Sivut kuvina


There has been a rather better tone in the market for Caustic Soda, which being less plentiful on the spot has enabled makers to advance prices a little 70's f.o.b. Liverpool are now £6. 10s. to £6. 15S., according to brand. Chlorate of Potash has been offered at 4%d., but makers are declining business at this figure, meantime Bleaching Powder has slightly improved in value, and on the spot at makers' works is worth £5. 10s. Sulphate of Copper unchanged in position, and nominally £24. 10s. to £25. per ton." Potash Caustic and Carbonate are still scarce for early deliveries, and prices remain very firm. Acetates of Lime, quiet and little doing in brown at £6. 2s. 6d. ; grey, at £9. 15s. to £10. at usual points. Acetate of Soda, Acetic Acids, and Acetates generally are considerably in excess of requirements, and no early improvement in values can be looked for. Acetate of Soda is selling at £15. 15s. to £16. Prussiate of Potash is firm at 7d. per lb. for British makes. Bichromates without change. Muriate of Ammonia is in good demand and with limited supply prices are hardening. The general demand for chemicals in the manufacturing centres and for export has improved during the past month, and greater quantities of material have been going into actual consumption.


THERE continues to be a fair amount of business doing, and the tendency of prices, both for phosphatic and nitrogenous material, is still to harden.

For Charleston Rock, prompt shipment 10d. per unit, c.i.f. to U.K. port has been paid, and for later shipment 104d. is now the very lowest price. Belgian remains as last quoted. For 55/60% Somme 834 d. is now required, one-fifth rise, for 60/65%, 10d., with rise, and for 65/70% about 111⁄2d., with rise, would have to be paid. Further sales of 70% Canadian have been made at 10d., one-fifth rise, and that price would probably do for further quantity, delivered Thames, Mersey, or Clyde. Quotations for 75% and 80% remain at 111⁄2d. and 13d. respectively.

For autumn shipment £5. paid ex quay Liverpool, for 300 tons Bombay bone meal, and that price would still do for either Hull or Liverpool; £5. 2s. 6d. asked ex-quay Clyde. On spot there is no further business to report, £5. ex store being required. For 50 tons crushed Calcutta bones, due this month, £4. 15s. would probably do, ex-quay Liverpool, nothing else offering. For a cargo of Liebig's bone meal, £5. 5s. paid, delivered Scotch port. There is less eagerness to buy parcels of grinding bones at the advanced prices, but £5. would be paid now for cargoes of River Plate bones U. K. or Continent. Bone ash and spent charcoal as last quoted; nothing of importance doing. Nitrate is very firm at the advance, and although figures do not seem to warrant still higher prices, Operators are shy about committing themselves to sales ahead. Spot value is 8s. 6d. to 8s. 71⁄2d per cent. Liverpool due cargoes are worth 8s. 6d., and September October shipment 9s. 11⁄2d. to 9s. 3d. U.K. or Continent.

The enquiry for dried blood has resulted in parcels on spot being cleared out at 10s. 6d. to 10. 9d. per unit, and sales of River plate to arrive, at under 10s. 6d. ex-quay Liverpool-exact price not allowed to transpire.

There has been a good deal of enquiry within the past few weeks for superphosphates for the States, and manufacturers have been willing to meet buyers fairly in the matter of price for moderate quantities, but not much business has resulted. Manufacturers would hardly care to commit themselves to very large sales unless at an advance on present values, in face of the increasing cost of the raw material.


There is no alteration to report in prices, 90's Benzol being quoted at s. 8d. to 2s. 9d. and 50/90's at 2s. ; most other tar products remain in statu quo, with the exception of anthracene, which perhaps looks a little brighter, the price for A quality being Is. to Is. 2d., and for B


The Sulphate of Ammonia market is somewhat weak, and there are sellers at £11. 17s. 6d. f.o.b., Hull and Liverpool, and £11. 16s. 3d. Leith, while speculators report that they have offers even below these prices, £11. 16s. 3d. being reported from Hull, and £11. 15s. Leith. The slackness of the demand is becoming felt, although there is little produced at this season of the year, the absence of buyers makes an unfavourable impression, and makers seem inclined to accept the best prices offered.

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BUENA VENTURA NITRATE GROUNDS SYNDICAT was registered on the 24th ult., with a capital of acquire, under an agreement to be made between John Dawson, Frederick Ford, and W. T. Morrison pany of the other part, certain nitrate deposits an Ventura Nitrate Works, situate near the Salar de Bel Chili. The subscribers are:

Colonel John T. North, Avery-hill, Eltham, nitra
Robert Harvey, C.E., 12, Kensington-gore....
F. Ford, 204, Cromwell-road...

W. T. Morrison, 61, Earl's court-road
H. W. Morrison, Iquique, Chili

John Dawson, Iquique, Chili, merchant J B. Harvey, Iquique, Chili, nitrate merchant ELECTRIC TRUST, LIMITED.-This company was with a capital of £60,000., in £10. shares, to c machinery, and apparatus for the production and tra light and heat, and electric, magnetic, or other force.

