pelasgia should not have prevailed before that of Ellas; yet did neither prevail as to the entire of Greece, Pelasgia being the south, and Ellas the north thereof; both being applied much about the same era.

These things, after an infinity of research, I deliver for historic facts, submitted to the judgment of those, to whose care the education of youth, an awful trust! is confided, and to all who delight in wisdom, and the words of truth.



(a) In am aware that Thucydides has said in the very commencement of his work, "Before the affairs of Troy it doth not appear that Greece or Ellas was ever united in one common undertaking, nor indeed did the same subsist at all before the time of Ellen the son of Deucalion;" this expression of Thucydides is but one of the innumerable proofs of the extreme inaccuracy of the Grecian historians, particularly in chronology, if you will cast your eye on the suppositions, and on the true era of events, you will perceive Ellen was antecedent to the Argonautic expedition, which was prior to the war of Troy; and it cannot be said with truth, that the Argonauts did not confederate under the sanction of the council Amphyction.

(b) To avoid controversy, I have not hitherto pointed at, nor mentioned the name of any individual;-at the same time I must declare that I could enumerate hundreds of instances, wherein moderns of seeming candour and respect for truth, have cited Herodotus, from whose pen they have quoted passages, the very reverse of what he hath distinctly advanced.

(c) Though I have always steered clear of conjecture, I beg leave to offer a suggestion in this place, though the Greek historians are remarkable for delivering contrary opinions: here we find Herodotus and Thucydides in agreement as to the origin of the Lacedemonians, both asserting that they were Dorians, who came with the Heraclids into Peloponnesus at the era agreed upon by both, of four-score years antecedently to the Trojan war, which was 450 years before the days of Herodotus.

May not this be the cause of the confusion of the origin of the Pelasgoi and Ellenes; the original Pelasgoi from Egypt first came to Peloponnesus, who being afterwards subdued by the Dorians who were Ellenes, Herodotus and those of his days lost sight of origin, and called the Lacedemonians who had been Pelasgoi by the name of Ellenes, because they were Dorians for so long a time before. I would have men of literature think of this.

(d) It is here to be observed that I am speaking of origin, this emigration spoken of by Herodotus, was at the era just mentioned in the former note, which has nothing to do with origin. I repeat that no tribe of the Ogyges was known to have proceeded so far south as Sparta, antecedently to the invasion of the Doric Ellenes with the Heraclidæ, about four-score years before the Trojan war.

(e) The real history of this visit of Eumolpus to Eleusis, conduces to explain the origin of these tribes. Erectheus chief of the Cecropeian Pelasgoi, made war on the Ogygeian Eleusinians, to whose assistance Eumolpus a prince of Thrace came, that is, the Ogygean Thracian assisted the Ogygean Eleusinian against the Pelasgians, so much more remotely allied to his tribe, for it never must be lost sight of, that all were of the Scythian race of mankind.

Of the Scythian tribes that colonized the districts of Europe, from the western extremity of Italy, and the Rhotian Alps, to the German Ocean, between the rivers Danube, and Rhine, north, and the Garronne south.


THOUGH these colonies were the latest in point of time that proceeded westward, and formed separate independent nations, I have thought it better, for connexion sake, to continue in this their central course, to a conclusion, before we proceed north or southward, more especially as few words will suffice.

On this part of our subject I have to observe, That the country now called by the general name of Italy, received a colony of Pelasgoi, led by Enotrius, the son of Lycaon, from Greece, about 1000 years before Christ.

About which era Saturn conducted another colony from Crete to Italy.

That about 940, Evander emigrated from Greece also to Italy.

That about 883, Italy received Eneas and his followers from Troy.

That a colony of Lydians from Asia Minor settled west of the Tyber, in the country called Etruria.

And that a colony of Phocians from Greece emigrated to the banks of the Rhone, where they founded Massilia.

Of all which Scythian tribes (with what mixture of the Aborigines I cannot take on me to say) the divers communities of Italy were composed; of whom, one distinguished by the name of Romans, did in process of time subdue all the others, founded Rome about six hundred years before Christ,

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