PREFACE. THE first edition of this work was specially designed as a guide to Out-Door Officers in Her Majesty's Customs whose duties, on promotion to the rank of Examining Officer and Gauger, necessitated immediate practical instructions in Gauging and the attendant operations allowed to be performed in Bond. The present edition, embracing all the important regulations issued since first publication, has been carefully revised, and— by the extension of the Index to the General Orders, and by placing the Board's order or authority at the end of the paragraph to which it refers-will also form a handy book of reference to all engaged in the superintendence of the various operations. It is hoped that the List of Officers, the Departmental Examination Questions, and the Collectors' Grade or Class, will be looked upon by the Officers as a valuable Addenda to the work. DUMFRIES, 1st November, 1877. EXAMINATION OF WINES AND SPIRITS IN CASES INDEX TO GENERAL ORDERS RELATING TO WINES & SPIRITS 113 THE GENERAL ORDERS ON WET GOODS ISSUED BY THE ... iii. THE PORTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM WITH THE REVENUE ... ... ... ERRATA. Page 14.-9th line, for "calculation" read "calculated." 14.-17th line, for "inches" read "wet inches." 27.-11th for "suspicien " read suspicion." 41.-34th 41.-37th for "Casks read "Cask." 48.-Lines 8 to 11 to be erased. 55.-36th line, for "2" read "12." vi.—(Addenda),-Practical Questions-time allowed two hours. The Port Class-Number for Bradford and Leeds should be (8) instead of (9). |