Sivut kuvina



doubling the constituency, had accompanied it by a proportionate measure of disfranchisement, he would have been consistent, or, if he had adhered to his former plan, and abstained in this Bill from the re-distribution of seats he (Mr. Massey) should have said it was Mr. Massey entered prudent. upon a minute criticism of the Bill and its alleged defects upon this head, with suggestions for its improvement, advising Lord J. Russell, in conclusion, to submit his Bill to a revision.

Mr. T. Crossley regretted to hear the distrust which had been expressed of the working classes. From long habits of intercourse with them he believed they were actuated by as much uprightness, fair dealing, and honourable sentiment, as any class.

Mr. Baines expressed opinions to the same effect, and opposed the notion that it was dangerous to entrust them with power. He supported the Bill.

Mr. K. Seymer, after replying
at some length to the speech of
Mr. Bright, and predicting that
the changes he meditated would
lead to manhood suffrage and
equal electoral districts, made a
few comments upon the Bill, the
simplicity and brevity of which he
deemed no merit, and expressed
his firm belief that in the Com-
mittee modifications would be in
troduced in it, which would make
it a real measure of reform.

Mr. Whiteside said he had
vainly endeavoured to learn what
was the paramount necessity for
this measure. Mr. Bright had
stated that it had been introduced
in redemption of a pledge given
by Lord J. Russell when he sat on
the Opposition side of the House;
but this was no argument what-

ever for the production of this
Bill. Sir G. Grey had said it was
to enable the Government to secure
the support of the House; this was
no reason for introducing a bad
Bill. Referring to the views which
he thought had been disclosed by
Mr. Bright, that the masses should
have the franchise, he asked whe-
ther his object was to reform the
Constitution, or to reconstruct it.
If the latter was the object, then
what he contemplated was a revo-
lution. It was the constitutional
doctrine that the qualification for
the franchise was political capacity;
yet this Bill would confer the
franchise upon a body of men of
whose political capacity no evi-
dence was offered. On the other
hand, they had a great aptitude for
political organization, as had been
proved, he said, in the course of the
late strike. He read extracts from
the proceedings of the workmen
engaged in that movement, which
demonstrated, in his opinion, at
once their combination and their
want of political capacity; and he
asked, what could justify, with re-
ference to these proceedings, the
transfer to them of so vast an
amount of political power, which
an organized minority could em-
ploy as a dangerous instrument.
He implored those who had
brought in this Bill to consider
whether they would not enhance
their reputation by raising the pro-
posed franchise.

Mr. James, after replying to the arguments employed by Mr. Whiteside, Mr. Disraeli, and Sir J. Pakington, proceeded to point out what he considered to be the defects of the Bill-namely, its non-disfranchisement, its non-enfranchisement, and its not varying the constituency by giving a lodger franchise; its hampering the fran

chise by exacting the payment of rates, and its containing no system of revised registration. He argued that the Government had not shown that they had anything like an accurate view of the extent to which the franchise would be extended under the Bill, and he gave details to prove the fallacy of the returns upon which they had based their calculations upon this point, which omitted compound occupiers. He was, he said an advocate for a large extension of the franchise; but the House and the country should know the probable amount of the addition to the constituency. With the question of non-disfranchisement he regretted that the Government had not had the courage to deal as the bolder measure of 1854, which adopted the proper principle, had dealt with this question, and he adduced examples of the extraordinary and unintelligible principle of disfranchisement upon which the present Bill proceeded. By shackling the franchise with the payment of rates, half its benefit would, he said, be destroyed.

Mr. Hardy observed that no party in the House really approved of the Bill. The Conservatives regarded it with apprehension, and Mr. Bright and his party supported it, only as a stepping-stone to further extensions of the franchise. He (Mr. Hardy) objected to increasing the number of the representatives of large towns, and thought that the absence of any scheme for improving the registration was a great defect. He concluded by vindicating the aristocracy against the severe remarks which Mr. Bright had made upon them.

Lord R. Montagu warmly op

posed the Bill as tending to give undue weight to numbers in comparison with property and intelli


Mr. H. Berkeley protested against this Bill being regarded as a measure of finality. He objected to it as extending the franchise to a class less calculated to resist intimidation or corruption than the present class of voters, without affording them the protection of the Ballot, and that it did not deal with nomination boroughs. There was no feeling in the country in favour of the Bill.