Spencer Chadwick, 17, Parliament-street, archite H. Sampson King, Founder's Hall, St. Swithin's J. K. D. Mackenzie, C.E., 15, Gt. George-street C. E. Masterman, Alsager, Cheshire, engineer H. C. Masterman, 52, New Broad-street, solicito W. R. Renshaw, Kidsgrove, Stafford, engineer, E. R. Robson, 9, Bridge-street, Westminster, ard HEYWOOD AND COMPANY, LIMITED.-This comp ult., with a capital of £2,000., in 1. shares, to acqu Calico Printer, and Textile Review. Mr. Thomas appointed managing director.

MASON AND MASON, LIMITED.-This company v with a capital of 180,000., in £5. shares, to acquir manufacturers, carried on by Messrs. Mason and Ma Fleet-street, and at Plaistow, Essex, 16,000 of the s shares. The subscribers are:

Sir C. J. Jessel, Bart., 6, Cadogan-mansions, S.
E F. Čoates, 99, Gresham-street, stockbroker
D. Birt, Town Hall-chambers, Boro' High-street
J. H. S Hanning, Worcester-park, Surrey, char
H. C. Green, 6, Bond-street, Holford-square, acc
T. Mercer, Ewell, Surrey

J. Coates, 99, Gresham-street, stockbroker POROUS WATERPROOFING COMPANY, LIMITED.on the 25th ult., with a capital of £30,000., in £10. s Doller and Daus, of Hamburg, their secret process gether with their business at Hamburg. The subscr G. H. Dunlop, 7, Rumford-street, Liverpool, cot Lionel Peel, 46, Brown's-buildings, Liverpool, co T. M. Patterson, 33, Exchange-alley, Liverpool, C. H. Hollins, Brown's-buildings, Liverpool, cot C. H. Melly, 33, Brown's-building, Liverpool, co G. H. Thompson, 33, Brown's-buildings, Liverp M. S. Hall, Union Bank-buildings, Liverpool, m SOUTH BUCKLEY ROCK BRICK COMPANY, LIMI tered on the 27th ult., with a capital of £15,000, business of the North and South Buckley Collier Limited, of the parishes of Mold and Hawarden, cou


S. G. Sinclair, 12, North John-street, Liverpool,
C. Holland, 12, North John-street, Liverpool, c
C. D. Price, Leicester, commercial traveller
C. H Roberts, Leicester, grocer
J. D. Roberts, Leicester, merchant
W. Jarman, Hull, provision merchant
C. Muirhead, Hull, merchant

ing down the fat. Where a rich cheese is made, giving albuminoids will increase the fat, but simultaneously the flow is diminished, and the manufacture of cheese from rich milk requires greater care than usual. Hence, in the best cheese dairies, the milk is daily tested for


In order to feed in the manner above indicated it is necessary to know the weight of the animal, the quantity and composition of her milk, and the composition of the food. The trouble at first sight appears great, but it is not really so. As few farmers know the exact composition of the food they employ, I have appended a table showing the average digestible components in each.

There are many considerations which time does not permit me to enter into, such as the necessity of a mixture of feeding stuffs, the advisability of an occasional change of food, and the well-known superiority of certain substances for milk production. In the table these latter have been marked with a b; and in changing one food for another it will be well to take one from the same column as contains the rejected food or has the same nutritive ratio. By such means the ratios are less liable to suffer, whereas by changing barley for beans, or oats for oil-cake, the ratio must of necessity be upset, and the results of the feeding spoiled.

The subject is one which might well have occupied me longer, but I must now leave others to further discuss it, trusting that the discussing may lead the way to a better understanding of the economical feeding of dairy cattle.

Composition of the Principal Feeding Stuffs, showing the Constituents present in 10 lbs. of Food :

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*99 '04 .82

I- 2.8 I- 3'0 I- 3'3 I- 4'4 I


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5'1 5.6 I- 5'7

Turnips (Tankards,

Globes, &c.


Grass, Meadow..


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10 *20 16 1.26 13 I'12

•65 ΟΙ


1.30 *04



6'7 I- 7'0 1- 7.3


I- 8.7

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b Mangels Carrots

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8.4 .84



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4.72 6.71

I 6'7 7:4 .88 I- 8.0 42 I- 8.5


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JULY 6, 1889.



On Friday, the 28th ult., two important meetings were held in

London to consider the present position of affairs under the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of last year. On the previous day a Conference had been held at the rooms of the London Chamber of Commerce, at which there were represented, in addition to the London Chamber, the Lancashire and Cheshire Conference, the Railway and Canal Traders' Association, the Devon and Cornwall Conference, the Association of Chambers of Commerce, the British Iron Trade Association, and the Central Chamber of Agriculture. At this Conference certain resolutions were adopted for proposal at the two meetings which had been called for the following day by the Railway and Canal Traders' Association and by the Lancashire and Cheshire Conference respectively, and a strong feeling was evoked in favour of united action on the part of traders, agriculturists, and others interested in all parts of the country in opposing before the Board of Trade the new tariff of rates and charges prepared by the railway companies under the Act of last year. The first meeting held on the 28th ult., was that called by the Railway and Canal Traders' Association, and took place at the Cannon-street Hotel, Mr. LAFONE, M. P., in the chair.

