Sivut kuvina

Railway Company or the Montreal and Province Line Railway Company, for conveying or leasing to such company the railway of the Company, in whole or in part, or any rights or powers acquired under this Act, as also the franchises, surveys, plans, works, plant, material, machinery, and other property to it belonging, or for an amalgamation with such company, or for the purchase or lease by the Company of any or all of the said railways or any sections thereof, and each and all of the said companies may enter into such agreements with the Company, on such terms and conditions as are agreed upon, and subject to such restrictions as to the directors seem fit, provided that and Governor such agreement has been first approved by two-thirds of the votes at a special general meeting of the shareholders duly called for the purpose of considering the which meeting shareholders representing at least two-thirds in value of the stock are present or represented by proxy,—and that such agreement has also received the sanction of the Governor in Council:

Approval of shareholders

in Council.

Notice of application for sanction.

Power of Parliament as to future legislation.

2. Such sanction shall not be signified until after notice of the proposed application therefor has been published in the manner and for the time set forth in section two hundred and thirty-nine of The Railway Act, and also for a like period in one newspaper in each of the counties through which the railway of the Company runs, and in which a newspaper is published.

5. Any Act hereafter passed for the purpose of controlling railway companies incorporated by or subject to Parliament as to the issuing of stock or bonds, and as to rates or tolls and the regulation thereof, and as to running powers over or other rights in connection with the railway of any company by any other company, and the exercise of powers conferred upon railway companies, shall apply to the Company from the time such Act goes into effect; but this section shall not be construed to imply that such Act would not apply to the Company without the enactment of this section.

OTTAWA: Printed by SAMUEL EDWARD DAWSON, Law Printer to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.

CHAP. 44.

An Act respecting the Great Northern Railway


[Assented to 29th June, 1897.]

HEREAS the Great Northern Railway Company has, by Preamble. its petition, prayed that the Acts incorporating the said Company be amended as hereinafter set forth, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition; Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

ss. 3, 10,

1. Sections three and ten of chapter forty of the statutes of 1892, c. 40, 1892, respecting the Great Northern Railway Company, here- repealed. inafter called "the Company," are hereby repealed.

struction of

2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Acts relating Time extendto the Company, the time limited for the completion of the ed for conGreat Northern Railway is hereby extended for a period of railway. three years from the passing of this Act, and, if the railway is not then so completed, then the powers granted by Parliament shall cease and be null and void as respects so much of the railway as then remains uncompleted.

3. The bridge, the construction of which is authorized by Time extendsection five of the said Act of 1892, shall be completed within tion of bridge. ed for complethree years from the passing of this Act; otherwise the powers granted under the said section five shall cease and be null and void.


4. The Company may enter into agreements with the Agreements Lower Laurentian Railway Company or the Quebec and with other Lake St. John Railway Company for conveying or leasing to such company the railway of the Company, in whole, or in part, or any rights or powers acquired under this Act, as also the franchises, surveys, plans, works, plant, material, machinery, and other property to it belonging, or for any amalgamation with either of such companies, or may purchase or lease the railways of the said companies on such terms and

the share

Approval of conditions as are agreed upon, and subject to such restricholders and of tions as to the directors seem fit, provided that each such the Governor agreement has been first approved by two-thirds of the votes

in Council.

Notice of application for ganction.

Agreement confirmed.


Saving, as to
claims against
Quebec and
James Bay

at a special general meeting of the shareholders duly called for the purpose of considering the same, at which meeting shareholders representing at least two-thirds in value of the stock are present or represented by proxy,-and that each such agreement has also received the sanction of the Governor in Council.

2. Such sanction shall not be signified until after notice of the proposed application therefor has been published in the manner and for the time set forth in section two hundred and thirty-nine of The Railway Act, and also for a like period in one newspaper in each of the electoral districts through which the railway of the Company runs, and in which a newspaper is published.

5. The agreement entered into between the Great Northern Railway Company and the Quebec and James Bay Railway Company, set out in the schedule to this Act, is hereby confirmed, and all the rights and privileges conferred upon the said Quebec and James Bay Railway Company by chapter seventy of the statutes of 1887, are hereby transferred to the Great Northern Railway Company, provided the said railway is completed to some point on James Bay within five years from the passing of this Act.

6. Nothing in this Act shall in any way impair or affect any charge, lien or claim now pending, subsisting or outstanding upon or against the Quebec and James Bay RailRailway Co. way Company, or its railway or assets.

Power of Parliament as to future legislation.

7. Any Act hereafter passed for the purpose of controlling railway companies incorporated by or subject to Parliament as to the issuing of stock or bonds, and as to rates or tolls and the regulation thereof, and as to running powers over or other rights in connection with the railway of any company by any other company, and the exercise of powers conferred upon railway companies, shall apply to the Company from the time such Act goes into effect; but this section shall not be construed to imply that such Act would not apply to the Company without the enactment of this section.


AGREEMENT entered into at Quebec this 28th day of April, 1897, between the Quebec and James Bay Railway Company and the Great Northern Railway Company.

Whereas the Quebec and James Bay Railway Company was incorporated by Act of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada 50-51 Victoria, chapter 70, assented to 23rd June, 1887, with power to construct a railway from Quebec or some. point on the Quebec and Lake St. John Railway to some point on or near the shore of James Bay, and whereas work has been begun from Roberval northwards, and whereas it is desirable that the time for the completion of the line and its charter rights should be extended, and such extension can be most conveniently obtained by means of a transfer of its rights to the Great Northern Railway Company, which is controlled by the Quebec and Lake St. John Railway, as contemplated by clause 20 of the said Act, all the three said companies being composed, to a large extent, of the same persons.

Now this agreement witnesseth that the Quebec and James Bay Railway Company, for valuable considerations, hereby transfers and makes over to the Great Northern Railway Company, accepting thereof, all the rights, privileges and franchises. conferred upon the said Quebec and James Bay Railway Company by the said Act of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, 50-51 Victoria, chapter 70.




Secretary pro tem.

Quebec and James Bay Ry. Co.





Great Northern Railway Co.

OTTAWA: Printed by SAMUEL EDWARD DAWSON, Law Printer to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty.

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