Sir G. Lewis observed that when the Government undertook to frame a Reform Bill they employed the intervention of the Poor Law Board to obtain correct data; and the returns laid upon the table contained correct and complete information so far as the rate-books, the only basis upon which the returns could be founded, furnished such information. Mr. James had stated that the Government had made important errors; but he (Sir George) maintained confidently that the returns were substantially correct, and that the Government had not made any serious error in the inferences they had drawn from them. He pointed out sources of error in Mr. James's argument on this point, which he, in turn, accused of fallacy; and he then proceeded to state the grounds upon which he supported the Bill. The object of the Reform Act of 1832, he remarked, was to remedy evils resulting from the representation of decayed and almost uninhabited towns, and the non-representation of populous counties and large manufacturing towns; and the effect of the measure and subsequent experience had made him think that the time had come



when it was desirable that some further progress should be made in the same direction. The defects of that Act were admitted, and the present moment was favourable for the introduction of a measure, framed in the same spirit, which was a precautionary one, to guard against evils, slight at present, but which were in creasing; and the Government were satisfied that it was a safe and moderate measure. It was objected that the Bill contained no revised system of registration; but the Government had studiously avoided the introduction of subordinate matters into the Bill, and this subject might be more conveniently dealt with in a separate Bill. The objection that it omitted the lodger franchise could be discussed in the Committee; and with regard to the complaint that the Bill was deficient in disfranchisement, he argued that circumstances had altered since the year 1831, that the nomination boroughs before the Reform Act stood upon a different footing from that on which the boroughs with small constituencies now stand; and therefore the Government had determined not to propose disfranchisement upon a large scale, but to follow the principle adopted in the Bill of the late Governmentthat of population, which they thought was, upon the whole, a fair one, and preferable to that of the number of electors. He explained the reasons which had influenced the Government in proposing the transfer of seats, observing that it was a fair subject for consideration, and if the House deemed the reasons insuflicient, their decision could be altered in the Committee. He impressed upon the House, in conclusion,

that there could be no sound sys-
tem which did not to a great extent
recognize the principle of local re-

Lord R. Cecil, in replying to
Sir G. Lewis, observed that, in
adverting to the Reform Act of
1832, he had forgotten that it was
a measure of balance, taking on
one side and giving on the other.
But the present Bill had no quali-
fication; it was an advance in one
direction. Neither had Sir George
paid any attention to the swamping
argument; the objection as to the
power which the Bill would throw
into the hands of numbers, who
would return a totally different
House of Commons, more inclined
to push on other changes, and
who, if not disposed to unite upon
other questions, upon the ques-
tion of taxation would be united.
The overpowering preponderance
which the Bill was about to place
in the hands of the working
classes, if exerted upon our fi-
nauces, would prove dangerous.
It was possible that the anticipa
tions of the advocates of the Bill
might prove true; but it was pos-
sible that the result might verify
his apprehensions of the conse-
quences of placing power in the
hands of persons too poor and too
ignorant to use it wisely; and in
that case the step would be irre-

Mr. Milnes believed that the exclusion of large classes of the community from the franchise would produce much discontent. He should wish to give the suffrage to members of the scientific bodies, the Inns of Courts and other classes of educated and influential persons. He did not think the present Bill would make much change in the character of the members returned to that

House, and believing that it would develope the political education of the people, he should give it his support.

Mr. Peacock argued strongly against the extinction of the small constituencies, a measure which would ultimately lead to electoral districts. He objected, also, to the uniformity of franchise proposed by the Bill.

Mr. Newdegate contended that the element of numbers being so enormously increased in the constituency, there should be an increase in the county representation, as proposed in 1854, in order to offer a resistance to what he considered a confiscation of real property by taxation.