The CHAIRMAN gave an account of the steps that had led to the calling of the meeting, the date and hour of which had been arranged without any knowledge that the Lancashire and Cheshire Conference had called a meeting for the same day. It had, however, been arranged that identical resolutions should be submitted to the two meetings, and his Association attached the greatest importance to the securing of entire unanimity on the part of all traders on the subject to be discussed. Every effort would be needed to protect their interests against such a powerful and well-organised body as that which had been created by the joint action of all the railway companies. Separate traders or separate bodies of traders would have no chance if they acted alone, and he urged that no steps at all in the direction of negotiating with the railway companies should be taken by private persons. that, "Divide and conquer" would be the motto of the railway comIf they did panies. These meetings had been called for the purpose of discussion, and to decide what was the best course to pursue in order to approach the railway companies. Some 4,000 objections to the new tariff of maximum charges and classification of goods had been sent in to the Board of Trade, with the result of practically paralysing the action of that body, who had requested the two associations to do some of their work in the way of negotiating with the railway companies on matters of detail. In order that this could be done with advantage, it was necessary that some organisation of traders should be formed, and the resolutions that would be submitted to the meeting included one for the formation of a committee representing the traders throughout the whole country which should approach the railway companies on the subject of classification, which was one subject that would need to be first settled. The three resolutions, identical with those carried at the subsequent meeting, were then moved and seconded seriatim, and, after some discussion, were carried unanimously.

The second and larger meeting, called by the Lancashire and Cheshire Conference, was held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, and was presided over by Sir JOHN HARWOOD (Manchester). There was

a very large attendance, the room being uncomfortably crowded. The CHAIRMAN gave a short history of the agitation on the subject of railway rates and charges since the introduction of the bill of 1885 by the railway companies. By that bill it was found that the railway companies proposed a very serious increase of rates and charges. In Manchester alone it was found that the effects of the bill would be to increase the cost of carriage to the City Council and public authorities alone to the extent of £30,000. a year, and other Corporations in Lancashire and Cheshire would suffer in proportion. The Lancashire and Cheshire Conference, consisting of representatives of the Corporations, Local Boards, Chambers of Commerce, &c., was then formed for the protection of the interests of the public against the intentions of the railway companies. The bill of 1885 was withdrawn, and eventually the Act of last year was passed, the intention of the Legislature being to relieve the traders from the grievances which they suffered at the hands of the railway companies. The railway companies, however, by a new tariff of rates and charges and the new system of classification which they proposed, sought to make matters worse than ever, and to effect what was practically a larger increase in their rates than they attempted to get even by the bills of 1885. To this new proposal a large number of objections had been sent in to the Board of Trade, and had to be considered by that body. In a circular which the Board of Trade sent out on the 10th of June they divided the objections into two classes--first, the objections on questions of principle, such as the maximum rates, terminal charges, &c., and second, objections on matter of detail, such as those relating to classification, and those relating to the separate interests of each objector. The Board of Trade wished the Association to enter into negotiation with the railway companies to see if these matters of detail could not be settled, but his view of the question was that before

they could negotiate with any prospect of success those objections on matters of principle must be decided. The railway companies had so arranged the classification that the rates on 99 out of 100 articles were increased. They said that the principle upon which they had acted was to look at each separate interest or trade, and put the charges on that interest at the amount which, in their opinion, it was able to bear. But he would ask what had the railway companies to do with the amount that a trade or interest was able to bear? His view was that they ought to be paid for the service they rendered and the risk they ran, and if they rendered no more service and ran no more risk for Á than for B, then the charges made to A and B ought to be identical.— (Applause.) It should be remembered that the present was the first occasion in the whole history of railway rates and charges on which the traders were having a voice in the matter, and the question ought to be settled in a manner that would endure for a long time to come. If this country was to prosper-if the land which would not pay with corn was to be kept under cultivation at all,—its productions must be encouraged, and that could not be done unless the charges for transit on our railways and canals bore some relation to the charges for the same kind of produce in other countries. (Hear, hear.) Instead of this being done by the proposed new scale, the opposite effect would be brought about, and rates increased by the operation of the new system of classification in a very large number of instances. He urged that it should not be put in the power of the railway companies to utterly annihilate any industry which they did not think worth their attention or cultivation. The country had given the railway companies a monopoly, but it should take care that it was not used for the advantage of the few and to the serious disadvantage of the great mass of the trading community. (Applause.)

