| 1899 - 804 sivua
...kinds, containing spirits, and not specially provided for in this Act. $2.25 per proof gallon. 293. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected,...proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof, and all imitations of brandy or spirits or wines imported by any names whatever shall... | |
 | 1899 - 890 sivua
...twenty-live cents'per proof gallon. 293. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collecte»!, and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous...proportion for any greater strength than the strength of first proof, anil all imitations of brandy or spirits or wines imported hy anv names whatever shall... | |
 | 1899 - 782 sivua
...provided for in this Act, J2.25 per proof gallon. 2H;J. No lower rate or amount of duty shall IKlevied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages than that iixed by law for the description of first proof; but it shall be increased in proportion for any greater... | |
 | Spanish-American Directories Co., New York - 1901 - 1082 sivua
...and not specially provided for in this Act, two dollars and twenty-five cents per proof gallon. 2Ü3. No lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected,...other spirituous beverages than that fixed by law for th<» description of first proof; but it shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength... | |
 | 1884 - 904 sivua
...and not specially enumerated or pnwided for in this act, two dollars per proof gallon. N" lower rat« or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid on brandy, spirits, and other spir:. 'us beverages than that fixed bv law for the doKripdon of first proof; but it shall be increased... | |
 | 1904 - 762 sivua
...The tax on such spirits shall be collected on the whole number of gauge liters when below proof, and shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof spirit as defined in this article, and any fractional part of a liter amounting to a half liter... | |
 | United States. War Department - 1904 - 770 sivua
...The tax on such spirits shall be collected on the whole number of gauge liters when below proof, and shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof spirit as defined in this article, and any fractional part of a liter amounting to a half liter... | |
 | United States. War Department - 1904 - 764 sivua
...The tax on such spirits shall be collected on the whole number of gauge liters when below proof, and shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof spirit as defined in this article, and any fractional part of a liter amounting to a half liter... | |
 | 1906 - 466 sivua
...bonded warehouse. The tax on such spirits shall be collected on the whole number of proof liters, and shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof spirit as defined in this article, and any fractional part of a liter, amounting to a half liter... | |
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