The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer of Pleas, and Exchequer of Chamber, ...E. B. Ince, 1851 |
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Sivu 41
... Peace , with a view of en- forcing it . The application was made under the statute 12 & 13 Vict . c . 45. s . 18 , by which it is enacted , " that in all cases where any order shall be made by any Court of General or Quarter Sessions of ...
... Peace , with a view of en- forcing it . The application was made under the statute 12 & 13 Vict . c . 45. s . 18 , by which it is enacted , " that in all cases where any order shall be made by any Court of General or Quarter Sessions of ...
Sivu 68
... peace of God and of our said Lady the Queen then and there being , feloniously did make an assault , and him , the said George Smith , in bodily fear and danger of his life then and there feloniously did put , and two pieces of current ...
... peace of God and of our said Lady the Queen then and there being , feloniously did make an assault , and him , the said George Smith , in bodily fear and danger of his life then and there feloniously did put , and two pieces of current ...
Sivu 189
... Peace - Conviction of Assault . An information made before a Magistrate stated , that the informant having been as- saulted and beaten by another person prayed that he might be bound over to keep the peace towards him . On the ...
... Peace - Conviction of Assault . An information made before a Magistrate stated , that the informant having been as- saulted and beaten by another person prayed that he might be bound over to keep the peace towards him . On the ...
Sivu 190
... peace . Whereupon Edwards stated that he did not complain of the assault before them , but that his only application to them was that Mitchelmore should be bound to find sureties to keep the peace ; and that he intended to take ...
... peace . Whereupon Edwards stated that he did not complain of the assault before them , but that his only application to them was that Mitchelmore should be bound to find sureties to keep the peace ; and that he intended to take ...
Sivu 201
... peace for the liberty such city , & c .; and enacts that every in- does not contain any non intromittant clause , and Justices of the Peace for the the " H. M. Dyer ( L.S. ) " denture for the binding of parish appren- tices within any ...
... peace for the liberty such city , & c .; and enacts that every in- does not contain any non intromittant clause , and Justices of the Peace for the the " H. M. Dyer ( L.S. ) " denture for the binding of parish appren- tices within any ...
Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
12 Vict act of parliament aforesaid amend amount appeal apply appointed assault assistant barrister assizes authority benefice bishop borough building certificate certiorari chairman chapel of ease charged church or chapel civil bill clerk Commissioners committed conviction costs Court Court of Chancery decree defendant diocese district Dublin duties ecclesiastical person Enacted entitled evidence exceeding execution expenses felony guardians guilty hereby hereinafter indictment Ireland Judge jurisdiction jury Justices Land Revenues lawful liable LORD CAMPBELL Lord Chancellor lunatic Majesty's Treasury Majesty's Woods manner matter notice offence overseers paid parish Parliament party pauper payable payment peace penalty person or persons plaintiff powers premises prisoner proceedings prosecution purpose Quarter Sessions Queen Railway recited Acts regulations removal rent replevin residence respect road shew South-Eastern Railway Company statute tenant tenements therein thereof tion township United Kingdom vessel warrant
Suositut otteet
Sivu 22 - Felony, without otherwise describing the previous felony ; and a certificate containing the substance and effect only, (omitting the formal part) of the Indictment and conviction for the previous Felony, purporting to be signed by the Clerk of the Court or other Officer...
Sivu 114 - Statute shall be understood to include several Matters as well as One Matter, and several Persons as well as One Person, and Females as well as Males, and Bodies Corporate as well as Individuals, unless it be otherwise specially provided, or there be something in the Subject or Context repugnant to such Construction...
Sivu 77 - Viet. c. 85, s. 1 1, it is enacted, '•' that on the trial of any person for any of the offences hereinbefore mentioned, or for any felony whatever, where the crime charged shall include an assault against the person, it shall be lawful for the jury to acquit of the felony, and to find a verdict of guilty of assault against the person indicted, if the evidence shall warrant such finding...
Sivu 23 - Person so offending shall be guilty of Felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be transported beyond the Seas for the Term of his...
Sivu 44 - ... to this Act annexed, or as near thereto as the circumstances of the case will admit...
Sivu 25 - ... be paid into the Bank of England, in the name and with the privity of the...
Sivu 26 - If such money shall be paid in respect of any buildings taken under the authority of this or the special act, or injured by the proximity of the works...
Sivu 241 - Day, or at any Time except between the Hours of Nine in the Morning and Four in the Afternoon...
Sivu 199 - Conviction, shall not be forthwith paid, the same shall be levied by Distress and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of the Offender, by Warrant under ~,'.'". .. the Hand and Seal of such...
Sivu 12 - ... shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and being convicted thereof shall be liable at the discretion of the court to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years, with or without hard labour.