The Hon. A. EGERTON moved the first resolution, as follows:

That this meeting is of opinion that the classifications now proposed by the railway companies are unsatisfactory, and cannot be accepted by the agricultural and trading community, and that any conference with the railway authorities must proceed upon the basis that the classification to be adopted is to be an actual working classification.

He had looked through a great many of the proposed changes in classification, and he found that in almost every case the alterations were in favour of the railway companies and against the interests of the traders. The changes would bear with especial injustice on the agricultural interest, which was already as depressed as any other interest in the country, and it was because he was concerned more particularly with that important industry that he urged that every effort should be made to prevent the railway companies accomplishing their object.

Mr. JAMES SHANKS (Dublin Railway and Canal Rates Association) seconded.

Mr. GANE (town clerk of Blackburn) pointed out, in supporting the resolution, that by passing it they did not in any way abandon or prejudice their right to object to the new rates on matters of principle, to the maximum charges or to the terminal rates. Although he did not think the course of procedure suggested by the Board of Trade was the best that could be adopted, he wished to fall in with their suggestions, because it was most necessary that the traders should not put themselves in antagonism to the Board of Trade, who would in fact be the final umpires between them and the railway companies.

Án amendment to leave out the last clause of the resolution dealing with the basis of classification was moved by Mr. A. IMPEY (Birmingham) and seconded, but on being put was defeated, and the original resolution was carried by a large majority.

Sir V. BARRINGTON (London Chamber of Commerce) movedThat, subject to the foregoing resolution, this meeting recommends that the objectors should, as provided by section 24, sub-section 3, be ready to meet the railway companies in reference to the differences which have arisen in the presence of representatives of the Board of Trade.

Mr. BROOK (Devon and Cornwall Conference) seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. After a short discussion, an amendment providing that no negotiations should be opened with the railway company, until they had replied in writing to the objections that had been sent in being withdrawn.

Mr. HENRY LEE (Manchester) moved, and Mr. Alderman DICKINS (Mayor of Salford) seconded, the third resolution, as follows:

That a representative committee of objectors be appointed for the purpose of nego fiating with the representatives of the companies, as suggested by the Board of Trade circular of the roth inst., and that the committee consist of the following gentlemen, with power to add to their number:-The Executive Committee of the Lancashire and Cheshire Conference, Sir Vincent Barrington (London Chamber of Commerce), Mr. James Duncan (Railway and Canal Traders' Association), Mr. A. Hickman Wolverhampton), Mr. H. Coke (Liverpool Chamber of Commerce), Mr. J. Shanks (Dabun Railway and Canal Rates Association), Mr. M. W. Peace (Wigan, South Lancashire and Cheshire Coal Association), Mr. Lockwood (Sheffield Chamber of Commerce), Mr. W. Dove Wilcox (Bristol Chamber of Commerce), Mr. W. A. Nicholls (Smithheld Market Tenants, Manchester), Mr. K. B. Murray (London Chamber Commerce), Mr. Thomas Brook (Plymouth Chamber of Commerce), Mr. E. Hide (Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce), the Chairman of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, Sir James Marwick; Mr. G. P. Goldney, (City Remembrancer), Lord Darlow (Salt Union), Mr. G. Baylis (Berks Chamber of Agriculture), Mr. M'Caul (Paper Makers' Association), Mr. Connor (Co-operative Wholesale Society), Mr. Barber (National Fisheries), Mr. A. Barnes, M P. (Derbyshire Coal Trade), Mr. A Mayhew (East Sussex Chamber of Commerce), Mr. Hutchinson (Nottingham and Midland Merchants, and Traders' Association), Mr. F. Impey (Birmingham Freighters' Association), Mr. W. A. Temperley, jun. (Newcastle Chamber of Com

merce), Mr. A. Brown, (Galashiels), Mr. Atkinson Clark (Northumberland County Council), Mr. Lowe (Alberstone), Mr. A. E. Williams (Wilts Corn Trade Association), Major Cragie (Associated Chamber of Agriculture), and Mr. R. W. Holden (Cattle Traders' Association, Sheffield).

A vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings.

Our Book Shelf.

THE CHEMISTRY OF THE COAL TAR COLOURS.-Translated from the German of Dr. R. Benedikt, and edited with additions, by Dr. E. Knecht, F.I.C. Second edition, pp. 325. London: George Bell and Sons. 1889.

This usual treatise on the Coal-Tar Colours forms one of the series of Messrs. Bell and Sons' technological hand-books. The translator is the well-known and successful master of the Dyeing Department of the Bradford Technical College, which is a sufficient guarantee of the practical character of the work. For many years English students were without a cheap and reliable handbook of this department of industrial chemistry, and for a long period its cultivation has been systematically ignored by those who should have expounded its mystifications. The second edition of such a work as this comes at an opportune moment, and a perusal of its contents shows us that the latest information has been culled and incorporated. On page 241 we notice a full account of Rhodamine, the comparatively new colouring matter, made and sold by the Badische Aniline and Soda Fabrik, as well as on page 305 et seq the complete chain of colours now being made from alizarine. This is a handbook that few students of chemistry should consider superfluous; while those interested in the organic portion of the science, as well as those whose daily work lies in the direction of dyeing, bleaching, and paper making, should consider it a necessary. GASEOUS FUEL.-By B. H. Thwaite, C. E. London: Whittaker and Co. 1889.

