Nicaragua a HandbookU.S. Government Printing Office, 1892 - 183 sivua |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 26
... .. Railroad Station at Granada .. A Nicaraguan House . Príncipal Street , Greytown . Cathedral at Leon .. ... Frontispiece . Page . I 7 20 30 42 53 56 79 83 105 Chapter I. GEOGRAPHY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES . Nicaragua , from V.
... .. Railroad Station at Granada .. A Nicaraguan House . Príncipal Street , Greytown . Cathedral at Leon .. ... Frontispiece . Page . I 7 20 30 42 53 56 79 83 105 Chapter I. GEOGRAPHY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES . Nicaragua , from V.
Sivu 5
... Granada , long the rival of Leon for the site of the national capital . A few miles from Granada , is the extinct volcanic peak of Mombacho . Forty miles distant , and near the same shore , is the city of Rivas , built on or near the ...
... Granada , long the rival of Leon for the site of the national capital . A few miles from Granada , is the extinct volcanic peak of Mombacho . Forty miles distant , and near the same shore , is the city of Rivas , built on or near the ...
Sivu 8
... Granada , Nicaragua , Matagalpa , Monimbo , Chontales , and Quezaltepeque . Under the ordinances published by Charles III in 1778 , the prov- ince of Nicaragua was divided into five political divisions , León , Matagalpa , Realejo ...
... Granada , Nicaragua , Matagalpa , Monimbo , Chontales , and Quezaltepeque . Under the ordinances published by Charles III in 1778 , the prov- ince of Nicaragua was divided into five political divisions , León , Matagalpa , Realejo ...
Sivu 29
... ( Granada ) In the Department of― ... Trees . 15 , 000 , 000 I , 000 , 000 Carazo Jinotega Matagalpa . Masaya .. Ribas ... 5 , 000 , 000 I , 844 , 000 I , 294 , 600 I , 000 , 000 50,000 30 , 000 Chinandega . Chontales . Total 30 , 000 25 ...
... ( Granada ) In the Department of― ... Trees . 15 , 000 , 000 I , 000 , 000 Carazo Jinotega Matagalpa . Masaya .. Ribas ... 5 , 000 , 000 I , 844 , 000 I , 294 , 600 I , 000 , 000 50,000 30 , 000 Chinandega . Chontales . Total 30 , 000 25 ...
Sivu 32
... Granada to the port of Corinto , per 100 pounds , 65 cents . From Masaya to the port of Corinto , per 100 pounds ... Granada to San Jorge , thence by wagons or carts to the port of San Juan del Sur on the Pacific ; or it can be ...
... Granada to the port of Corinto , per 100 pounds , 65 cents . From Masaya to the port of Corinto , per 100 pounds ... Granada to San Jorge , thence by wagons or carts to the port of San Juan del Sur on the Pacific ; or it can be ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
applicant Argüello artículos semejantes Bluefields bordados cacao calzado Caribbean Sea cartón caucho Central America cents Chamorro Chichigalpa Chinandega Chontales clase coffee Commercial Directory concession Corinto cotton cual deposits Derechos por libra district Dollars Duty per pound embroidered especificadas export feet Fernando Francisco gold or silver Government Granada Greytown Hand Book hierro Hijo Hnos hombres Import Duties India rubber iron José Juan del Norte kinds labrado Lacayo Lake Managua Lake Nicaragua lana land León lisa ó labrada liso ó machinery madera Managua Manuel manufacturado manufactured Masaya Matagalpa materia metal miles mineral mining properties Momotombo month mujer Nicaragua Canal obras oro ni plata ounces Pacific Papel Pesos plain plant port Posoltega produces Quezalguaque railroad Republic route Sabana Grande Salvador San Juan River seda shoes siendo oro silk similar articles similar textures steamers sugar tejido semejante TITLE toda clase tree United vestidos wood
Suositut otteet
Sivu 66 - House shall, during the session, adjourn for more than three days, without the consent of the other.
Sivu 140 - It is understood that the packages or coverings in which the articles named in the foregoing schedule are imported shall enter free of duty if they are usual and proper for the purpose.
Sivu 140 - America, shall place no undue restrictions on the importer, nor impose any additional charges or fees therefor on the articles imported. And whereas the Secretary of State has, by my direction, given assurance to the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of...
Sivu 2 - Baily's map, at about latitude from 14" to 15° north, and longitude 83° west from the meridian of Greenwich; and thence southerly along the shore of the Caribbean Sea to the mouth of the River Rama, the point of commencement.
Sivu 139 - An act to reduce the revenue and equalize duties on imports, and for other purposes, ' ' the Secretary of State of the United States of America communicated to the Government of...
Sivu 141 - America, is accepted as a due reciprocity for the action of Congress, as set forth in Section 3 of said Act : Now...
Sivu 139 - State the fact that, in reciprocity for the admission into the United States of America free of all duty of the articles enumerated in section 3 of said act, the Government of...
Sivu 53 - The survey for the remainder of the railroad line, extending to the San Juan River at Ochoa, has been completed ; in fact, there have been two lines surveyed and profiles prepared in sufficient detail to enable a close estimation of cost. Between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific the railroad line is also located, and everything made ready...
Sivu 46 - Coast, possesses, both for the construction and maintenance of a canal, greater advantages, and offers fewer difficulties from engineering, commercial and economic points of view than any of the other routes shown to be practicable by surveys sufficiently in detail to enable a judgment to be formed of their relative merits, as will be briefly presented in the appended memorandum.
Sivu 2 - Such district shall be comprised in a line which shall begin at the mouth of the River Rama in the Caribbean Sea ; thence it shall run up the midcourse of that river to its source, and from such source proceed in a line due west to the meridian of 84° 15...