Sir E. B. Lytton delivered and eloquent oration against the Bill, dwelling upon the effects which a low franchise would exert on the quality of the constituency, and upon the power it would give to manual labour to control capital; and he proceeded to show that the numbers which the Bill would admit to the franchise would be much larger than its framers anticipated; but, be the numbers large or small, they would be sufficient, he said, to overbear the interests of the existing constituency, and it would not be a fair representation of the community upon the theory of numbers. No security was taken for the fitness of the class to be admitted; it was not required that those who were to have the lion's share in political power should have a proportionate stake in the country and a regard for order, the foundation of property. This Bill was designed to amend the representation; but would it improve it in respect to property, station, and knowledge? It had been argued by Sir G. Lewis that the time had

come for greater progress in the same direction as the great Reform Act; but this Bill went back in the very direction from which that Act departed; it took a long stride towards the old scot and lot voters, giving to the working classes a preponderating influence over property and knowledge. He would confer a fair share of the representation upon the working class, but he would have some security for intelligence and property. If this Bill were passed, a settlement of the question would be as far off as ever; it would settle nothing, and they were asked to pass it when the House of Lords were making inquiries into an important point which the House of Commons was expected to take for granted.

Mr. Marsh said at once that he would not support the Bill in its present shape; his only doubt was whether something might not be made of it in the Committee, if the borough franchise were altered to 8l. instead of 6l. He urged the danger of lowering the franchise too much. He did not under-rate the good qualities of the working classes; but he had had some experience of a democracy in Australia, where every lover of freedom must lament the apathy of men of any standing, which left the representation to political adventurers. He referred to particular instances in the colony of the control exercised by the working classes and trades' unions.

Sir J. Fergusson believed that the Bill, in extending the franchise more widely, would open a new door to corruption. It would not satisfy political reformers nor remove existing anomalies. The measure would exclude officers of the army and navy, schoolmasters,



articled clerks, and lodgers paying higher rents than 67., while it included a class peculiarly liable to pressure and influence.

Mr. Denman cordially support-
ed the Bill. Although he admired
the eloquence of Sir B. Lytton, he
did not find in his speech anything
to be called an argument. Advert-
ing to certain criteria which show
ed the moral and mental progress
of the people, Mr. Denman argued
that the time had come when it
was fitting to make a further ex-
tension of political rights. He
combated the arguments which
had been urged against lowering
the borough franchise, acknowledg-
ing, however, that he desired to
see a lodger franchise added to
the Bill. He could not say that
the measure was a complete one,
but he thought it was an honest
one, and he should therefore give
it his support.

Sir J. Walsh noticed the gene-
ral repugnance which the Bill had
created, and the severe blows in
flicted upon it by both sides of the
House. The stroke aimed by Mr.
James at the accuracy of the re-
turns laid upon the table went to
the very vitals of the Bill, which
was based upon those returns.
Lord J. Russell had claimed for
the Bill the merit of its being a
quiet, safe, and moderate mea-
sure; but if the representations
of Mr. James were well-founded
it was anything but such a mea-
sure. Prima facie, the House had
been led into a very grave error;
and, if it should so turn out, they
would be placed in a false position
if this Bill went to the other
House. It was avowed that the
Bill would not settle the question
-that it was but an instalment, a
prelude to something else. Then
what were the ulterior objects?


The re-distribution of seats, the
ballot, the abolition of the rate-
paying clauses, and
which, coupled with the exten-
sion of the franchise, would en-
tirely change the character of the
representation, and convert that
House into a purely democratic
assembly. It was a singular cir-
cumstance, he remarked, that a
Bill so universally reprobated was
going to pass the second reading
unopposed, and he suggested what
he deemed the causes which had
created this strange position. It
was however, he said, his convic-
tion that this Bill was not destined
to become law.

Lord J. Russell, in reply to Sir
J. Walsh, adverted to the unparal-
leled prosperity which the country
had enjoyed since 1832. He had
heard, he said, in this debate many
apprehensions expressed of the ef-
fects of this Bill, but it was singu-
lar that no speaker had showed that
his alarms flowed naturally from
its contents. The objection of Mr.
James to the returns, tending to
exaggerate the numbers of the new
constituency, he showed was the
result of error on the part of that
gentleman. Objections had been
made on the other side to a reduc-
tion of the franchise that would
reach the working classes. It was
said that those classes deserved the
care and attention of the House,
but the representation generally
was that they were very poor, very
ignorant, and very corrupt. There
was a spirit of distrust of the work-
[This remark was met
ing classes holding any political
with a loud cry of "No."] What
then, he asked, was the objection
to the admission of those classes?
His impression was that the speak-
ers were of opinion that the work-
ing classes were not to be trusted;

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