This brochure of 40 pages, is the substance of a lecture delivered in March of the present year at the Association Hall, Peter-street, Manchester, under the auspices of the Manchester and Salford Noxious Vapours Abatement Association.

The efforts of this Association to educate the minds of the people to a better order of things sanitary, has resulted in the dissemination of a mass of useful information, and if but little comes of these efforts, the Association can truly say, "We have piped unto you and ye have not


Mr. Thwaite pleads for the entire use of gaseous fuel, and so far as he has argued, there seems to be a distinct advantage in its application; but it is well known that coal can be burned quite as well in the solid form, without producing a particle of smoke, and quite as economically, if not even more so, than gaseous fuel, which requires a special generator and an attendant to look after it.

The appendix furnishes some useful information for those who desire to study the subject more closely, especially with relation to water gas, but for further information on this point we must refer our readers to the brochure itself.

[blocks in formation]

H. H.-London. 2, Five pounds.

R. J. S.-It is not expected to pass into law in its present form.
ALKALI.-There is no truth whatever in such a rumour.

C. D.-Not longer than twelve months.

F. S.-Your enquiry is only suitable for our advertising columns.
L. M. P.-Thanks for your letter.

W. W.-We believe it was in 1874; but we have nothing to fix the exact date by.

CARBO-There is no doubt that carbolic acid has passed the zenith of its fame as a disinfectant, and is making way for less dangerous articles. Moreover it is just beginning to dawn upon sanitarians that cleanliness is the best disin


B. H. J.-If you think that agriculture is not a branch of chemistry, then we are very sorry for you.

Q.C.-Quite a trade matter; we cannot reply to such queries in this column. You should apply to a consulting chemist.

R. C.-The process is so hemmed in with patents that it is very difficult to approach it.

W. H. H.-We do not believe in the ultimate success of the process.

C. R. W.-The matter is scarcely suitable for the pages of a trade journal.

O. S.-We intend giving the original articles, and then making our own remark afterwards,

Trade Notes.

ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SHOW, WINDSOR.-At an hour on Saturday when everyone appeared to consider the exhibition practically at an end, the Pulsometer Engineering Company had a special intimation that the Queen was coming and intended to visit their stand on her way to the Grand Stand and march past of ponies, and at 7 p.m. they had the honour of showing Her Majesty the various machines exhibited by them, including the Pulsometer "Deane" and other steam pumps, and also the Champion Hand Ice Making Machines, by which ice can be produced in three minutes. The exhibits appeared to afford consider

able interest.

ARSENIC.-The Maybrick poisoning case makes this clear, not for the first time, that in spite of the Sale of Poisons Act cases of accidental poisoning with arsenic may not be uncommon. Very many fly and vermin destroyers contain the powerful poison, arsenic trioxide; and traces of arsenic in one form or another are to be found almost anywhere. Besides the steel-grey kidney-shaped masses of free arsenic found in the Harz, in Bohemia, and at New Haven in the United States, arsenic occurs in many ores and minerals in a state of combination. It is in all mineral waters, and also in sea water. It is used largely in the manufacture of Scheele's green and Emerald green, while many light fabrics are coloured with insoluble arsenical green. Off these as off wall papers the colour is easily rubbed.

THE DEMAND FOR ARTIFICIAL MANURE INCREASES IN MAURITIUS. From Mauritius we hear that the soil is becoming rapidly exhausted by the cultivation of the sugar cane, and that as a consequence the demand for artificial manure is on the increase. Of late years some of the sugar planters have alternated the cane crops with those of a leguminous plant which has no commercial value, but serves to produce a large quantity of humus, which is still in request for the manufacture of manure, and consists principally of sulphate of ammonia and superphosphates of lime, which are shipped from Great Britain, France, and Australia. The importation of pharmaceutical preparations and drugs amounted in 1887 to 262,873 rupees, and this branch of the trade is pretty evenly divided between Great Britain and France.

THE PROPOSED ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EXHIBITION IN EDINBURGH.—The first public meeting of the promoters of the Electrical Engineering and Inventors' Exhibition, which it is proposed to hold in Edinburgh next year, took place in Dowell's Rooms, Edinburgh, the other day. Sir Thomas Clark, Bart, presided. The chairman moved a resolution remitting the matter to an Executive Committee to carry out the scheme, and to report progress to a future meeting of the promoters, which was adopted. The chairman said he hoped they would succeed in getting the project into proper shape. There could be no doubt that such an exhibition would be very useful, for they could not conceal from themselves the fact that electricity was to be a very important force in the future as it had to an extent been in the past. Mr. Hall Blyth, in seconding, said he thought a much nearer site than that proposed at Gorgie should be obtained. Mr. A. R. Bennett expressed the view that the proposed site possessed exceptional advantages. It was centrally situated for the railways and tramways, while the Union Canal would afford a means of illustrating water-power. Mr. Hall Blyth said the site would be the life or death of the exhibition, and the question should be remitted to the Executive Committee to be considered very carefully. This was agreed to, and the proceedings terminated.

