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" A DICTIONARY, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. "
Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review - Sivu 451
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Antonio Perez and Philip II.

Mignet (M., François-Auguste-Marie-Alexis) - 1846 - 388 sivua
...They comprise a full account of the pretent state of the Britiih Empire. Swo. 5*. tewed. M'CULLOCH.— A DICTIONARY. PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL, AND HISTORICAL, OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By JR M'Culloch, Esq. A New Edition, corrected, enlarged, and improved. Svo. with Maps and Plans, 50*....

Sketches from Flemish life, in 3 tales. Transl

Hendrik Conscience - 1846 - 270 sivua
...They comprise n fait account of the present state of the British Empire. Svo. 5s. tewedi M'CULLOCH.— A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL. THEORETICAL. AND HISTORICAL, OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By JR M'Calloch, Esq. An entirely New Editioni corrected throughout, eularged, and improved. 1 very think...

Railways; Their Rise, Progress, and Construction: With Remarks on Railway ...

Robert Ritchie - 1846 - 736 sivua
...of the present Hate of the United Kingdom, the Oregon Territory, ete. Swo, 5s. tewed. M'CULLOCH.— A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL, AND HISTORICAL, OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By JR M'Culloch, Esq. A New Edition, corrected, eularged, and improved. Svo. with Maps and Plsns, 50s....

Notes on the Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Schism from the Church of ...

Samuel Laing - 1846 - 314 sivua
...Edition. They comprite a pretty full account ofthepretentttate of the Britith Empire. M'CULLOCH.— A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL. AND HISTORICAL, OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By JR M'Culloch, Esq. An entirely New Edition, corrected throughout, enlarged, and improved. 1 very thick...

The odes of Horace, literally tr. into Engl. verse by H. G. Robinson. 2 vols ...

Quintus Horatius Flaccus - 1846 - 156 sivua
...the preteot líate of the Uoited Kiogdom, the Oregoo Teryitory, ete. Sro. 5s. tewed. M'CULLOCH.— A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL, AND HISTORICAL OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By JH M'Colloeh Esq. A New E,lltioo, eoreeeted, eolarged, aod improred. Sro. with Maps aod Plaos, 50s....

The Journey of Life

Catherine Sinclair - 1847 - 400 sivua
...of the pretent itate of the United Kingdom, the Oregon Territory, etc. Soo. 5i. tewed. M'CULLOCH.— A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL. AND HISTORICAL, OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By J. RM'Culloch, Esq. A New Edition, corrected to March, 1S47- Svo. with Maps and Plans, 60i. cloth ; or...

The seasons, ed. with notes by A.T. Thomson

James Thomson - 1847 - 504 sivua
...The new Articles are printed tep. imprise afnll acco\ ' ' ' " etc. Svo. i<s. teteed. M'CULLOCH.— A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL, AND HISTORICAL, OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By JR M'Culloch, Esq. A New Edition, corrected, enlarged, nnd improved. Svo. with Maps and F'lfiius, ;,)i*....


de la chambre des representants - 1847 - 232 sivua
...contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce de terre et de mer, etc., etc. Paris; 2 vol. gr. in-8°. 3095. A dictionary, practical , theoretical and historical of commerce, and commercial navigation : by J.-R. Mc COLLOCH. London, 1844; in-8°. A supplement to the edition of Mr. Mc CULLOCH'S commercial...

Travels in the East, tr. from [Reise in den Orient] by W.E. Shuckard

Lobegott Friedrich Constantin Tischendorf - 1847 - 350 sivua
...FUNDING SYSTEM. By JR M'Culloch, Esq. 8vo. 15g. cloth. 20 NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS M'CULLOOH.— A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL, AND HISTORICAL, OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By JH M'Culloch, Esq. A New Edition, corrected to March, 1S47. Svo. with Maps and Plans, 50s. cloth ;...

Lectures on the physical phenomena of living beings. Translated under the ...

Carlo MATTEUCCI - 1847 - 488 sivua
...ompriie a full account of the pretent ttate of the United Kingdom, the Oregon Territory, M'CULLOCH.— A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL, AND HISTORICAL, OF COMMERCE, AND COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. By JR M'Culloch, Esq. A New Edition, corrected, eularged, and improved. Svo. with Maps and Flint, 60,....

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