Laws of the State of New York, Nide 1,Osat 1–4711925 |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 6 - 10 kokonaismäärästä 99
Sivu 71
... amount of two hundred and eight thousand dollars to pay the city's share of the cost of said improvements , and in the amount of forty - six 3 Previously amended by L. 1911 , ch . 282 . 4 Words " rear admiral " substituted for word ...
... amount of two hundred and eight thousand dollars to pay the city's share of the cost of said improvements , and in the amount of forty - six 3 Previously amended by L. 1911 , ch . 282 . 4 Words " rear admiral " substituted for word ...
Sivu 73
... amount of taxes levied therein , county obligations or moneys made available and deposited with the county treasurers for the construction and improvement of high- ways or county roads pursuant to section three hundred and twenty - a of ...
... amount of taxes levied therein , county obligations or moneys made available and deposited with the county treasurers for the construction and improvement of high- ways or county roads pursuant to section three hundred and twenty - a of ...
Sivu 95
... amount collected shall be paid over , on or before the fifth day of each month , to the supervisor . § 2. This act shall take effect immediately . CHAPTER 74 AN ACT to extend for two years the time of Frontier Electric Railway Company ...
... amount collected shall be paid over , on or before the fifth day of each month , to the supervisor . § 2. This act shall take effect immediately . CHAPTER 74 AN ACT to extend for two years the time of Frontier Electric Railway Company ...
Sivu 96
... amount fixed as the price at which such lots will be sold and conveyed , and upon the application of a prospective purchaser of any such lot and upon the payment by such purchaser of the purchase price and the amount fixed as a ...
... amount fixed as the price at which such lots will be sold and conveyed , and upon the application of a prospective purchaser of any such lot and upon the payment by such purchaser of the purchase price and the amount fixed as a ...
Sivu 103
... amount not exceeding in the aggre- gate the sum of eighty thousand dollars , par value , for the pur- pose of ... amount , rate of interest , when payable and name or names of the purchaser or purchasers thereof . record ...
... amount not exceeding in the aggre- gate the sum of eighty thousand dollars , par value , for the pur- pose of ... amount , rate of interest , when payable and name or names of the purchaser or purchasers thereof . record ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
00 Assistant 00 Clerk 00 Stenographer act relating act shall take ACT to amend added by chapter amended by chapter amended to read amount appointed approval assessment authorized Became a law board of trustees bonds centum certificate chapter one hundred chapter three hundred commissioner comptroller consolidated laws constituting chapter corporation county highway Delaware river district enact as follows entitled An act exceed filed fund Governor hereby amended hundred and nine issued lands last amended law April law March laws of nineteen MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION March 16 ment moneys nineteen hundred paid Passed payment PERSONAL SERVICE police Previously amended purposes read as follows real property Repairs represented in Senate section one hundred section three hundred section two hundred Senate and Assembly subd subdivision superintendent take effect immediately tax lien therein thereof three-fifths being present tion town board treasurer village Westchester county York