Market Reports.


OUR market has ruled very steady during the week. Manganese : There are still no arrivals to report this week; stocks are very much reduced, and prices are very firm, with an upward tendency. Magnesite: Raw lump is easier, stocks having increased- -raw ground, £6. 10s., and calcined ground, £10. to £11. Bauxite (Irish Hill brand) continues in strong demand, at full prices; 20s. for lump; seconds, 15s.; thirds, 12s.; ground, 35s. Dolomite, 7s. 6d. per ton at the mine. French Chalk: Arrivals have been small, but a fair business has been doing, whilst prices are well maintained for G.G.B. "AngelWhite" brand; 90s. to 95s. medium, 100s. to 105s. superfine G.G. B. · Barytes (carbonate) remains easy; selected crystal lump scarce at £6. ; No. 1 lumps, 90s. ; best, 80s. ; seconds and good nuts, 70s.; smalls, 50s.; best ground, £6.; and selected crystal ground, £8. Sulphate is unaltered: best lump, 35s. 6d. ; good medium, 30s.; medium, 25s. 6d. to 27s. 6d.; common, 18s. 6d. to 20s.; ground, best white, G.G.B. brand, 60s. ; common, 45s. ; grey, 32s. 6d. to 40s.


Pumicestone Best qualities in demand, ground being quoted at £10. ; and specially selected lump, finest quality, £13. Iron ore steady; Bilbao and Santander firmer at 9s. to 10s. 6d. f.o.b.; Irish, 10s. 6d. to 11S.; Cumberland, 12s. Purple ore improved at 7s. to 8s. Spanish manganiferous ore quiet at 22s. to 23s. for 20 per cent. Emerystone: Best quality in fair demand, and brings full prices; No. 1 lump is quoted at £5. 10s. to £6.; and smalls, £5. to £5. 10s. Fullers' earth steady: 45s. to 50s. for best blue and yellow;, fine impalpable ground, £7. Wolfram and tungstate of soda, unaltered, and tungstate metal easier. Chrome metal 5s. 6d. per lb. Tungsten alloys, 2s. per lb. Chrome ore enquired for, especially high percentages. Antimony ore continues firm: £16. to £18. for fair quality. Antimony metal is again unchanged. Uranium, 24s. to 26s. Ásbestos: best rock, 17. to £18.; brown grades, £14. to £15. Potter's lead: smalls, 13.; selected lump, 14. to £15. Calamine steady, 60s. to 80s. Strontia, steady: sulphate (celestine) steady, 16s. 6d. to 175. Carbonate (native) £15. to £16.; powdered (manufactured), LII. to 12. Limespar: English manufactured, old G.G.B. brand, brings full prices; 45s. for ground English; German, 50s. Plumbago: Best Ceylon lump, £25. to £35.; good, £20. to £21. ; chips, £8. to £16.; best ground, £20., £25., and £30.; Italian and Bohemian, £4. to £12. per ton. French sand, in cargoes, 16s. to 17s. Ferro-manganese, 70%, £10. Bitumen, finest picked, £35.; original prime, £18. to £23.; and good, £8. Ground mica, £50. China clay: Fair business doing; common, 18s. 6d. ; good medium, 22s. 6d. to 25s. ; best, 30s. to 35s. (at Runcorn).



The seafaring and port labour strike came to a close on Thursday by the surrender of the strikers, and trade matters as a whole have shown very perceptible improvement since. In general chemicals there has been a fair bulk of transactions for forward delivery, accompanied by some slight recuperation in values. Caustic quotations show an upward turn for the first time over the past three months very nearly; and saltcake, soda crystals, bleaching powder, sulphate of copper, and nitrate of soda are also slightly dearer than they were a week ago, while chlorate of potash has continued its late habitual descent by another fraction. Paraffin products are all strong, and Scotch mineral oil share quotations exceptionally healthy, as the result of a well vouched for report last week that the American petroleum supply showed signs of chronic scarcity, as compared with former plethoric abundance. Sulphate of ammonia was towards the end of the week sold by two of the makers down at £11. 15s., rather to the surprise of the market, for the situation, it was thought, although far from robust scarcely warranted so much of a dip. These sales were not repeated, and value since and to-day rests at about £11. 16s. 3d., with, however, almost nothing passing. Bichromates have been very little asked after. General prices current are -Soda crystals, 43s. 6d. net Tyne; alum in lump, L4. 155, less 21⁄2 % Glasgow; borax, English refined, £30., and boracic acid, £37. 10s., net Glasgow; soda ash, 48/52°, Id., less 5 Tyne; caustic soda, white, 76°, £8; 70/72°, £6. 5s. to £6. 7s. 6d. ; 60/62°, £5. 12s. 6d. ; and cream, 60/62°, £5. 5s. to £5. 7s. 6d., all less 21⁄2 Liverpool; bicarbonate of soda, 5 cwt. casks, £4. 15s., and I cwt. casks, £5., net Tyne; refined alkali, 48/52°, 1d., less 14% Tyne; saltcake, 21s. 6d. to 23s. 6d; bleaching powder, £6. 15s. to £7, f.o.r. Glasgow; bichromate of potash, 41⁄2d., and of soda 32d., less 5 and 6% to Scotch and English buyers respectively; chlorate of potash, 4., less 5% any port; nitrate of soda, 8/6d. to 8/9d. ; sulphate of ammonia, LII. 16s. 3d., f.o.b. Leith; salammoniac, first and second white, £36. and £34., less 22% any port; sulphate of copper, £25. 5s.; paraffin scale, hard, 24 d., soft, 2d.; paraffin wax, 120°, semi-refined, 244d.; paraffin spirit (naphtha), 41⁄2d.; paraffin oil (burning), 534 d. to 6d. at works; ditto (lubricating), 865°, 4. 5s. to £4. 10s.; 885°, £5. 15s. to £6., and 890/895°, £6. 15s. to £7. 5s. Week's imports of sugar at Greenock were 13,038 bags.


COLOURS are quiet. Ochres: Oxfordshire quoted at £10., £12., £14.,and 16.; Derbyshire, 50s. to 55s. ; Welsh, best, 50s. to 55s.; seconds, 475. 6d. ; and common, 18s.; Irish, Devonshire, 40s. to 45s.; French J.C., 55s., 45s. to 60s.; M. C., 65s. to 67s. 6d. Umber: Turkish, cargoe to arrive, 40s. to 50s.; Devonshire, 50s. to 55s. White lead, £21. 10s. to £22. Red lead, 19. to £20. Oxide of zinc: V.M. No. 1, 22.; V.M. No. 2, £21. Venetian red, £6. 10s. Cobalt Prepared oxide, 10s. 6d.; black, 9s. 9d.; blue, 6s. 6d. Zaffres: No. 1, 3s. 6d. ; No. 2, 2s. 6d. Terra Alba: Finest white, 60s. : good, 40s. to 50s. Rouge: Best, £24.; ditto for jewellers, 1s. per lb. Drop black, 25s. to 28s. 6d. Oxide of iron, prime quality, £10. to £15. Paris white, 60s. Emerald green, rod. per lb. Derbyshire red. 60s. Vermilionette, 5d. to 7d. per lb.


There has been a rather better tone in the market for Caustic Soda, which being less plentiful on the spot has enabled makers to advance prices a little-70's f.o.b. Liverpool are now £6. 10s. to £6. 15s., according to brand. Chlorate of Potash has been offered at 4%d., but makers are declining business at this figure, meantime Bleaching Powder has slightly improved in value, and on the spot at makers' works is worth £5. 10s. Sulphate of Copper unchanged in position, and nominally £24. 10s. to £25. per ton. Potash Caustic and Carbonate are still scarce for early deliveries, and prices remain very firm. Acetates of Lime, quiet and little doing in brown at £6. 2s. 6d. ; grey, at £9. 15s. to £10. at usual points. Acetate of Soda, Acetic Acids, and Acetates generally are considerably in excess of requirements, and no early improvement in values can be looked for. Acetate of Soda is selling at 15. 15s. to £16. Prussiate of Potash is firm at 7d. per lb. for British makes. Bichromates without change. Muriate of Ammonia is in good demand and with limited supply prices are hardening. The general demand for chemicals in the manufacturing centres and for export has improved during the past month, and greater quantities of material have been going into actual consumption.

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THERE continues to be a fair amount of business doing, and the tendency of prices, both for phosphatic and nitrogenous material, is still to harden.

For Charleston Rock, prompt shipment 10d. per unit, c.i.f. to U.K. port has been paid, and for later shipment 10d. is now the very lowest price. Belgian remains as last quoted. For 55/60% Somme 834 d. is now required, one-fifth rise, for 60/65%, 10d., with rise, and for 65/70% about 111⁄2d., with rise, would have to be paid. Further sales of 70% Canadian have been made at 10d., one-fifth rise, and that price would probably do for further quantity, delivered Thames, Mersey, or Clyde. Quotations for 75% and 80% remain at 111⁄2d. and 13d. respectively.

For autumn shipment £5. paid ex quay Liverpool, for 300 tons Bombay bone meal, and that price would still do for either Hull or Liverpool; £5. 2s. 6d. asked ex-quay Clyde. On spot there is no further Fusiness to report, £5. ex store being required. For 50 tons crushed Calcutta bones, due this month, £4. 15s. would probably do, ex-quay Liverpool, nothing else offering. For a cargo of Liebig's bone meal, £5. 55. paid, delivered Scotch port. There is less eagerness to buy parcels of grinding bones at the advanced prices, but £5. would be paid now for cargoes of River Plate bones U. K. or Continent. Bone ash and spent charcoal as last quoted; nothing of importance doing. Nitrate is very firm at the advance, and although figures do not seem to warrant still higher prices, Operators are shy about committing themselves to sales ahead. Spot value is 8s. 6d. to 8s. 71⁄2d per cent. Liverpool due cargoes are worth 8s. 6d., and September October shipment 9s. 11⁄2d. to 9s. 3d. U.K. or Continent.

The enquiry for dried blood has resulted in parcels on spot being cleared out at 10s. 6d. to 10. 9d. per unit, and sales of River plate to arrive, at under 10s. 6d. ex-quay Liverpool—exact price not allowed to transpire.

There has been a good deal of enquiry within the past few weeks for superphosphates for the States, and manufacturers have been willing to meet buyers fairly in the matter of price for moderate quantities, but not much business has resulted. Manufacturers would hardly care to commit themselves to very large sales unless at an advance on present values, in face of the increasing cost of the raw material.

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The Sulphate of Ammonia market is somewhat weak, and there are sellers at 11. 17s. 6d. f.o.b., Hull and Liverpool, and 11. 16s. 3d. Lath, while speculators report that they have offers even below these prices, £11. 16s. 3d. being reported from Hull, and £11. 15s. Leith. The slackness of the demand is becoming felt, although there is little produced at this season of the year, the absence of buyers makes an unfavourable impression, and makers seem inclined to accept the best prices offered.

There is scarcely any movement in these at present.

New Companies.

BUENA VENTURA NITRATE GROUNDS SYNDICATE, LIMITED.-This syndicate was registered on the 24th ult., with a capital of 10,000., in 100. shares, to acquire, under an agreement to be made between Colonel John Thomas North, John Dawson, Frederick Ford, and W. T. Morrison of the one part, and the comof the other part, certain nitrate deposits and works known as the Bueno pany Ventura Nitrate Works, situate near the Salar de Bellavista, province of Tarapaca, Chili. The subscribers are:

Colonel John T. North, Avery-hill, Eltham, nitrate engineer
Robert Harvey, C. E., 12, Kensington-gore..

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ELECTRIC TRUST, LIMITED.-This company was registered on the 24th ult., with a capital of 660,000., in £10. shares, to construct and carry out works, machinery, and apparatus for the production and transmission, storage, and use of light and heat, and electric, magnetic, or other force. The subscribers are:

Spencer Chadwick, 17, Parliament-street, architect

H. Sampson King, Founder's Hall, St. Swithin's-lane, engineer

J. K. D. Mackenzie, C.E., 15, Gt. George-street

Č. E. Masterman, Alsager, Cheshire, engineer

H. C. Masterman, 52, New Broad-street, solicitor

W. R. Renshaw, Kidsgrove, Stafford, engineer, &c.

E. R. Robson, 9, Bridge-street, Westminster, architect









HEYWOOD AND COMPANY, LIMITED.-This company was registered on the 24th ult., with a capital of £2,000., in 1. shares, to acquire the copyright of The Dyer, Calico Printer, and Textile Review. Mr. Thomas Heywood, of Sidcup, Kent, is appointed managing director.

MASON AND MASON, LIMITED.-This company was registered on the 24th ult., with a capital of 180,000., in £5. shares, to acquire the business of printing ink manufacturers, carried on by Messrs. Mason and Mason, at Farringdon-street, and Fleet-street, and at Plaistow, Essex, 16,000 of the shares are 6 per cent. preference shares. The subscribers are :

Sir C. J. Jessel, Bart., 6, Cadogan-mansions, S.W..

E F. Coates, 99, Gresham-street, stockbroker

D. Birt, Town Hall-chambers, Boro' High-street, solicitor

J. H. S Hanning, Worcester-park, Surrey, chartered accountant
H. C. Green, 6, Bond-street, Holford-square, accountant
T. Mercer, Ewell, Surrey

J. Coates, 99, Gresham-street, stockbroker

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G. H. Dunlop, 7, Rumford-street, Liverpool, cotton broker Lionel Peel, 46, Brown's-buildings, Liverpool, cotton broker T. M. Patterson, 33, Exchange-alley, Liverpool, general broker C. H. Hollins, Brown's-buildings, Liverpool, cotton broker..... C. H. Melly, 33, Brown's-building, Liverpool, cotton broker G. H. Thompson, 33, Brown's-buildings, Liverpool, cotton broker M. S. Hall, Union Bank-buildings, Liverpool, merchant SOUTH BUCKLEY ROCK BRICK COMPANY, LIMITED.-This company was registered on the 27th ult., with a capital of £15,000, in 10 shares, to acquire the business of the North and South Buckley Colliery, Brick and Tile Company, Limited, of the parishes of Mold and Hawarden, county of Flint. The subscribers

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